The Long-awaited Mr Han

701 Do you know what happened to Han Zhuoli?

Later, when I knew the truth, I looked back and found that at that time He Zhengbai had deceived her. Although she had not broken up with her, she would deceive her and try to save her, but in fact she was perfunctory.

She was mad at the time, without a head of flies, and only hoped that Yu Hezhengbai could save her, and where can he see his perfunctory?

But at that time, He Zhengbo was already impatient with her.

I'm afraid I can't wait for her to go to jail to get rid of her.

When she was released from prison, she was treated like a beggar. She was full of disgust. She did not want to have any involvement with her at all. She also did not want to admit that she had been in contact with her. Stains.

In his previous life, He Zhengbo had to stay away from her and no longer had any relationship with her.

But in this life, it would even run around her.

This makes Lu Man really do not understand. Since He Zhengbai likes Lu Qi so much in his last life, and he has been together smoothly in this life, he and Lu Qi should be well together.

How about trying to haunt her again?

Lu Man is a connoisseur in face-to-face combat.

But in the emotional part, Lu Man has little experience.

In fact, she didn't know that since He Zhengbai only used Lu Qi from beginning to end, and Lu Qi's growth was good, the combination of money and money was not a disadvantage to He Zhengbai.

He Zhengbai has been with Lucky for the rest of his life.

But in this life, the trajectory has been different.

The Lu family is in a downward trend, and Lu Qi is no longer a popular actress in her previous life. For He Zhengbai, the use value is already far less than that of her previous life.

In her previous life, Lu Man was imprisoned at the age of 22 and released at the age of 30. Her eight years in prison have already made her aging early.

At the age of 30, he is more than forty years old after he is released from prison.

How could He Zhengbai look like her like that.

In this life, Lu Man is getting more and more beautiful. With beautiful edge, He Zhengbai, after being tired of Lu Qi, realizes that Lu Man is better, and finds that she is far better than Lu Qi.

In this life, being with Lu Man has more face than being with Lu Qi.

Naturally, it entangled again.

Lu Man was puzzled and looked at He Zhengbai with a repulsive look, wishing he would stay away from her, the farther the better.

He Zhengbai was immediately stimulated by Lu Man's gaze.

Coupled with the previous Lu Man's play, under the hatred of the old and the new, He Zhengbai became angry and angry, "Lu Man, does your boyfriend know that you had broken things with Han Zhuoli before?"

He Zhengbai still remembers that Lu Qi missed Lu Hanli and missed Lu Manli on the day they wanted to frame Lu Man. They went to the hotel room to catch Lu Man, but they saw Lu Man didn't wear anything and wrapped only a bath towel in Han Zhuoli's arms.

He Zhengbai never thought that Lu Man would develop any actual relationship with Han Zhuoli, but he was just played by Han Zhuoli.

Lu Man now has a boyfriend, but He Zhengbai never associates with Han Zhuoli.

I just think that it was Lu Man and Han Zhuoli that ended long ago, and then they found another boyfriend.

What she did with Han Zhuoli was a stain.

Her current boyfriend is also very good at home, and the elders at home support her.

If you let them know about Lu Man's past, they don't know that it's not the same attitude.

"Your boyfriend's home is not bad, at least a few dollars. And the elders of your boyfriend's family are very supportive of you. If you know that you have made Han Zhuoli's bed before. Companion, I don't know how to look at you. "Does your boyfriend know?" He Zhengbai sneered, as if disdainful, "Today Han Zhuoli is here again, you posted it on your back, are you planning to renew her lead with Han Zhuoli? Are you afraid your boyfriend knows?"