The Long-awaited Mr Han

815 Little Scene

"Shut up!" Principal Liu appeared.

Xia Qingyang was shocked by President Liu's sudden roar, and the subconsciously stopped.

At this time, Guodian students were all around. President Liu said aloud: "Don't watch the excitement! Hurry up and make way, don't block the school entrance."

At this time, the security guard who had just been hiding was running quickly, "Principal."

When Xia Qingyang heard it, he came as a principal.


She stepped forward immediately, "The principal, right! You judge it, Lu Man is a student of your school, and such a student also wants your school? She doesn't even recognize her father!"

Principal Liu sneered, "Who are you, coming to pretend to be the parents of the students in our school, to make trouble?"

Xia Qingyang twitched his face and hurriedly said: "We are not impersonating, it is true! He is Lu Man's father!"

Xia Qingyang pointed to Lu Qiyuan and said, "We are Lu Qi's mother. You will know if you call Lu Qi out."

"Hurry up! Don't make trouble here!" Principal Liu banged people, "Everyone who knows Lu Qi knows that Lu Qi was born into a wealthy man, her father is the boss of a big company, and her mother is a lady. Can you call you at our school like you Can it be like you, spitting and rolling at the school door like a shrew? Do not believe Lu Qi came out and asked, is it right! "

Lu Qi was really here at this time, but when he heard President Liu's words, he hid up.

Someone saw Lu Qi and asked, "Lu Qi, is that your parents at the door?"

Lu Qi hid back, and quickly said, "No."

As Xia Qingyang did, she felt ashamed.

And President Li said all that. If she was an adult at this time, she would n’t even want her to follow the embarrassment.

Xia Qingyang heard the old face blush, and President Liu made her admit that it was neither, nor that she did not admit it.

Admitted, that is, what he and Lu Qiyuan said were false. They came to frame Lu Man and came to touch the porcelain.

But if you don't admit it, does it mean that you really become a shrew?

Lu Qiyuan has become a rogue!

Xia Qingyang gritted his teeth angrily, and his heart was so painful that he couldn't breathe.

Principal Liu, he's so angry!

President Liu saw that Xia Qingyang was really frightened, so he said loudly, "I tell you that Lu Man is an outstanding student of our school and a signboard student of our school and has won many honors for our school! School, you are not allowed to slander Lu Man! "

Both Lu Qiyuan and Xia Qingyang were suffocated. Principal Liu shook off Xia Qingyang and went to Lu Man. He separated Lu Qiyuan and blocked him intentionally or unintentionally.

"Lu Man, you go first, let me over here." Principal Liu said.

Lu Man looked at Lu Qiyuan and Xia Qingyang, and apologetically said to President Liu: "Sorry, I'm in trouble for the school."

"It's all right." Principal Liu didn't care.

Lu Qiyuan and Xia Qingyang are nothing more than slapstick, they also have to face, fearing that they will be exposed to shame.

Just know to face.

Those who want to face are better to deal with a little.

This is a small scene for President Liu.

Before coming to Guodian as the principal, he also went to support the poor, old and young, and the poor areas.

Lu Qiyuan and Xia Qingyang dealt with Lu Man.

After all, Lu Man is young, and although smart, he still lacks experience in such things.

But he is very experienced!