Lu Man looked at Lu Qi in front of her eyes, seeing Lu Qi sitting back, and raised her ears to listen to them.

"It's hard to find. After all, not everyone can be like Wei Feng. With so much title fees, plus the program has not been recorded yet, the word of mouth is already broken. Who can invest in it. Pan Xue said.

"So, the show crew is not asking for high title fees anymore. For 30 or 40 million, just give it a little, and find other advertisers to make up. Do n’t let the show be too shameful. Just now Time is tight. If the advertisers press the price again, it will be cheaper. "Lu Man lowered his voice a little.

Lu Qi was about to hear Lu Man's voice, and she could not help leaning her body back even more, leaning her neck to listen to Lu Man's words.

"Even in this way, is anyone willing to invest money in" Performer "? After all, this program has a bad reputation now." Zheng Yuan asked with a worried expression.

"I haven't started recording yet, I'm not sure about anything. Netizens are sometimes quite forgetful. Now they look at the program group all the time, but when the program is broadcast, there are stars they like, you say they can't chase The power of fans is very powerful. No matter whether the result wins or loses, whether there is insider, just look at the face of your idol and lick the screen all the way, you ca n’t do it. ”Lu Man said.

Pan Xue nodded, "You are talking about me."

Lu Man pointed at Pan Xue with a smile, "Look, there is a ready-made example!"

"If someone tells me this, I definitely don't believe it, but if Lu Man said it, I believe it." Han Leilei also crooked Lu Qi's position, letting her hear clearly, "I believe Lu Man's Judge. "

"That's true, after all, Lu Man's achievements along the way are obvious to all."

"Now look at who can pick up this cheap." Lu Man said.

Lu Qi kept this in mind.

After class, I can't wait to leave.

"You said, did she go back and tell Lu Qiyuan?" Pan Xue whispered.

Pan Xue really opened his eyes to see Xia Qingyang sloppy at the school gate that day and Lu Qiyuan's unreasonable and eccentric bias to the Pacific Ocean.

That kind of father is really speechless.

No wonder Lu Man does not recognize him!

If she were, she wouldn't recognize it!

Lu Man is good everywhere, just like Lu Qiyuan is a dad.

Han Leilei also said, "Lanman is so capable now, a few years younger than us, but his IQ, EQ, and affairs are higher than some unknown positions, all because of the growth environment."

Han Leilei also said to Pan Xue: "You can be so simple and stubborn, not because of your parents' favor? Because Lu Man doesn't have anything, you have to rely on yourself, so you have become like today. You envy Lu Man's ability, but Lu Man has paid a lot for it. If you are also so smart and capable, but you have to experience what Lu Man has experienced, what are you doing? "

Pan Xue thought of Lu Qiyuan and Xia Qingyang, and shook his head immediately, shaking his head without thinking, "absolutely not."

Pan Xue, Zheng Yuan and Han Leilei have seen it with their own eyes, and this is just the tip of the iceberg they saw.

It's hard to imagine how many such things Lu Lu experienced from small to large.

Therefore, when Lu Man discussed with them and wanted to give Lu Qiyuan a lesson, they agreed without thinking.