The Long-awaited Mr Han

1562 Why Are You Here?

There was a wind in his throat, and there was a little pain in his throat when he spoke.

"Don't worry, you have to rest quickly." Teacher Yao said, "Otherwise, when you try the lines for a while, the impact will not be good."

Luo Yijun nodded and took the time to recover.

Teacher Hong said helplessly: "Have you run all the way?"

Luo Yijun said embarrassedly: "It's easy to have this opportunity. I'm afraid that I will be late if I come too late."

Teacher Hong didn't speak a few words, but she also felt that President Liu's decision to ask for a replacement was done right.

With regard to Luo Yijun's mentality, he will definitely seize this opportunity, which is much more reliable than Dong Jingxi.

"Now that Luo Yijun has come, let me go in and talk about it." Principal Liu said.

When President Liu entered the classroom, Deng Xu had just received excerpts from the studio and excerpts from the movie.

It is being handed over to the assistant to print out a few copies and distribute them to the students so that they can try out the lines.

Principal Liu walked to Deng Xu and whispered, "Director Deng, I'm really sorry. The people on the students' side have chosen a little change. I want to decide the role before I start the test line. , Much more time-consuming. "

"Oh?" Deng Xu was worried about whether some students with backgrounds were inserted and replaced.

Deng Xu has never waited for this kind of backdoor.

He is also well-known now, and filming can be completely autonomous. Coupled with Hanbang, Hanbang will not be confused even if he is an artist.

Deng Xu's drama hasn't been blocked by any investor or the like.

Principal Liu didn't know Deng Xu misunderstood and explained: "I want to replace Dong Jingxi. I see her performance and worry that she can't concentrate on acting well."

Focusing on Lu Man and grabbing the limelight, how much energy can be left to act?

Deng Xu suddenly realized that Deng Xu could not see the thoughts of Dong Jingxi like a little girl.

It's just that he just came to help rehearsal. The students were selected by the school, and he was not good at interfering.

But now that Dong Jingxi is going to be replaced, Deng Xu is quite happy.

As President Liu said, he also needs an actor to concentrate on acting.

"Has the replacement been found?" Deng Xu asked.

Director Liu heard Deng Xu Songkou and immediately smiled: "Already waiting at the door, as long as you agree."

"What is the strength of the students, or the teachers in your school know best, so I have no problem here." Deng Xu said with a smile.

Principal Liu said yes to Deng Xu, so he went to Dong Jingxi. In order to save her face, instead of speaking out in front of everyone, he waved, "Dong Jingxi, you come."

Dong Jingxi suddenly felt bad looking at President Liu's expression.

I always feel that there is no good thing.

After lingering out with Principal Liu, he saw that Luo Yijun was also outside.

"Why are you here?" Dong Jingxi asked directly.

Principal Liu said: "We just discussed a little bit. The candidates for this competition have changed a little bit, and Luo Yijun will replace you. I know you have other jobs, so go ahead and do your job first. Here at the competition, You do n’t have to worry about it anymore. "

Dong Jingxi's face changed, if the school's director teacher directed, she would not be too lost even if she was replaced.

There will be anger, and anyone who is replaced will be angry.

But angry because he lost face, he didn't feel that he had lost anything.

But now, Deng Xu is here. This is a director she may not be able to reach for many years.