The Long-awaited Mr Han

1952 New Neighbor

"By the way, you seem to have a new neighbor upstairs." Sister Mu said, "but it shouldn't have moved in yet, my husband said, these days I always see a moving company come to move furniture or something."

Speaking, I saw a few more people holding the box in and out.

"These are my neighbors upstairs?" Shi Xiaoya asked.

"Yes." Sister Mu nodded. "I know someone will move in, but I haven't seen it."

Because all elevators enter the house, one floor at a time, they will not bother each other.

That is, if you are unlucky, the people who meet upstairs and downstairs are not of good quality. You get together in the middle of the night and make a lot of noise.

After all, having money does not mean having quality.

Basically, as long as the complaint is made, the property will take someone to stop it.

But this is also troublesome. If you encounter unreasonable ones, come directly to you.

Therefore, it is best to be safe with each other.

Shi Xiaoya had never encountered it, but there was a resident on the second floor before, who rented a house here.

Probably not because your family is not distressed. The residents on the first floor can hear the sound of stomping upstairs and running up and down every night at night. The chandelier at home is buzzing.

There is no less to find a property to mediate.

Although it is usually an elevator to enter the house, there are not many opportunities to go out and meet, but it can always be met.

Just like now, Shi Xiaoya and Sister Mu also met, and they knew each other.

The tenants on the second floor were almost unhappy with everyone in the building.

Fortunately, the lease expired and the other party moved away.

Shi Xiaoya said, "I hope to get along well and have a high quality. My neighbors upstairs were very good before. I do n’t know why I wanted to move out, did I rent out the house?"

Sister Mu shook her head, "I heard that it was sold."

Sister Mu is worthy of doing business, it can be said to be exquisite.

It's amazing that she doesn't need to inquire deliberately, and often just asks a few words at random to make things clear.

"And the other party is actively asking for a price that is more than double the market price, so the original owner feels that this is a good thing. Why not sell it for a profit."

Their prices are indeed high, but if they are doubled, they can buy more high-end luxury homes.

I don't know what the new neighbour's origin is, so willful.

"I have to go quickly." Sister Mu looked at the table and said.

"Sister Mu went all the way." Shi Xiaoya said with a smile.

Sister Mu was sent away, and she and Han Zhuoling only entered the elevator.

Anyway, the new neighbor has n’t moved in yet, and I do n’t know what it looks like.

It is useless to think about unknown things now, and Shi Xiaoya ignores them first.

After a busy day, I hurried back, and Shi Xiaoya was no longer able to cook.

Han Zhuoling called for take-out, Shi Xiaoya carried her tired and tidy luggage.

The washing and changing should be done.

Han Zhuoling once again praised his wit.

Fortunately, last time I put all my luggage directly in Shi Xiaoya.

So now he changed his clothes, and put on the home clothes left here.

As for today's body, Shi Xiaoya contacted the housekeeper and asked him to take Han Zhuoling's clothes for washing.

Each building in the small area is equipped with two housekeepers, and like dry cleaners and supermarkets, they are also equipped to facilitate the owners.

Han Zhuoling went to see her after work, so the clothes she wore to the show crew were the formal suits she wore at work.

He can't wear it now.