The Long-awaited Mr Han

Question 2262

Therefore, they have not seen Lu Man before, but they are not new to Lu Man's name.

The classmates beside him nodded sympathetically, "Yes, although Lu Man is sitting, how can that be so ample."

"Howard hasn't realized it yet. Seeing him as a trouble to find a way, who knows that he is ashamed."

"If I were Howard, I would have beaten her while waiting for the exchange match. Then I raised my eyebrows and exclaimed. Anything that was hatred would be reported now. . "

As he was talking, Lu Man said, "After all, I just won a game, let me rest for a while. If you win, you can be so big."

Howard: "..."

Everyone: "..."

They really didn't expect that Lu Man would be so fresh as soon as he came!

And you are so fresh in our site, is it really okay?

The teammates sitting in a row with Lu Man said that you are just too naive.

When Lu Man was not famous before, it was newer than now. Where did he go now?

Was Lu Manhao Howard called "Don" before?

Don't be too polite to him.

Howard can't stand it.

In fact, he has never seen Lu Man's true strength.

Sun Hezhou rubbed his hands and whispered to his teammates in Chinese: "The bloody and rainy winds that Lu Man has stirred up in the domestic entertainment industry before, they never felt it. Just, let them feel it this time."

Speaking of which, Sun Hezhou happily cheered.

In fact, among the pedestrians, Zhang Xiaoying was the one who really had a fight with Lu Man.

From Lu Man's point of view, that fight was just a nuisance.

But in fact, Zhang Xiaoying already has a shadow in his heart.

Zhang Xiaoying vowed never to stand opposite Lu Man again.

As long as you don't stand on the opposite side of Lu Man, watching Lu Man as a bystander is stirring the wind and rain.

What's more, it's so sweet!

Not to mention, they are still standing on other people ’s sites now, to see that Lu Man has stirred the wind and rain abroad.

And they stood firmly behind Lu Man, standing on the same line with Lu Man, and being a teammate with Lu Man, helping her stir the wind and rain together.

This mood is simply not too excited, too excited.

Xu Chuansheng expressed deep sympathy for Howard. He had already suffered a loss in China, so why is it not so memorable?

If you are stricken by Lu Man again, you really deserve it.

What Howard hates most now is being mentioned the game he had previously lost.

That was simply a shame in his life.

Hearing Lu Man's words, Howard's face rose purple.

He raised his voice as if he could improve his momentum, "Roman, this is not your school, not your territory. You are now standing on our territory, the home field has changed!"

Lu Man raised his eyebrows, his face flustered, "That's another place for you to lose again."

Lu Man lived with Han Zhuoli all day long, and naturally his body was contaminated with more and more aura.

People who live together will always influence each other.

Lu Man was deeply influenced by Han Zhuoli.

Han Zhuoli, after all, is the aura of the master of a large family.

Lu Man only contaminated his 30% aura, which was enough to deal with these people.

This is why Lu Man is sitting, and Howard looks at Lu Man in a condescending posture, but she is compared to her as a young man.