The Long-awaited Mr Han

Question 2279

Everyone was stunned.

Is not it?

The main reason is that Hewell used to give an "A" at most, making everyone think that the upper limit is "A +".

But did n’t it?

"My full score is S." Hewell said, "So, you think A's score is very good, but there are still some gaps."

Everyone: "..."

After a performance and comments, the lesson ended.

Herwell arranged the content for next week's performance and left.

But no one else has left.

They depend on how Howard ends.

Howard still wanted to take the opportunity to leave, as a bet no longer exists.

Anyway, from today to the time before the game, hiding in the school for a while, it ’s just not to meet her.

Howard had to take the chaos and left.

"Howard." Lu Man shouted.

Lu Man is not alone here, she still has teammates.

Guo Hai busy pulling Tan Mingxiao and a total of five boys to block Howard.

Although the five of them are shorter than Howard, they are more crowded.

The five big boys went there, it was also very strict, Howard himself could not see enough.

Howard lost to Lu Man again, and even Leo didn't stand with Howard.

They can't afford to lose this person.

Losing once may be a matter of luck.

But you lose twice in a row, which is a sign of your strength.

This means that Howard can't make it.

It was really ridiculous to think that Howard was so arrogant with Lu Man before and offered to bet.

No wonder Lu Man did not put Howard in his eyes. This is not the arrogance of others, but the strength of the two sides is indeed not equal.

But Howard is so weak and has been slamming. I can't bear it if I have to put myself on it!

Moreover, since you have gambled, you would like to gamble to lose.

Besides, it was your own death first, but it wasn't Lu Man who proposed it first.

You look for things on your own, and you also look like you have won, and you look down on others.

Now that you lose, do you want to play bad?

Even Howard's classmates are not on his side now.

Even those who had despised Han Leilei and others before did not stand on Howard's side at this time.

Not even talking to Howard.

They all felt embarrassed.

You challenge, win, and give them a long face.

It's already a shame to lose, and I want to betray my debts.

This is really losing face.

Han Leilei was the first to react and wanted to stop Howard.

Guo Hai pulled her.

Howard was furious and might not be able to do anything.

"How can you let this girl do this kind of thing." Guo Hai finished, and then took a few boys to stop Howard.

Howard became angry and angry, and the gang didn't know how to accept it!

Tan Mingxiao directly said: "Your bet with Lu Man is not completed yet, it is not appropriate to go now."

Howard gritted his teeth, "Find a time, I will officially finish."

"No need." Lu Man came over.

Howard heard Lu Man say this, and thought in his heart that Lu Man had such a good talk, did he not need to kneel to apologize?

Howard couldn't help but think of it sarcastically. Doesn't the Chinese always pay attention to complaining about morals?

What kind of generosity to show.

I won you, and I forgive you generously.

Thinking so, I saw Lu Man standing in front of him.