The Long-awaited Mr Han

Question 2288

"So, Wu Zilin. If you can give up your ideas and concentrate on the team, we cooperate with each other and unite until the end of the game, then today's things, we have passed." Lu Man said.

They twisted into a rope, and the game did not necessarily win, not to mention Wu Zilin as a demon here.

"If you think we are all against you, we are all wrong. Only you are right. You are not understood and recognized in this team. If you can't be with us, then we don't mind changing individuals Come, "Lu Man said.

When Wu Zilin heard it, it exploded. "Change person? You opened the school as your home. You said change person will change person?"

Everyone was a little surprised, but it was just a surprise, and there were no negative thoughts.

The people of Guodian are the easiest to accept.

Because Han Leilei and Lu Man are good friends, approaching her, whether it is an understanding of her working style or personal feelings, Lu Man's approach is too normal.

Not only will she not object, not to be shocked, she will even stand beside Lu Man and give her 666 praises.

The people of the national opera, whether it is privately or officially exchanged, have not dealt with Guodian.

What's more, Lu Man almost went to the National Opera at the beginning.

So he is familiar with Lu Man's style of work.

After being surprised now, he quickly calmed down.

Only Dongxi and Dongdian are far away. The only contact before was the "Huayi Cup".

During the "Hua Yi Cup", they did not participate, so they had no contact with Lu Man before.

Understanding of Luman's things is limited to the media.

So now Lu Man's approach is shocking.

It ’s not that Luman is overbearing, saying that kicking people away kicks them away.

Just think Lu Mante is domineering!

This domineering and domineering are different.

Lu Man's wrist was too decisive.

Since coming back to confront Wu Zilin, it has only been a dozen minutes in the past.

Lu Man thought of this step directly.

I really don't know when she made the decision.

This decision is easy to think of, but it is really difficult to say it.

Guo Hai and others have not thought about it, if Wu Zilin continues to do so, it would be nice if he were not needed.

But who can he want without him?

Who else can fill the seats at this time?

Wu Zilin's ability to participate has already shown that he is the top two in Dongxi.

Besides, at this time, it's not that they can change people if they want to change people.

But Lu Man can tell.

And what Lu Man said has never been fulfilled.

If we don't say anything, let's just say what happened just now, Lu Man bet against Howard.

She was so confident that she wanted to lose Howard.

As a result, Howard really lost.

Therefore, what Lu Man said is not just a verbal threat.

This is what shocked them.

But shock was shocked, nobody spoke.

They all want to win the game, and because of their previous encounters, now they are truly unprecedented in unity.

This is even something that has not been seen in previous exchange students.

Because the previous exchange students, although their strength is not good, but there is no conflict with this side.

This year is particularly excessive because they lost to the Guodian team led by Lu Man before.

This only intensified the conflict.