The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2323 I'm Just Being Cautious

"Moreover, you also said that they were found by Lu Man, and it has nothing to do with you. People are not from you, what are you arrogant about? It seems that these credits are all yours." Wu Zilin said disdainfully .

Xu Chuansheng sneered.

Look, Wu Zilin is such a virtue.

Wu Zilin ignored Xu Chuansheng, and instead looked at Lu Man earnestly, "Lu Man, I really want to improve my acting skills. When Robert and Hayel give you guidance, can you let me listen?

"I know, I do n’t participate in the game, there is no role to play, I ca n’t get more targeted guidance from Robert and Hayel. Then I just wait aside, watching, can learn from their guidance Absorb learning is also enough. "

Wu Zilin consciously said to Lu Man very sincerely.

"And I will just look around, it will not affect you, and you will not have any losses because of it. If you will lose money, I will definitely not do it." Wu Zilin said.

Since Lu Man will not lose, everyone is a classmate, what can't they do?

It's just a matter of raising their hands, and they don't need them to do anything for him.

If Lu Man didn't agree, he would be careful, or it would be bad.

Therefore, Wu Zilin believed that he had spoken to this point.

And still in front of so many people, Lu Man will not refuse him even because of his face.

Otherwise, how stingy is she to avenge her?

Just because of vengeance, even this simple little thing has to reject him.

What prestige is there in this team?

How to convince others?

Wu Zilin was full of confidence and consciously clever, and finally forced Lu Man.

"No." Lu Man's voice sounded.

Wu Zilin thought he had heard it wrong. Why did Lu Man refuse to do so?

"You ... what are you talking about?" Wu Zilin thought he must have heard it wrong, so he asked again.

"I said I refused." Lu Man's voice was clear, without hesitation, "I refuse to listen to you, we will not take you past."

"Why!" Wu Zilin looked at Lu Man in disbelief. "I won't hinder you, and won't let you lose anything. Why don't you let me participate!"

"Only Robert and Hayel were invited by me." Lu Man said, "You used to target me, and now you want to listen to the teacher I invited. Why? What benefits do I bring, why do you give me? enjoy?"

"You ..." Wu Zilin was choking.

He really did not expect that Lu Man really refused!

Isn't she afraid that other people would think she was careful and vengeful?

"Robert and Hayel don't have to come to see you," Wu Zilin insisted.

"Oh." Lu Man said lightly. "Why don't you have the ability to go."

"That's why when you didn't invite anyone yesterday, why didn't you say you asked Robert and Hayel?" Han Leilei couldn't help saying.

"Lu Man, the two of us may have been unhappy between you before, but in my opinion it is not unpleasant at all. I am not aiming at you. I just think about the team, there is a problem with the expression. You want Is this so revenge? "Wu Zilin asked again.

"Yeah, I'm very vengeful." Lu Man said lightly, "I'm the one who is careful and vengeful. If I don't venge, will there be things like Yuxing Zhou and Baishuangshuang?"