The Long-awaited Mr Han

The 2756th chapter said so nice to do?

Anyway, she heard He Zhengbai's words, but her expression changed fiercely, "He Zhengbai, you really have a conscience!"

"Huh." He Zhengbo didn't care, and reached out and patted her cheek twice.

Although it is not heavy, this action is insulting.

"So, do you agree to a divorce?" He Zhengbai asked.

Lu Qi lowered her eyes and didn't know what she thought of.

When I looked at He Zhengbai again, Lu Qi became calm, "Well, I promise you. But, I also have the conditions."

"Dare you dare to talk to me about the conditions?" He Zhengbai smiled angrily, pointing at the photo on the phone. "That's all, dare you talk to me about the conditions?"

Lu Qi gritted her teeth, "I have a picture in your hands, and I certainly don't dare to mess up."

He Zhengbai waited quietly for Lu Qi to continue.

Lu Qi said, "It's just that I'm still filming. This drama was won by me."

He Zhengbai sneered, "What's so nice to say? Isn't that why you just fell asleep? After sleeping for a long time, I slept out a small supporting role that I don't know how to rank."

Lu Qiqi's face flushed.

But now my cheeks are red and swollen, so I can't see them.

Where would she be in such a rare role before?

She doesn't even need the second woman.

Entering the group is the heroine, and will not dare to leave the group to cherish a drama.

At the same time when rolling three plays.

The director is not happy?

The crew members have opinions?


Who made her red!

For a few days of filming, she had to spare a few days to fly to the event site to participate in her advertising endorsement.

But it's very busy.

The scenery is infinite.

Even if the crew had more dissatisfaction, it would have to endure.

She didn't care what the film was, and she wasn't afraid that she would lose her role if she was not in the crew for three days.

No one can grab it!

At that time she was such a scenery.

But now, for a small role in the eighteenth line, they dare not easily leave the crew.

Lu Qi thinks of the contrast before and after, she feels miserable.

"Yes, anyway, I got this role finally. Even if this role is unremarkable, I don't dare to leave the group easily. You don't have to laugh at me." Lu Qi said coldly.

She has a different status than before.

She could not accept this reality before.

But since Xia Qingyang went to prison, Lu Qiyuan ignored her, and after the marriage with He Zhengbai survived, she had to face this reality.

Several times late at night, Lu Qi was drunk at home alone, and couldn't help but recall the scenery before.

The more you miss the past scenery, the more you cannot face the present decline.

I wanted to have what she wanted, a winner in life.

Envyed by how many people said they wanted to live like her.

Envious of her rich background, and unimpeded entry into the entertainment industry.

From career to love, along the way.

But how did it happen step by step, now?

The mother went to jail, and her father was like an enemy.

Even the 18th line of small characters still sleeps with unknown directors.

Marriage died in name only.

The husband held the photo of her on the bed. She threatened to divorce her.

Career is gone.

Love is gone.

The family that has always been enviable is even more gone.

At this time, Lu Qi couldn't help crying and howling.

"I'm a small character, so I will kill soon." Lu Qi said.