The Long-awaited Mr Han

3213 Born-1962

It's just that the other party's input is too fast.

It is almost beyond the limit of human hand speed.

It really makes people remember being overwhelmed.

Others just responded a little slower, and they reacted immediately.

They picked up their notebooks one after another.

"We each remember a part and put it together at that time."

"it is good."

Everyone remembered while watching.

Someone exclaimed, "It can still be done!"

"Yes! Why didn't I think of it?"

"I said why he just entered that string of instructions just now."

"I didn't expect that the order of instructions could be changed like this."

"Wait, it's obviously our server. Why are they better than us?"

Everyone sweats.

"Originally, I estimate that it will take half an hour to repair it. According to their operation, I don't know how long it will eventually be reduced.

"It's fast." Chief Shen Sheng said.

A minute later.

At the end of the last instruction, the people of Lanshan Courtyard collectively withdrew and returned the management authority.

"Okay!" Someone exclaimed.

"You can log in and browse normally."

"Administrative authority is back."

The chief did a final check to make sure that it was able to browse normally.

And their permissions have been restored.

"Check again to see if there are any traces left by the other party." The chief said.

So, everyone checked again and again.

In the end, of course, there were none.

Where can they find traces of the actions of the Lanshan compound?

Even if this is not a formal task.

For everyone in the Lanshan compound, it's like playing.

But once they did it, they must have done everything cleanly, and wouldn't leave the tail at all.

And such things, for them, really can not be more skilled.

That was carved into their bones, and it became an instinctive behavior.

The Lanshan compound did not yet know that after they withdrew.

In the official technical department, the chief summoned all the department colleagues to go to the meeting together.

Specially study the series of instructions they input during the repair process.

Of course, no matter how they study, it doesn't matter to these people in the Lanshan compound.

Anyway, what is valid is not the instructions, but those of them who input the instructions.

Netizens saw that they were finally able to log in and browse normally, and a hurry of rushes arrived to Chen Zeqing.

Other netizens couldn't help sighing, "How come programmers have become so efficient this time?"

While sighing so much, I didn't delay eating melon at all.

When fans of Chen Zeqing saw these black history, their brains were shocked to be blank.

For a time, there was no way to say anything to Chen Zeqing.

Hou slowly ice: "It seems that Chen Zeqing is in the" Left and Right "crew."

Teamo replied Hou slowly: "Yes, he specially sent a selfie yesterday, stating that he is going to the crew. It's still a male second character."

Yi Jiao: "I want to know how Wu Dao is feeling now."

Xuan Xuan or Guo Guo: "Is Wu Dao going to worship? Chen Zeqing just got into the group and made this happen."

The fat fairy in the village's head: "Chen Zeqing's materials are not ordinary black. They are the kind that can't be washed with bleach."

Sycamore leaves on the sycamore tree: "Chen Zeqing had such a thing, don't know if Wu Dao will use him?"

Eat soapy water that is not fat: "You can't use it anymore. Wu Dao is notorious for not using actresses with bad reputation."

Hou slowly ice: "And, according to Chen Zeqing's materials, it is enough to be on the list of inferior artists. If you continue to use him, the movie will be released when the time comes, and what if you don't pass the trial because of him?"

Sycamore leaves are more rainy: "Yes, and even if you can cut him off at that time, it is a waste of time and money. It is better not to use him directly now, but to reduce losses."

The fat fairy in the village's head: "I don't know how many scenes Chen Zeqing has filmed? Even if it's a substitution, it will have to be retaken. Chen Zeqing can really hurt people."

Xuan Xuan or Guo Guo: "He is barely a male, and he must have a rival play with my family Zhiqing. Poor I Zhiqing, I have to retake it again, so hard."

Teamo: "Isn't he the team who entered last night? The first day of shooting today shouldn't take much. If you make up for it anyway, it won't be so troublesome."

Yi Jiao: "However, who offended Chen Zeqing? Otherwise, it wouldn't be released so much black material at once. If it is one or two materials, it may be nothing. Put so much at once, it has been 15 until now. It ’s almost like giving him the rhythm of living. "

Eat soapy water that is not fat: "No matter who offends, these are the things he did. Anyway, if he hasn't done it, even if the offended person wants to black him, there is no way."

Yi Jiao: "That's true. It's up to Wu Dao to decide. Should he insist on using him."

Hou slowly ice: "I don't think I can use him anymore."

After reading the comments of netizens, Fang Qiaohan raised his head and asked Zhiqing, "I also think Wu Dao can no longer use him. As far as Yu Guangxin is concerned, Wu Dao is useless."

Yan Zhiqing touched his chin and said, "I also think that it is unlikely that Wu Dao will continue to use him, which is too risky."

"But it doesn't matter if I don't need it, I just have a lot of trouble." Yan Zhiqing said.

"Wu Daozhen should really go bye, do you say he has been against the water recently?" Fang Qiaohan has a heart and eye. "From the beginning of the shooting, it has been in constant trouble! Finally, Chen Zeqing entered the group and ended up in a black history. "

Yan Zhiqing was embarrassed to say that it was probably because of her.

But it does n’t matter what feng shui or reverse water.

Wu Dao is purely affected by her.

In fact, think about these two things happening in the crew.

One is Yu Guangxin and the other is Chen Zeqing.

Both of these are really related to her.

To be precise, it was all because of her.

What I really want to say is actually because of her that the crew has so much trouble.

Even if Chen Zeqing is black history.

But if it were not for her, Wei Wucai would not dig.

Then the crew can continue to shoot smoothly.

Although Yan Zhiqing hadn't verified it, she was already sure that Wei Wucai had done it and didn't run away.

Fang Qiaohan didn't notice the strangeness of Yan Zhiqing, yawned, and said, "I don't know if there is any material in the back. I will go back to bed and watch slowly."

Fang Qiaohan stood up, and Yan Zhiqing also got up and took her to the door.

Fang Qiaohan said: "You have to rest earlier."

"Good." Yan Zhi nodded.

Fang Qiaohan was sent away.

Yan Zhiqing was still standing at the door and did not go back to rest.