The registration time of Xia Zuyi has been for more than half a month.

Instriors and reduce taxes, the civilians and slaves in the city of Wisis are not necessarily to say.

The civilians and slaves of Como Tieburg and the slaves have been cautious in the middle, and the middle paragraph begins to come, and the stream is endless.

However, within a few days of the end of the registration, the number of people from Komo Burg suddenly decreased.

The reason is that Bivers Erlorate did not ban civilians and slaves from going out.

When the knight went to buy a good name to return to the Susse, I also had a few conflicts with the manor who didn't let go, I finally solved the dispute in the face of Valk William.

It is now over the past two months from the end of the registration time.

Xia Zui is very good to step on the chair and look at the sea view. The right arm has recovered almost, no need to hang it in the chest.

He gave a lemon water in Esu detet: "Biwes Eliot now reacted for later late, no timely registration, no time to allow the city, the civilians and slaves will only be more Envy and embarrassed. "

Once the command of the city is prohibited, once it is unspeakable, it is more and more people who are eager to go to Wesce.

He said that the registration time will end after fifteen days, and did not say that it will not be reopened.

Those who want to come, Wishes is always welcome.

Sign up to become a civilian and slave to drag a mouth.

After giving a certain amount of money subsidies, the labor force self-sufficiency, except for the construction of temporary accommodation, some people are arranged in the production line of the salt and refining the salt.

The thorn chamber of Commerce was established in this process and began to sell prices to the outside, but the quality is better fine salted.

While the gold coins continue to pay, the plot deviation value has finally left one percent.

Xia Zuyi couldn't help the curved focal colorful eyes, and the face showed a smile. He turned to step on the chair to rest: "Yudite, how is the housing under the Par Mountain?"

Yudite: "" is about to be completed, the countel. "


The recruits must be trained.

Xia Zui selected the place of recruits in Par Mountain.

Civilian slaves that become ordinary soldiers and prepared soldiers are not idle during the registration period.

The Knight organizes them to build the new soldiers in the foot of the Palhan, the labor and timber stone are all ready, and civilians, especially slaves, is not strange to this matter, and the speed of construction is good and fast.

Ten days later, the dormitory was completely completed.

Valk William also sent a recorded castle while statistics.

There are two hundred and fifty two people, and the soldiers are prepared for three hundred and ninety-eight people.

Slavery to join the army is more than civilians.

But the civilians settled in Wisas were more than slaves.

On the west, the smaller cities like Western and Komodburg, the number of people is generally less than about two thousand to three thousand, and the number of people in the big city can be around 10,000.

It can combat insolvenes or just over 100 cars.

More than half a month of registration time can reach nearly 700 people.

The mountain foot of the Par Mountain has been larger.

The thorns and gravel are cleaned up, and the excess trees are cut down, reserved the road, and the three-story two dormitory buildings are built together in a row, next to the free food canteen, the far side is Public toilet.

In the front of the soldier dormitory, there is a large open space, and there are many types of motion types.

The two-day adapted period passed, the Earl of the Decinia will come over today.

The soldiers were taken by the Knight to the venue.

Ordinary soldiers stand on one side and prepare soldiers stand on the other side.

Mike Andrew stood in the preparation of the soldiers, listening to the people whispered around.

"The Secretary of the Ordinary Soldier is the Knights Changwalk William, who knows who the chief of the soldiers?"

"Of course, it is also a knight."

"No, this chief is not a knight now, but he has a big history."

"What come?"

"I heard that he used to be a Knight of the Kingdom, because of the crime, it was a slave."

"Later, the Course bought him in Wang Chengli. He also made a lot in the attack on the Par Mountain robbers. Therefore, the countel of the Court took his slave identity and gave him a chance to serve as a preparatory soldier."

"I think this adult is rebuilding the knight or rising the knight."

Mike Andrew can't help but ask: "Is he very powerful?"

He knows that people talking, it is the slave of Wishes.

The man replied: "Why stop, my father went to the salt field a few days ago, I saw this adult and Valk William, and I guess who wins?"

Mike Andrew, must be this adult.

"This is a bigger better."

Mike Andrew: "What is the name of this adult?"

"Fernandi Edward."

Mike Andrew: "Edward adult seems to be in the training camp."

He has not seen it.

"The adult usually follows the counteres' adult, you can see it today, he will be responsible for our future training."

Mike Andrew still wants to ask.

A knight was ringing at this time that hangs the top of the venue.

The knight who is responsible for the staff of the soldiers is rushing to let them stand straight, shut up.

Not much time, a carriage stops outside the field.

The Earl of Xia Zui Desinia was hugged in Judite.

"Fast, the man who follows the left side of the Earl is the sanner of Fernanti Edward."

Mike Andrew is in the past, the man has a face, light brown brown, dark brown skin, handsome and strong.

He looked at it, but he was attracted to his sight at the oldest at the forefront.

This is what is his lord?

Mike Andrew quietly covered the chest.

Xia Zui hugged on the high stool by Yudite, and waved his own brain melon: "Comrades."

Some people below have not reacted.

Some people have returned to God, and the silence of rude, and the "Parlians are good", "The Earl."

Xia Zuyi Xin, this is the result of still not starting training.

He indicated that Walke William, who was standing on the side, need to comply with the regulations of the soldiers.

Take more than a total of more than a total.

Among them, soldiers need to pay for a year of 40 copper coins, and the 10,000-year-old toll fees, one year, the canteen will provide two meals free of charge.

The soldiers will issue a compulsory allowance, one person ten copper coins every month.

If you need to leave, you must leave, or you will be punished. Everyone has three chances of leave every month, the reason is reported to the Knight, after approved the agreement, it will leave, and the number of times will be deducted to deduct the copper coins.

Soldiers did not seek trouble, and they must not fight in the army. Once they were discovered, they will be seriously treated, and they warn once.


More than ten provisions, the civilians and slaves are whispering below.

Obviously, the benefits of it are at a glance, but the punishment is also very strict.

Xia Zui saw the difference in the discussion, patted hands, Valk William sounded the drums, below.

Xia Zuyao: "I need you to back it all the rules, this is a command."

"There are still some provisions that require special instructions."

"Soldiers need to train every day, rest for two days after every five days, three months for a season, there are assessments every quarter."

"The twelve people are one class, three classes are a row, three rows are connected, three consecutive as a camp, every quarter will choose the squad leader, long, long, and battles."

"Adjusting the allowance issuance per month depending on the level of different levels."

"The squad leader will issue fifteen copper coins per month. There is 25 copper coins per month. There are 30 copper coins per month, and the shackles have a silver coins for a month."

After Xia Zuy finished, the following boiled.

"What ?! The length can have a silver coin ?!"

"It is not a long-lasting long, it is also good."

"I don't know what the content of the assessment will be?"


Mike Andrew's heart couldn't help but feel hot, he wants to be a long!

The gongs and drums were once again sounded.

Sumazi, etc., after the following, then: "The results of the assessment have a standard and dividend."

"If you can meet the standard of the long-term level, the length of the market is preferred, the other level is also the same ..."

He looked to his left and right sides.

On the left is Fernadi Edward, right is Valk William.

Xia Zuyao: "Fernandi Edward will be the chief of the preparatory soldiers. Walke William is the general company of ordinary soldiers, mainly by two responsible for your daily training, other knight auxiliary training."

"Three months later, I will come here to accept your training results."

Fernanti Edward's "three major disciplines" in the next reading soldiers need to be remembered.

Everything is over.

Xia Zui opened the arm was taken down the bench by Judite.

Before leaving, he said that there were two people: "Be sure to train the organizational discipline, words and deeds, after three months, I have to see a different spiritual look, if you can't do it ..."

Valk William smiled and asked: "What is the ethison?"

Xia Zuyi Yang Xiaoba: "Dressing your money."

Valk William pretended to be scared: "Wow, I must double the task of the Earl."

I always feel that you are teasing me ...

Xia Zuyu took the carriage by Judite.

Waiting for him to go.

Valk William finally couldn't help but laugh, he saw FiNidi Edward's still serious face, can't help but poke his arm.

"You don't think that the little counterer is so cute, I want to hug him, Yuditi specialist must be very happy every day."

Fei Nandi Edward did not speak, silence is gold.

Valk William will make persistent efforts to say: "Don't you hug the Earl?"

Fernadi Edward: "... he is an Earl."

Valk William's eyebrows, meaning deep: "Oh, so you think."

FENAIDITO: "Since you have time to think, it is better to ponder how to train them, don't choose a squad leader."

"Don't be more than, I will lose it to you last time, I am very unhappy."


The author has something to say:

Xia Zuoy: Hold me to pay.