- Baraksin Royal Castle - in a room

"Oh boy, the nobles do a lot of reckless things too"

The young man, who reached for the cup of the table with his sigh, sighed deeply.

Young people's worries would also be natural...... such as leaving the edge of diplomacy to the troubled children of this country.

Edward is brilliant, but he has a calm personality and is not the type to say things that are tight. Though he alone would retain a little anxiety, he would do his part without buying unhappiness.

The problem is his wife.

For once, he has become one of the messengers but is in fact only a mere tourist.

Because the reason for the trip is to meet people from different worlds, the point is that they made contact with people from different worlds in Ilfena.

He was innocently happy not knowing anything, but he should have at least taught him the role alone.

What are you thinking, such as sending out people who are inexperienced in diplomacy, unfamiliar with standing around and people from different worlds who know nothing?

"Master Linus was against it."

"You bet! She wouldn't even understand the identity system, though she'd be too anxious."

Linus naturally nodded loudly when one of the knights of the escort - a prince's childhood tame and his friend Ricard - whined with a face like he chewed up a bitter bug.

The elderly samurai, who had refrained beside him, also secretly leaks her sigh. I may not be worthy of myself for not being able to praise them because I know the Lord's hardships.

It is Edward's wife, Alisa, who is fuelling their anxiety.

Protected by this country three years ago as an otherworldly person, she was terribly innocent and pure from the beginning.

They looked adorable, and those around them cited their unhappy position as helping them with their bright, hard work.

But that was a mistake.

It's just a spoil if it's too much to help. If we have to live in this world, it is absolutely necessary that we acquire the least amount of knowledge.

Bad way to put it, but she herself was judged worthless to Baraksin, so the fiancées prepared were the highest ranked Viscounts. Nobility is gone trying to welcome her into the house if you know her everyday.

... Not all disrespect can be missed because of how many otherworlds you are, that exodus is only harmful.

Edward was so good, he's managed to fix it.

In the first place, some of my fiancées tried to flatter her as guardian.

The lead was Ricard, and the older maids tried to think about the possibility of getting married in the future.

However, it has not yet been achieved because the person in question tended to escape if it was too harsh. I've been dismissed from my guardianship since I got to the recard.

Those who teach her reality that it's a "special treatment allowed because she's an otherworldly person" can't help it if it's rejected, and as a result, those who keep saying things that are nice to her remain around.

… it is unclear whether that is really what I think of her or whether she is trying to use it.

Besides, she didn't grow up because of the aristocrats who kept selling the decision-making "available because she's from another world". We can't help but take it for granted if we continue to receive special treatment from those at high altitudes.

And yet I don't think it's worth it or leave it, so I'd like to have it added up or subtracted.

Even against Edward, he can't help it because he thinks he can forgive it if he cries and reflects like he ever did.

But there's one thing she's wrong with.

We have a "technique to deal with" as a country, rather than being an advantage of the other world.

"This visit is about trying those two. Edward is getting as far away from Alisa as he can."

"Edward must be desperate, and I think it's her last chance to be recognized."

Yes, you'll be desperate. That's what I'm telling you.

"If you can connect with people from different worlds, you'll find value in her," he said.

Actually, no, I sent them to Ilfena to try the two of them out.

"Irfena's eyes are harsh. If they don't approve, it's time to think about Alisa's treatment."

Royalty has a side connection. This time, we are asking for help as a decision to flatter Alisa's previous attitude.

Can those who work disrespect for other countries diplomacy?

I wonder if there are a few things I think about if I know the reality.

And Edward should also know the reality that he can't shelter on his own.

"It would be decisive if Irfena told me 'no' this time. Can we go down to the private sector thoroughly? The nobles won't want to use her until they turn that country against their enemies either. Edward must know too."

"There are other worlds in Ilfena, and you'll see the difference clearly."

"Surely all the guardians were Duke family members. You think the Dukes want marriage without a guardian?"

"... that's not standard either."

"I wonder what kind of 'education' took place."

Irfena is a country with all its strength, for better or worse. What kind of education was provided to the extent that it was recognized there?

Definitely must not have done the spoil of 'special treatment'. I suppose it would be possible if "special treatment" were to be taught thoroughly.

Ilfena, a country where many people have stomach aches in diplomacy and are told they don't want to turn to their enemies. The otherworldly man is familiar with such an environment. That's enough of a threat.

"Ma, it's all since the two of us got back. I'm already ready."


"What? Is that what you think of Alisa?

"I think it's pathetic. She's not supposed to be in this world."

"But she's the one who didn't turn a blind eye to the harsh reality of accepting all the convenient things for me"

"Yes, sir."

She also had a presence that really worried and cared. I can't sympathize because he's the only one who refused to do so.

Maybe if we went down to the private sector, we could live happily ever after. Because to the extent that you live carefully, you can take care of yourself.

Those who knew the plan sincerely hoped to lean in the right direction for both of them. Because it's also true that they were leading Alisa.

- In the office of Ilfena Erschon.

Edward was stunned by the word he was told was a letter handed to him by Elshon.

In addition to Elshon, there was a collection of black knights in the room, as well as Gordon, who was Mizki's guardian.

"Is this... a fact"

I guess Edward also understands with his head that he smelled his mind wishing for denial rather than confirmation.

I know too much, I can't help it. It seemed doubtful about this visit in the first place.

If you knew Alisa on a daily basis, you wouldn't be allowed by the king, no matter what the nobles say. If the other person is Irfena.

"Need a response? I think you remember that handwriting."

"Yes...... yes, right"

The handwriting of the letter is the king of Balaxin, you can't go wrong.

I guess Edward just didn't want to believe what was written there.

The content of the letter is a request for cooperation from King Baraksin.

"This visit is to try two people, Edward and Alisa"

This one word will tell you everything. If you don't get the attitude you deserve, you get truncated, that's the thing.

The nobles said it was the 'last chance' to find value in Alisa, but the real meaning was different.

That's what the nobles who were flattered by Alisa seemed to believe, but I guess those who should be called loyalists, starting with the king, said it was the 'last chance' to decide what to do in the future.

And Edward gets some punishment, too. Because I kept sheltering Alisa and ended up spoiling her.

But he looks like he expected it somewhere.

In fact, Edward thinks he can tie her up any more.

"After Mizuki accepted that she had to live in this world, she really greedily asked for knowledge. I asked you anything if you didn't know. I didn't hate to teach you the art of living because I knew what it looked like around me."

Gordon spins his words but thinks at the time.

It was in the early days of village protection that we didn't even know the common sense of the private sector. I felt there was a difference from this world as far as I could hear it.

But she just embraced reality and focused on getting the skills and knowledge to live. He said,

'There's nothing I can do to cry, if I know I can't go home, this is the only thing I can do!

That's why. He was the first to think about life in this world. I ran out of time just to cry.

… is a very successful idea. For once, as a young woman, what about that?

"I was interested in magic as part of that. Besides, I had to assemble it myself because it couldn't be used in the normal way. He had no choice but to become a magician if he was to use magic."

"But isn't it something you can do easily?

"Exactly. But it is not impossible even if it cannot be done easily. And because of it, Mizki was called to the castle."

"The Mage is dangerous. You can't leave us alone. But surveillance doesn't mean we're gonna get used to it."

You could have put something convenient on your blow-in side. But if you are a magician, then you will notice the contradictions and the circumstances in which you are placed. It's about her greedy desire for knowledge, it'll be easy to get to the truth.

He doesn't want a life that's just protected, it doesn't matter what he thinks.

"'You are heretical not only in terms of otherworldliness, but also in terms of witchcraft. Try to blend into your surroundings as much as possible' … that's what I initially said to Mizuki when I protected him. Because she's protecting it, she's embracing things like identity systems that weren't before."

"'Didn't I say that at first'? I didn't really understand when they called me to the castle. I made an effort to learn and get used to myself by moving places in my life. Did your wife make that effort?

Identity systems are commonplace for nobles and their servants. So stand out if you don't do what you deserve in living.

There must have been some people who tried to make Alisa wear it for fear. If you 'don't want to mess up the place' whether you like her or not.

"Nobody thinks they can do it from the beginning. But if you were preaching that importance to her to be rejected, there would have been another future, wouldn't there? If you were a positive kid, if you could understand, wouldn't you have made an effort?


Yes, I would have made an effort. And if you looked like that, your surroundings would have made you a teacher, and maybe you were on my side.

Not only would I comfort Alisa, who tears that she's been told tough things, but if I had been properly informed of the need for it.

Edward thought he simply didn't want to be hated just because he knew who she had her guardian untied.

If she mattered, she should have made me understand whether she hated me or cried.

It annoyed the Lord's hands because he couldn't do it, and it was supposed to make him look into the stage like this.

I am now ashamed of myself for wanting Mizuki to take my side, etc. Her rejection was natural, and I could also understand what it meant to be 'kindness not to be involved in anything'.

... because they don't make comparisons.

If you avoid the possibility of being irritated by inferiority and stretch a good part unique to Alisa, that's the best way to do it.

Mizuki's strength is also due to his personality. There is a personal difference, it is impossible to expect the same.

The fact that Mizuki, who already has a proven track record, is only negative.

"I didn't tell Mizuki about this one. It would be better to have a clear comparison as a different world."


"I told him it was a public place, so it was up to him."

"Now, thank you. If it's true, you should tell Lord Mizuki directly, but now it's better not to get involved."

"Right. I'll tell him."

When Edward thanked him deeply and raised his face, there was determination in his expression.

gratitude and apology and... perhaps a separation and. You will not be challenged or denied the decision that will be made.

That's when Klaus raised his voice.

"Your Highness. It seems she strolls through the garden..."

Edward clenches his fist to the word. What floats there is disappointment and anger. I thought you said, "Don't leave the room."

"Your Highness, I would like to ask you not to punish the knights of the escort even if she is about to escape."

"Are you sure? Maybe your wife's headed to Mizuki's, huh?

"Mizuki has a room in the knight's quarters, and the nobleman's wife is never on her way alone."

That's impossible if Gordon's words are normal. What rumors can a noble woman make if she goes to a dormitory where there are only men without permission?

Mizuki has a room because two of her guardians basically live in a dormitory. It is not aristocratic in the first place and is treated as an official. It's not an issue because I'm actually working.

"Because your wife says too much she wants to apologize to Mizuki, right?" She doesn't come out of her room in a knight's quarters, "she says. Thought you'd give up if you heard that."

"Oh no... since when has Your Highness been so kind?

"Mizuki would be doing it based on the information given, too, right?

Which means I leave it to my own discretion. It can also be called a trap given the purpose of this one.

"We apologize for the inconvenience. I will not take refuge in anything."

"Right. You can understand that."

"It took me a long time to think through it, but my loyalty to Your Majesty is not cloudy. I'm not going to make a mistake this time."

Other than him to tell Edward clearly - I had a rare, satisfying grin to Klaus.

That was enough to brave Edward for making one choice.