The Magician Wants Normality

It's not always on the side of justice to beat a villain.

"Didn't I tell you?" I won, "he said."

I laughed and said it out to me. The perimeter stops for a moment.

Klaus seems to be somewhat predictable and silent. It's a tip-off.

"You slap me in the mouth, little girl. I wouldn't have used it if I hadn't been harmed!

"Oh, you use what's available to you, even to your victims, right?

What are you talking about, with a frightened face, Viscount Grandkin stuck in words for a moment.

Yeah, what you tried to do sucks. A woman would definitely want to hide it.

I would never use Christina if she was actually damaged.


I would think of revenge rather than crying if I saw it like that, no doubt.

I am the Magic Instructor. You can never fall asleep crying even though you have the art of retaliation.

Besides, now he's a knight's collaborator with a winged name.

The priority is to get results. Otherwise, they won't recognize me as one of them.

You call yourself the Demon King's 'subordinate', don't you, I... There's no way that the subordination is just primarily protected, is there?

Besides, I've already made two choices in this world.

One is' Keep Living or End It 'and the other is' Can You Kill People or Can't You Kill Them '.

Compared to those two, the wounds, which are not even life-threatening, are so light that they cannot be compared.

... you think I'd be as desperate as I've become a 'victim' who could have chosen to be a 'perpetrator'?

"Hmm, the dog!

"I don't want to be told by a loser who won't even thank your husband for his delicious food."


"Shall I make it clear to you? Viscount Grandkin, who is fine to disparage even the Lord and country who should serve his interests first?

"What do you know!

"I don't want you to know, I can't believe the excuse for the guy who abandoned too many aristocratic ways to stick to the throne"

Of course, I'm not living the aristocratic way.

But the knights and demon kings with wings are certain to be sacrificing themselves.

I will never allow them to be in line with cheap nobles like you.

Viscount Grandkin, who was angry, also perceived my anger. He pressed silently, fading slightly.

Marquis Leckbari looks... somewhere satisfied. The surrounding aristocratic agreement also seems to be half agreed.

It's the nobility of the kingdom of the mighty, I suppose.

"Phew... Phew, that's good! Then let's expose the secret we keep."

Viscount Grankin laughs wickedly as he pulls his face apart.

You're exactly the villain, the one who really doesn't take his word off.

"The twins of the Viscount Teabolt family and Miss Christina should have been targeted by the Gorotskis this past six months. It's already hurt, isn't it? Christina!"

On purpose, and the surrounding nobles divulge their voices.

Purity to marriage will be important to the aristocracy.

If you see me like that before the debutante, you'll lose your value as a courtier.

Besides, he's in this room, and there's no way he's not talking about it.

"How do you know that?

"I asked for it! I'm getting reports, too! In fact, you've been pulling yourself out of the mansion the last few days, haven't you?

Marquis Leckbari frowns against Viscount Grandkin, who laughs as proud as he has won.

It's not about grandeur. It's about crime exposure, and against a fifteen-year-old girl.


In contrast, I laughed.

Because Viscount Grandkin's trump card is the biggest pawn I've ever prepared.

"Pfft! Ladies and gentlemen, have you heard? They say the raid on Viscount Deebolt's house the last six months was the work of Viscount Grandkin, right? It's a crime, this."

"You're confessing."

"Right, Klaus? The main perpetrator exposed the crime himself, didn't he?

"hey...... what's wrong!?

I laugh at Viscount Grandkin not answering that question.

"Was the target of the raid 'Girl with bright brown hair and eyes and two knights'? Heh heh, Master Christina's been looking after you at the Duke of Blondell's since dinner night?


"Otherwise it would be impossible for the Duchess of Blondell to see her dress. The merchant who handled the fabric at your request was also cooperating in the harassment. Plus, the artisans involved in making dresses and ornaments testify. The Duchess of Blondell, too."

This is going to be hard for Christina... because even when she heard the report, she said, "I don't want to believe I'm going that far."

Mr. Colette saw the dress with kindness, but also to prove Christina's whereabouts during this period.

He made clear evidence so the rumors wouldn't crush him. You will know with the nobles that Christina is safe because there are so many witnesses.

I'm sorry, Christina. I'll be exposed to curiosity for a while, but be patient.

"Me, I've been so bored for the past six months. That's why I came up with one game."

I look at Viscount Grandkin laughing when I dull, and I don't look like a culprit by mistake.

Either a bad girl, or something like evil.

"Just change the color of your hair and eyes with magic props and you'll be raided! By the way, Christina's replacement is me, my twin brother's replacement is the knights with wings and some Kingsguards."


"Almost fifty Gorotsuki were all captured in the current offender, even though he had two of the same height similarly hairstyles wear general knights' clothes to go back and forth with the Viscount Deebolt family. It helped to improve security."

"Ho... what was the report!? He did hurt me..."

"I threatened to tell the captured Gorotsuki representative to 'tell the client to accomplish his purpose'. Oh, they're all in jail now."

"... in the mansion, pulled..."

"More than sending him under his client, he's going to need to produce" The Lady Who Wounded and Won't Come Out of the Mansion, "isn't he?

It's not easy for knights and Kingsguards with wings to lose, you idiot... and if you continue, Viscount Grankin has also silenced himself on the boulder.

Naturally because my trump card was on top of what was read.

"Viscount Grandkin. I think the difficult trap to understand by the other person is' something that makes you think that you are using the other person's trap and conveniently carrying things around '? You think too much conveniently for yourself."

"... so I told you?" It was all read by Mizuki, "he said."

Viscount Grandkin drops his shoulder disappointed by Klaus' words.

Klaus said... 'It was all read'. You're the one who ignored that word and destroyed yourself, aren't you?

Often the villain chooses to blow himself up at the end, but you've really followed the path you promised.

If I hadn't exposed myself, I wouldn't have known the nobles or tied my own neck.

"Is that not all, Magician?

Marquis Leckbari enters the story with an exploratory look.

Are you more certain than suspicious? The way I call it, it's called "The Wizard."

"Oh, you know what I mean?

"No boulder can shelter Viscount Grandkin. But if you say that Noon is also an enemy, you think it's natural to assume that there are other bills?

I deepen my grin at the words of Marquis Leckbari.

Yeah, of course you get to that idea, don't you?

Ning Lo, I am a black and white knight by standard, so I am very mindful of that. I would also say it's too much.

"Do you remember the terms of the raid I mentioned earlier?

"Um," bright brown hair and eyes, "I guess." Two men and one woman. "

"Yes, you're right!... King Zebrest's Rudolph is my best friend, but he's also 'bright brown hair and eyes' isn't he?

"... what?

"This time, I was asked to provide ingredients as I was in charge of cooking for the Viscount Deebolt family dinner party. Viscount Deebolt apologized for what Viscount Grankin would denigrate."


"Thanks for your patience, the Red Hero and I were in charge of the escort, and Rudolph and the Red Hero were asked to wear general knight clothes"


"Then they raided me. It is possible that other countries have targeted King Zebrast, and no formal protest has come from the fact that he is impatient. If you're just caught up in this, you're asking me to forgive you with my own personal apology."

The expression pale face fits perfectly, not only Marquis Leckbari but everyone around you.

Well, don't be...... what a diplomatic matter it is to attack the king of a friendly country.

As a matter of fact, Rudolph said, 'I want in too!' I deserve it because I came for a very stupid reason.

I know the Chancellor, and the apparent circumstances are as I said. I forgive you very much, and I thought, 'Zebrast has been far more dangerous, and if Marquis Leckbari is the opponent, this much is needed' your answer came back.

Rudolph says, "The purpose of the raid is to make it hurt, right? Instead, you're mad because you're the target."

... Speaking of which, it was a tough but gentle 'okan' for the inside certifier, Prime Minister.

Well, it seems Rudolph was stressed out because of his busy schedule.

You can't say on this occasion by mistake, such a backward circumstance.

"Rudolph is certainly warm... but he's not even shut up about being raided by boulders, is he? I wonder if Viscount Grandkin and his connected crooks would be forgiven for any reason?

"Whatever... big deal..."

"You are using the trust and many years of merit directed at you to shelter the Viscounts of Grandkin, until I used my connections, too, right?

Plus, I'll add.

"I thought you said, 'The Bloody Princess of Zebrast'. If you knew how it came to be called that, wouldn't you be able to anticipate this connection? They don't put 'Zebrast's' on the unreliable incompetent."

I am currently supposed to belong to Irfena. I'm calling it a public proclamation that I was involved in the state solemnly, except because you're on my side.

If there is a connection in Zebrast - some treatment with Irfena is guaranteed, and it will not be incorporated into the core of the country.

There will be some who consider it dangerous, but they can also silence me from the fact that I publicly proclaim the ruling of the Demon King and that the knight with the name of the wing is in the Guardian.

It is because of those circumstances that they are not used in Irfena and are in quarantine. Zebrast is making up for the part where the Demon King can't shelter me.

Rudolph and the others would have moved this time to teach that to the nobles of Ilfena.

"Come on, do you still have a say? In some cases, there have been formal protests from Zebrast."

"No. You're a loser."

"Oh no... no! Or the Marquis of Leckbari."

"Come on! You deserve it all, though! Why don't you just admit to your inaccuracies for the last time?"

Viscount Grandkin turns his face bright blue and shuts up to the force of what does not seem like a warm old man.

You look great, big guy! That's Lady Russ Boss!

Marquis Leckbari, Viscount Grandkin is fine with that, right? Bad foot scratching is also an important point because he's the one who runs through the king's path of third-rate villains.

... Oh, Marquis Leckbari seems to be mistaken about something.

"Marquis Leckbari, are you mistaken about something?

"Hmm, what is it?

"Viscount Grandkin is a criminal, but you're not, are you?

Surprised by the word, Marquis Leckbari opens his eyes just to say.

Um, me and Klaus are only demanding like, "Don't take refuge, just be adult," right?

"Isn't that enough to capture Noon?

"I'm not going to bully you, am I? Because the purpose is Viscount Grandkin."


"The goal is to take you to a situation you can't help but shelter. In fact, you didn't do anything."

"That's true... there's no punishment whatsoever under the circumstances"

"I didn't instruct you to raid, I didn't work evil. The only reason you had a say in the first place was because you have a lot of trust in the country. You'll be asked to explain the circumstances that led you to shelter, but that's all."

"That's a very convenient interpretation."

"It's both convenient and real. Seriously, you can't fall together because of your own merit. What I want is the best result, so that's fine."

The only reason the Demon King couldn't enforce it in the first place was because the country didn't do any good to lose this man.

With that said, the Marquis of Leckbari became a subtle face.

Yeah, I know how you feel. 'Cause it's like they said,' No hiding, still working '.

And I haven't heard anything important about it.

"Do you swear allegiance to your country?

"... my loyalty to my country has never wavered in my entire life!

"Really? So this is the best result, right? We couldn't afford to lose you, we could eliminate only the wasted."

That's the best choice, right, and he snorted firmly if he turned his gaze to Klaus.

Oh, looks like you got a passing score. Is this a sermon avoidance?

When it's settled, I'll ring my fingers to separate and evaporate the wine that Klaus and I wore.

It's a performance to sharpen some interest from Christina, that much would be forgiven.

The surrounding gaze gathered on me as per its prospect. Being a rare beast also helps.

"Hmm... no chanting!

"It's not entirely unchanging, though."

That's a lie.

I can't tell the Marquis Leckbari anything far-fetched. It's dangerous.

You perceived such a state of mind, turn your satisfied face without further pursuit.

"May I ask your point of view?

"With you as your back shield, Viscount Grandkin grew, and the people who didn't move even more ostensibly made their connection clear to him. Bait, isn't it? Your role."

"I would have liked to have eliminated Non anyway."


"Non has been involved in the center for a long time. The old should give way to the younger and more competent than the hour of judgment. It's like having a guardian all the time when you're here. If there's no one left to rely on, we'll have to do it ourselves, okay?

"If I normally retire, I'll rely on you, so I'll make it an unreliable situation, and instead eliminate the villains from the country. Finally, I give you credit for beating yourself! Stay confident and keep up the good work."

Would this be the case in brief? You have a brilliant mix of Spartan education, kindness and loyalty to the country.

... Oh, there are people leaning around. Are those the nobles who have relied on the Marquis of Leckbari?

"Erm. So I guess I shouldn't have come out?

No, you definitely shouldn't have been there, should you? Did I do something extra?

But Marquis Leckbari laughed and shook his head beside him.

"No? You didn't make an arbitrary move, did you, Prince Elshon? Don't worry about it."


"He's one of Noon's godchildren, and he doesn't have the lukewarm education to rely on his manpower."

... I feel like I've been dropped a bomb.

Looks like the raccoon in front of you is the source of the Demon King's educational policy.

"Eh...... that means the culprit of that guy's way of thinking!?

"The culprit... No, that's right, too"

"I mean, he said it greatly affected the demon king's personality formation."

"Yes, no. I don't think it's Non's fault..."

You're very suspicious around the rush ~, Raccoon?

Is that, like, this guy's godson, or is he going in the exact opposite direction?

Klaus stroked his head as he watched the raccoon with his jito eyes that let his eyes swim and seep cold sweat.

"Where the cause turns out, the reality doesn't change, does it?

Craftsman, that mouth that only tells the truth is very hateful now.

Well, let's not now because Raccoon will be a sermon and retirement plea time in the name of investigating in the future.

Oh, do I have to tell you one thing?

"Marquis Leckbari. I just want you to correct your perception for one thing."

"... what is it?

"Rudolph has a part on the inside that looks just like me. If I don't hide my fangs and nails, Rudolph hides them except when he needs them."

"You don't think I'm sorry about this one?

"No? I'm going to put it away in peace, aren't I? But I was wondering if you could review the ratings of the friends who helped me."

"... the Mage hears that there are many who are supremacists in the power of standards. Including this one, don't you think that you will be recognized as your best friend and called the" King of Solemn Qing "?

"Hehe, there won't be any in the future! Especially if you were listening to me right now."

"Oh my God... I didn't know you were going to use Nan at last"

Be patient with that as a nuisance fee.

I don't need a raccoon's neck, so keep working.