The Magician Wants Normality

Lovers know reality.

The hall, where the two of us returned, has a calmer atmosphere than earlier.

Perhaps the Felix and the others finished their greetings without difficulty. If I had objected, I would have gathered my surrounding gaze by now.

"... you're coming this way. Elles, too."

"Um, are you coming already?

"We're not together. It's from behind. To be able to intervene at any time."

They saw it from Al, who was taller than me. I mean, now the demon kings are coming out?

"Oh, are you going to start production?

"Didn't you decide that prolonging it wouldn't change the outcome?

Apparently, the reorganization course was rejected. Didn't you see any reflection even with the awkwardness?

Well, honestly, the extent of what just happened won't change the 'that's how I've been raised' Felix ever since. Same goes for Miss Sandra, where Felix is the standard.

... because she would not have understood the loss of a samurai until she moaned, "Why do we need it?"

royalty, but also a lapse in front of those of other nations. If we allow that, the country itself will be devalued.

That's why it's necessary to keep the ratings from Irfena down.

I never pity a samurai. I understand perfectly that she was the one who wanted to protect the Lord, with the royal family.

"I'd like another prey to come anyway."

When he squeals like that, Al narrows his eyes funny.

"Oh, you want 'her' too?

"'Cause I don't think we're gonna talk about it, do you? If the Demon King is coming this way, Klaus will be here."

"hehe...... sure"

Al laughs joyfully if you can imagine what I'm trying to do. The accomplice seems to be motivated inside.

"It's a place like this, but it's nice to be shown off solid. Klaus would be delighted to join this provocation."

"Provocation? It's just a fact."

"You too. We have to live up to your expectations, too."

A loose mouth angle engraves a fishing laugh. That definitely doesn't belong to 'Nice Knight'.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah

... 'Knight with Wing Names' has multiple units. Naturally there are other things that exist, but they just don't see me because I'm in quarantine.

The only merchants I met exceptionally were the merchants who took care of me when I was in Quivera. The Demon King borrowed it because he wanted someone who wasn't in contact with me.

Basically all the cavalry dormitories where I live with the direct men of the Demon King in a form led by the royal family. Guess it's made up around the Demon Kings alumni because of their age.... The Black Knight feels like a friend of Klaus's.

Well, anyway.

They were also naturally angry because this time they insulted the 'country' called Irfena.

But the demon king left it to Al and the others. It can also be connected to Felix's misfortune.

'Cause it looks like Al and the others, led by the Demon King, are the worst in nature.

Then I'm optional, in their unit.

At least the little fathers of the merchants were decent.

I guess not all knights with wings are like these guys or anything. Though loyalty seems to be smashed up by MAX.

Felix and the others came thinking about it. Apparently he still wants to have a friendly relationship.

... soothing.

Don't say you want to pierce love if 'relying on someone is a prerequisite'. Even the protagonists of third-rate romance novels would scratch to do something more on their own.

"... Lord Magic Master, I'm sorry for earlier"

Felix apologizes as he bows his head. Sandra also imitated it while fading her face slightly.

Huh? Riku?

If the royals would bow their heads, they would only be able to respond 'I don't care'!?

Maybe Felix can't turn his head that far. I do it with vegetables without a back.

"... never mind"

"Because I don't expect it anymore," he adds, ending his inner apology. Al is bitterly laughing too if he finds that out.

Felix and the others have a grin of relief, but in fact, the Hell Patrol has only begun. It's nonstop to the ending, be prepared.


"Before the story"

Block Felix's words and gaze at Miss Sandra. Miss Sandra shook her shoulders frighteningly, but still grinned and stared back.

"I'd like to ask Sandra something.... Don't you regret your choice?

"Huh? Yeah, it was hard to be insulated from my parents, but I have no regrets"


Was it still insulated? If you knew her personality and thought that warm thoughts were not suitable for royalty, then naturally. I can't let my daughter ruin every house, even if she's cute.

By contrast, Miss Sandra is dyeing her cheeks because she doesn't understand the meaning of the word. From her, she only thinks she was questioned about her unwavering love for Felix and her doings.

But I'm not gentle enough to dream like that.

"Dear Sandra. I heard that you are an aristocrat of the Church. To say I will marry the royal family either means to become a traitor to the ecclesiastical denomination and become royal, or to strip the royal family of its fangs as a member of the ecclesiastical denomination. Which do you choose?


"If you become part of the royal family, you will no longer be able to donate to church orphanages. It is not because of personal assets, but because 'the assets of the country will be used as the Princess'. If you donate to the church in that state, it's just tax embezzlement."

"Nah!? Wow, I don't mean that."

Miss Sandra fading and panicking as I just found out for the first time. Felix, stunned, turned his gaze to Sandra.

... You didn't realize, these guys.

"It is possible to visit a state-run orphanage as an official function. But it also goes around certain orphanages on an equal footing and donates… this is limited to supplies. The donation came from the state, not from you."

"Well, just because the Prince's Queen is more personal doesn't make a difference in donations. Above all, people's taxes cannot be allowed to be used personally. Because the budget given to you belongs to the" Prince's Queen "and not to the individual."

Apparently, Miss Sandra realized that she would gradually be unable to live to date in the pursuit of me and Al.

It would have been a choice that had to be in the stage of taking the prince's hand or not.

Felix doesn't seem to understand, and so will his mother. Besides, her family can't speak like this in front of Felix. If I do badly, they'll accept 'I'm saying it to tear the two of us apart' and buy me an unhappiness.

"Live not as an 'individual' but as a 'member of the royal family'. Were you convinced of such a life, really"

Al has always been beside the Demon King as a childhood tame. I guess that's why I can't forgive a man who names his royalty half ready. I'm saying a lot more tight than usual.

"Wow... I, from Master Felix, don't..."

"Didn't you wonder when you saw His Highness Felix earlier? His Royal Highness did not seem to understand his duty as a royal family."

I guess Miss Sandra remembered the earlier exchanges and the words of His Highness Linus in my words. In other words... 'I didn't even understand the common sense with which Felix greets the king'.

Miss Sandra, who fades more and more. She gradually realized the danger of what she had chosen.

... but.

An unexpected person suddenly interrupts the conversation.

"Could you keep it that way? No matter how many wizards we have, we have no place in our country."

A beautiful blonde girl with a strong mind is staring at me ahead of her gaze.

... who, this child. Felix is flattered.

The beautiful girl moved closer to us and gazed firmly at me.

"I'll catch your eye first, Master Mage. My name is Hilda, and I'm with the Duke of Aynsworth. Isn't the word a little too much if you've heard it from me earlier? It is not forbidden to listen to the mouth of the royal family! Leave!"

Strangulation in a tight tone is directed at me. Al would be critical tolerant, but it seems I'm only a civilian and that means I'm out.

If you spoke of the identity system against the punishment of the samurai, you would say accept this word as well. It's true.

But Felix is also biting Miss Hilda in the dew for discomfort.

"Hilda! Though my ex-fiancé, don't be silly!

"... Your Highness, I am doing this for Your Highness."

"I'm saying that's extra!


Am I ignoring you two? For once, you're a party, aren't you?

More than that, I care what Miss Hilda says and does.

"Keep away from Felix", "What I'm doing for Your Highness" in "Emphasis on the Identity System"...?

...... yeah? Doesn't her behavior resemble that of a former Elaine?

By scolding him, he shall know that the nobles of this land are not taken lightly.

'Felix stopped exposing me to any more shame' by making me stop talking to Felix.

'He tried to free us from Felix' by urging us to leave.


Are you trying to put this place away by becoming a bad guy from yourself? This guy.

She's right, and I just have to accept her words and apologize for not being a foul spot on Irfena.

If you look at him like that, the criticism of the earlier situation of 'nobility ignored even by the Fourth Prince' will also be moderated to some extent. I'm showing an attitude of 'I'm not dealing with nobility'.

She doesn't have anything to gain from this behavior. Just drop your own reputation - especially from Felix.

In the first place, she could understand that I was a magician. And yet you dared make a bad impression not to make yourself more perceived as an enemy than Felix and the others?

No fool sells fights to synonymous with disaster. Because if they protest, they can be punished enough not to cause harm to the country. She looks like she took the role from Felix.

"Ex-fiancé," Felix said. It's that attitude, naturally it must have been the royal family that wanted it.

She was... Felix's 'Guardian'...?

That's my idea elsewhere. Felix is arguing with Miss Hilda. Don't you even think about what the word "action" means for you, Felix?

"Lord Commander! You don't have to listen to her! This woman just doesn't like everything I do!

"I have always been on Your Highness's side."

Understand that your speculation is almost correct in the words. Has she always advised and corrected Felix's mistakes?

Especially since Felix only took that as a novel.

"I don't like everything"... doesn't that mean, "I was watching you not to hemp because you're immature as a royalty"?

"The Wizard? What's wrong with you?

Felix is confused because he doesn't know what that means. Al seems to have reached the same conclusion, pointing a slightly scornful gaze at Felix. And I sighed deeply.

"Enough is enough. It's all over, Master Felix."


Leave the proper Felix alone and turn back to Miss Hilda.

"You've been struggling. I think it's brilliant how loyal you are to tailor yourself to the bad guys."

"What the hell are you talking about?

Miss Hilda inquires flatly without breaking her expression, but I see a slight impatience. After all, it looks like her aim is something else.

"We're not that stupid, are we?" Who gains "and" What happens as a result of this situation ". I thought I'd notice your thoughts."

When I close my eyes tightly, she turns off her rugged expression as if she had given up. The expression looked younger than earlier. I guess this is the one she's supposed to be.

…… Have you noticed? "

Lonely, Miss Hilda lays her eyes down, still embarrassed by the guilt of trying to delude her.

"Miss Hilda. We 'have the King's permission'. I think your loyalty and kindness in sacrificing yourself are honorable, but there is something with us that cannot be conceded. … please understand."

"Right. That's a lot of good talk about bugs."

Miss Hilda took a small sigh of relief when she realized what we were doing in Al's words.

Only Felix and Miss Sandra just don't understand. I guess they don't understand the meaning of her words, etc.

For them Miss Hilda is a 'villain'. Once that is decided, it will not be easily covered.

I guess it's a big deal that he was Felix's fiancée in particular. Because in the story, it's a villain position to interrupt two people you love.

"What the hell are you talking about? Lord Wizard?

We'll answer Felix's question. Because they will never believe a word from Miss Hilda.

When I turned my gaze to Miss Hilda, I bowed my head gently like, "Please." Take it and Al opens his mouth.

"Miss Hilda's words and actions were really for you, Your Highness. To keep you from exposing yourself to any more ugliness, to keep Mizuki from being criticized by the nobles, and so that we can escape you."

"Nah... I don't think so!

"... it's very easy to understand from outside of you, isn't it? Instead of bringing her reputation to the ground, she was prepared to end the conversation by buying the exorcism of the Mage."

"Of course, you must also be prepared to be punished in that case. … that's how I've always complained and protected you from being a hater."

You can't believe what I and Al have to say. Felix has a bewildered look on his face.

But Al's predictions wouldn't be wrong. Your fiancée will be chosen to support Felix.

And the people who are going to break in there.

"Exactly.... Hilda, you've put a lot of effort into that. Sorry."

"Your Majesty! No such words are necessary. I just thought I should live up to your expectations more than I was given a role. I'm the one who didn't do what I wanted..."

King Baraksin lowering his head. And I apologize to the King on my knees, Miss Hilda.

That's right, it's a matter of wanting to be grounded as a father, even though I needed it for my country as a king.

It's like pushing a problem child on your daughter about her age, and she's eventually disengaged on her own.

It would be like painting mud on the king's face and selling a fight to the Duke's house. Because during her time as Prince's fiancée, she remained in custody. You treat me like a disturber without realizing you're being helped, and clearly, you suck.

Besides, Miss Hilda's going to have to hurry up and find a place to marry her. He tried to help the Felix and the others again, despite that. From what I can tell, you're equal to a saint, my lady.

The king turned a stern face to Felix. The matter of Miss Hilda was unexpected, but the king will not stop the crime against Felix.

"You've managed to come here so far because Hilda stopped you every time you tried to make a mistake. I'm sorry I didn't notice that."

Felix let his shoulders wave at the apparent disappointment that could be directed from the king.

I guess that's pretty much preached after all. But from now on, it's not a level of sermon or anything.

"The King" doesn't even try to hide his apparent disappointment with "The Prince".

And do it in a place where there are people from other countries, to show it off.

Wordless, but the demon kings are here beside us. It was a slightly different development than planned, but it merely speeded up the culpability from the King.

Miss Hilda perceived the atmosphere of the place or, once again, left. She's not an accomplice to this one. She shouldn't be here.

"What the wizards said is true, Sandra. I didn't understand your family's feelings. Your place is no longer only next to Felix.... I even broke my engagement on my own, and now I'm not getting away with it."

Miss Sandra is shuddering her shoulders to the king's word.

The only thing that ends happily is the story, acting like love or love. Even when you're happy, the hard work you've done goes around absolutely.

It would be best to live with each other in support, but Felix is too unreliable to do so.

"The Magic Master is here because I invited His Highness Elshon and His Highness brought him here as an escort and handkerchief. Of course, I do."

"Huh... why would you do that?!?

The king turned his eyes so hard to Felix, who wandered. Without knowing what it means, Felix makes his gaze wander.

"Felix. You sent an invitation to a night club to the faceless Wizard, didn't you? Besides, I didn't tell my guardian, His Highness Elshon, anything, and I didn't even stand up to ask Irfena"

The nobles who were watching the situation deliberately expose their consternation. They figured out what that unbelievable behavior meant. He is changing his complexion at the same time.

"There will be enough to make fools of yourself, such as ignoring the country you are protecting!... Oh, did you also want to insult the Demon Master? If you don't have to, you won't learn the manners of a lady or anyone else in the world. Even if it's an invitation from the royal family, the Wizard must respond in order to put Irfena's face up."

"Wow... I didn't mean to..."

"Normally, you have to hear the will of the Wizard himself through Ilfena, and if you are willing to participate, you have to have dresses, ornaments, etc. prepared here. Ask Ilfena to teach you how to manners a lady."

"That's not all, you're gonna need my permission eventually. Including the convenience of her guardians."

The demon king, who was beside King Baraksin, appeared with Klaus, following the king's words.

Because you can't come without your guardian's permission, me. Surveillance and accompanying the guardian are naturally mandatory.

In that sense, we need to ask, because we have work to do with Al and the others.

"You've made a fool of my country for a long time. I don't think the king has forgiven me, so I asked him and he immediately apologized... keep your head down."


Felix can't say anything but bluish his face to the fact that he was poked at. No, this isn't just about the situation.

Cause, maybe it's the Demon King. Beautiful faces have a smile, but the emotions that live in are inversely proportional to the beauty of things.

Demon King, the control of intimidation is getting sweeter. If Felix falls, I'm in trouble, hold him down.

"I wonder if you would have liked us to be allies with the Wizard who gave us his name because we have no allies.... Mizuki, will you be on their side?

"Absolutely not, why should I be used? And you know exactly what you deserve when you don't have an ally."

"Right, the more unsolicited you behave, you won't be on your side with the ecclesiastical nobles. Because they are proud to be aristocrats."

This is also something I was wondering about. Isn't it obviously strange that the ecclesiastical nobles are not on their side?

But when I came to this country, I knew the answer. I don't care if Felix and the others conveniently rely on me, no one will want to fall together.

"So I suggested to the king that we have a place to discern. If you are completely different from our assumptions… try to put things away with the king's apology if it is necessary for the country. But that seemed futile."

Beautifully and horribly, the second prince of Ilfena overwhelms his surroundings as he deserves the name Demon King.

With voice, with words, with face, with its overwhelming magic.

It's the same prince, but it's all showing a different presence than Felix. In fact, your contribution to the country would be in different digits.

Most importantly, it pissed off such a presence. The fact is known to all who are gathered here.

Okay, Felix.

I want you to be on my side. I'm nothing but a Demon King's pawn.

The demon king himself came all the way here, you don't think it's just gonna work, do you?