The Magician Wants Normality

The Moon, the Wizard and the Holy? At night.

- In a room (female perspective)

Superb liquor for a luxurious meal. I don't normally think it's the priests who enjoy it.

When the woman who was serving exhaled her inner secret sigh, she lowered her head and left the room behind.

The usual. It is strictly forbidden from them to stay here any longer if they do the necessary work.

Probably a story I can't let myself hear.

I didn't think that was confidential as a priest...... etc.

If you are asked about awkward content, you can also be wary of saying 'I might use it later to blackmail you'.

In that sense, they were judging the woman correctly. Even though I know these facts, I won't cut them off to protect myself.

Especially if you have a 'secret' in your hands and will definitely use it as a negotiating material if it makes it easier in the future. That degree of 'spills' would be tolerated.

Proceed to your private room downstairs, thinking as casually as they do.

Sometimes the next morning, their fun extends into the middle of the night. Well...... I will join the morning prayer because I have a night club today and the nobles are not mixed up.

At that point, I'm all kinds of disqualified as a priest, but it's also true that the good mood of nobility is an important task. Because without donations, we can't operate.


I feel I overheard something and look out the window. There is only a beautiful moon there.

In the meantime, the moonlighted church seemed horrible for some reason...

Soft moonlight, pouring down as if to reveal one's heart.

Aren't you exposing yourselves, under this light, to the nature of that church?

Blaspheme God, like the dark part of a church that is not even Rokuro.

Trapped by such thoughts, he accidentally speeds up his legs.

The moon just says it's illuminating everything the same.

… there is no way that you can escape to the point of being in a room.

"They should be in this room on the top floor tonight. It would be a great place to do damage to a building."

The words he said while looking at the schematics were very convenient for me.

Thank you. I hear the vertical arrangement of the desired room is currently empty. Right down there is one of their rooms, and underneath it is a room, I hear.

Church aristocrats sometimes gather together. This is the perfect place for a secret story.

Well, as far as I'm concerned, I don't have to individually destroy it, so thank you. Let's just go around the back.


Just like earlier, I peered inside through the window and moved indoors after confirming that it was unmanned. Put down the demonic blood stone and finish the small work.

It should be noted that the accomplice taught us an easy way to locate. If you match the pattern in the center of the ceiling, it will be more or less the center of the room, in a vertical row?

I guess I decided to wish the operation success while sighing and giving me information. Human giving up is the key, unanimity of interests is a nice bond.

And all that remains is a plea of not guilty, a raid. You won't see your face because when you enter through the window it will just be a backlight, but just in case you wrap your phantoms around it and stay in the game.

Yin will be what it is, so it's just as good as a production of oddity.

Come on, lets thank you!

It is also natural to prepare the "Testimony of Buying God's Wrath"!

We must not enter enemy territory!

Make sure you have a good time eating indoors from the outside and I smile at my mouth.

Hooray, I thought the interior was splendid compared to the residential building as well, but the meal looks fancy too. Are the lights candles and magic props... should the demon stones be destroyed and the candles wind up and put out as promised?

It's the promise of horror that even though it's indoors, the wind blows and the candles shake and disappear!

But unfortunately, that's all this time. We have to take it in the sacred direction of 'miracles' once and for all.

It's a shame that the black shadow is slowly approaching, and even if you wake up a poltergeist, it's an atmospheric environment.

... we'll definitely try it when we have the next one.

I swear by my heart that I will not be noticed by them. Transfer magic goes indoors. Pretty big rooms? Apparently, the table they use is quite large.

And currently underneath the table. No one will notice thanks to the magical transfer and tablecloth.

It's not a trick, and you don't expect people to gush under the table all of a sudden. It's a good place to explore how things are going.

The tablecloth is about forty centimeters on the floor. You can see the windows from there, so when you get out of here, you just have to move the windows again so that they are on your back.

"... hmm?

"What's wrong with you?

Maybe the guy next to you on the right speaks to the guy who stopped the conversation.

There are only three indoors. Since the ecclesiastical nobility has a night club, is it an extremely intimate supper?

- So it's time to start?

"Didn't the wind blow now?

Even in a neck tilting motion, the laughter comes from the two of us.

"The wind? You wouldn't say that because the candles at the table swayed or anything, would you?

"Dude, I didn't feel anything, did I? The windows are closed."

I'm not sure because I can't see them, but the other two didn't seem to hit the breeze that woke them up lightly. I'm spinning a word of denial into a teasing mix.

Looks like he decided to think it was his fault too for the words of such a fellow man. I'm starting the conversation again.

… Targeting. If the target is set, repeat the same thing later.

After that, when I was winding for only one person I noticed a little while later, one of them eventually stood up as if they were frightened.

"Ok, ok. Maybe it's also a gap in the window. I'll make sure."

That's what I say, I take my seat and walk up to the window. Then I looked back when I checked to see if the window was closed and put my hand on it to make sure there might be no gap wind.

"Look, it's my fault. Nothing..."

No, but did you try to say? Sooner than that I drop all the lights inside the room and move behind the man.

One shock wave in the abdomen of a man who noticed signs and tried to look back. The two men, who were suddenly surprised that the lights had gone out, turned to the window at the sound of the man's collapse.

By then I'll be standing with my window behind my back. From the two of us, is there a black suspicious person?

... I'm stepping on a collapsed man, but I don't seem to notice that much. It is a sight to wonder whether it is because I am surprised or to such an extent amicable.

"Ki... how did you get in here!

"Come on? Maybe he was there from the beginning, huh?

The two of them draw their faces to words spinning with the dual voice of the voice in the game and the original voice. It's to keep women and men from judging, but it's pretty creepy. Seems surprisingly usable.

Note that phantoms usually only reproduce their memories based on them. I can't shadow it and my hair and clothes never get windy, so I can tell it's a phantom because of its unnaturalness.

The voice is also limited to the dialogue that I have heard, so I can certainly not have a conversation. 'Cause I was myself' is only possible for what I look like in the game.

It was not thought of as a phantom in the fort event because the conversation was in place. Other than that, you just recreated what your buddies looked like at the time.

"This is not what the priest looks like... aren't you ashamed? Sounds like you and your nobles are getting along pretty well, huh?


'Oh, no excuses. Because you know everything?

"Tell me all you want! What happens if you harm us..."

The word could not be spun to the end. Because I generated a sharp blade of ice from the foot of a man in an instant.

Kin...... and multiple crystal clear sounds whilst at the same time feeling crisp around the neck and body. You instinctively realized that 'if you move, you will die' on an ice blade that grew suddenly from your feet, and your gaze is directed at me.

The other understood the situation. Because of his fear, he opened his eyes and struck his buttocks, rattling and trembling.

Because I was having a conversation with them.

There's no way you can chant.

The idea of a magician would not be the first. Anyway, the magic of this world is' common sense 'to chant.

The unchanging chant was accepted because 'it is an obscure being called a magician'. No chanting because he's a magic guide, not that.

An attacking demonic prop would also be possible without chanting, but it was nonetheless impossible in its present state.

Unless even a demonic blood stone is installed, the source of magic is the demonic stone of an operator or a demonic prop. Suddenly nothing. The fact that an ice blade grew from their feet would also have frightened the two of them.

When I grinned and smiled at the two silent people, I found their faces increasingly distorted into fear, even indoors just in the moonlight.

Well, from the other side, only the mouth of a black figure would seem to have smiled. The evil spirit must look better than the apostle of sin.

Perhaps it is also thought to be an inexperienced chemical.

"So what? I have no obligation to care about you. [M] Yes...... '

Raise one hand to concentrate your magic and follow the signs of the demonic blood stone you have placed. And.

"Like this."

It swung down momentum and at the same time generated shockwaves up and down around all the demonic stones.

It seems that just below the table was the passing point, making a loud noise and shattering every table.

Dishes with dishes, glasses in a bottle of wine, a broken table, and... fragments of the ceiling that made the sky visible.

The two of them accidentally looked up at the small fragments falling apart. Find a hole there and keep your gaze down. The same downstairs, holes punched through the downstairs.

"Come on, it's time for a plea."

Do it, and laugh. Before I heard them beg for their lives, I stunned the two of them just like the other man. And I'll wait and see if I can get up.


All right! Mission accomplished!

Was that so scary? You were so stunned that you didn't even realize you erased the ice blade into a gap with your gaze upwards?

I'm satisfied! It's like a successful Halloween or April Fool event!

Oh no, surprisingly, evil spirits are fun. Let's make a suggestion next time in Irfena.

... Now, don't be an idiot forever and move on to the next action.

Truth be told, I have installed a demonic prop - made by the Black Knight - that incorporates a soundproofing junction in a room with demonic blood stones, so there is no gathering of people with this sound. I'm in possession of the same thing about this room.

Recover the rest after this, and the evidence obliteration is perfect. I don't even need to be noticed right now.

Still, I care about time because bedtime is imminent for the people who should be witnesses. Regardless of the residential building, the faithful living in the surrounding area fall asleep.


What I took out of my pocket was a piece of paper about ten centimeters on one side. There it says' resentment 'in kanji.

It's from the tattoo I made in Irfena. It's black ink, but I've got a brush for you to write...!

Tattoos are basically what you put color into your skin. When I smash it, I stab my skin with a needle, and it's made of super easy means of embedding color.

This time, I'm going to move the letters written on paper under my skin because of the application of the transfer of letters (ink). It's okay, because I've got enough of them!

Some words say kanji art?

You know only about Glenn in this world, don't you?

I don't know what that means, it's creepy!

It may be recognized as a painting, but the feelings that can be included remain in the letters.

For me, I am the culprit who has done more to me than to Kivera. Now I have to punish you. Next I'm going to 'curse' or 'kill' you.

You just have to be on your face for a while, so it's a one-shot battle. I'm sure you'll try antidote magic or something, and it won't be harmful to the human body. Ning Lo, I wonder if applying healing magic in this condition will only settle the dye.

Work sakukuku with that in mind. Don't forget to do some healing magic before tattooing to keep your abdominal pain.

You won't know if the raid is a dream or a reality when you wake up with this. The proof that it was real is the black letters on their faces - are their perceptions pictorial? - and the numerous objects destroyed, and the painful time they will be experiencing.

I didn't get hurt, so tattoos are useless for healing magic. 'Cause the pigments are just fixed.

Be frightened by the fears of black engraving that you don't possess...!


Left them alone, recovered the soundproof junction, confirmed the punched hole, and filled the interior of the junction beside it with devil's mist (laughter).

Once outside and destroy a part of the church after making a report to him. After simulating the strange phenomenon of 'lightning strikes even though there is no cloud in the sky' with strong light and sound at the same time, I was amazed by the sound and mixed with the people around me who came to see how it was going.

And follow his instructions with no food on his face and help the victims rescue. Come on, saint (planned). I have something to do here.

He was immediately switching to a rescue operation when he visited the special building in the name of "Ask for instructions above for a sudden lightning strike".

The first time I saw the victim, I felt a little tearful. Well, you didn't explain in detail what would happen to the victim. Is that scary?

He told me, "Wash it with water and it'll calm you down one day," so maybe he expected the degree of coughing up. Sorry, this has the power to silence knights......!

He was desperately rescuing the first guard to be transported - he said he was near the entrance - while people gathered to freak out as well.

Others try to help, but they can't go in there, and in the end, other than him, they're going to take care of the victim and make him recruit fear.

... Did they think it was an infectious disease or something? My eyes do turn bright red and I can't seem to stop crying though.

I handled it while I said, 'He's special, isn't he?!' Praise all that you say and direct them to the Saints' Route.

I feel sorry for the courageous people who were damaged trying to participate in the rescue, so I removed the ingredients while pretending to give them a hand. I will also try to make this come down with wings that are clear from the sky with a phantom to make it a miracle.

It was a wide-ranging healing magic effect that I took care of scatterly in the game, but it seemed miraculous in people's eyes. It is also further induced by saying, 'Has God's mercy been given to courageous action?'

It didn't take much rescue work because there weren't many victims, but it goes without saying that by then the eyes directed at him were full of respect.

... and his eyes that can be directed at me are like, 'What the fuck, you!' Needless to say, he was talking. Doubtful, but certain.

No, you're on schedule, aren't you? You can't be a big shot if you care about the details.

As I smiled at him giving instructions to treat the victims surrounded by people, I secretly returned to my room after the destruction of the junction and the fog of the devil.

This is the only time to disappear, so I can't help it.

... I don't have a choice, I didn't run away.

There was also a reason that the parent cat would get angry when it was late. 'Cause after this, it's reporting time!?