The Magician Wants Normality

Unexpected harvest

'If you're going to listen to me, you have to allow it. But don't stand out. "

I got permission to go out with such a demon king's words, and I took the knight s to the Viscount Deebolt house.

As can be seen from this dialogue, the Demon King also thought Christina's ill health was due to her abilities.

That's right, I've been shown the ability of Knight s from day to day - and it's with me, so I've got more opportunities to be shown off - monkey.

I was looking at that one, and I said, "Maybe? 'I suspect so. Because I see it scattered as a result, not as a reason.

By the way.

The siblings' abilities were also gunned down during the last Viscount VS Grandkin. Christina was quarantined early to the Mages' Nest/Duke of Blondell's house, so it seems she just didn't get the chance.

The informant was escorting the Kingsguard. - Why is the Kingsguard escorting him? I thought, when they got hurt, they said, 'Isn't that a good amount of nerve for the Viscount?' He planned to activate his parents' power with the word '- it is.

Apparently they were in charge of escorting the Knight s brothers. Except he said, "We didn't need it, that was it."

Stone flies over accidentally dropped pen and flexed.

Suddenly stopping feet and changing paths a few times, the point of appearance of Gorotsuki ahead of them.

Besides, they said, "Somehow? 'In that state, they didn't know it was dangerous or anything.

The love of my late mother has been great. It still seems like you're coming to protect the kids.

"Christina not only asks what's going on, but maybe she'll be our collaborator. In that case, I believe the Demon King will 'order' Viscount Deebolt."


I'll tell you in the carriage to go, just in case. I thought I should let these two know beforehand, because it could be enough under certain circumstances.

It sounds harsh, but Christina and nobility. There is no alternative to defying the royal word.

Advice, two people silent on my words. But the silence didn't seem to have guided my sister.

When they looked at each other, they were grinning bitterly.

"Your Highness is an elusive way to protect you, really."

"Even my father knew I had no choice. Why would you use a villain's hand to" order an identity as a shield "?"

It would be the demon king who would be the culprit for the two of you to be frightened, even though he might risk his adorable sister.

You noticed me tilting my neck, and Abel shrugged small, "Oh, you're not very familiar with it, are you?"

"Royalty is absolute from a noble point of view. Even that nobleman has something to do with it, right? This time it's necessary, and if it's a request from the royal family, I can't defy it more than I'm awarding the title."

"But it's not like His Royal Highness is unscrupulous, is it? Even Father is in a position to cooperate. We have to persuade Christina as our master even if she's going to risk it."

"It also sounds like 'ordering your identity to be a shield' was' blackmailing reluctant fathers by shaking your position as royalty and forcing your daughter to be a collaborator '. At least whoever fears Your Highness will be sympathetic to your father, right?

Because I'm pretty well known that my father adores my daughter until my late mother's minute, and the two smile as if they were frightened. There are no shards such as anger at the Demon King who would lay down his life there.

Doesn't that mean that the perception that 'Viscount Deebolt was promoted with the trust of His Highness Elshon' seems to surround him with 'forced orders'?

I don't know what to say, but the Deebolts are Viscounts. It's called the time of Christina's debutante, when she's surrounded by people she envies, she gets more of a rush than she needs.

Exactly what Al did as Christina's partner would be situationally a perception of 'Viscount Grandkin's Relationship Job', but the other connection is nothing more than a Viscount.

I guess it is quite true that knights make these ideas. It's their abilities and character that don't matter, and... maybe because of the Demon King's follow up.

Try 'every favor' directly to the royal family in this situation.

Afterwards there awaits the jealousy and rubbing of the nobles, who are undoubtedly their only identities.

The Demon King takes such circumstances into account and takes the attitude of 'commanding'...... Knight s seems to think. Have you ever stuck with me and understood that the Demon King is someone full of guardian guts?

Demon King, it's good to have more understanders. Maybe all the people who've been watching over you are in this mood, right?

"Don't worry! There are rare beasts out here that you can't control unless you're the Demon King."

That's what I say and point myself at.

"The Devil King's Parent Cat is known to other countries, even though it's part of them, and I'm a genuine outer road that doesn't matter except for the extreme part for me, right? What makes me look better than that guy, it's not gonna be the way you imagine me."

Speaking of farewell, the knight s remained silent with a subtle expression.

What's up, both of you. You'll be very convinced, because you're always close to me and you witness it.

…… It's a statement that clearly shelters His Highness, but it's a denial. "

"You, you treat me badly with other things. Can't you figure it out, its character"

"You're not a fraternist. Give back your love, give back your hostility ten times more!

"" Stop! Though yours would be a straight line through hostility to ruin!?

Beautifully hammered. That's the twins, they don't have a slight discrepancy in their perception of me.

Look, it's polite to buy a sold fight, okay? And I repeat, fools need to remind their bodies not to 'defy' after taking power and wealth.

Well, I guess it's humiliating to say blah blah blah blah that I'm a civilian so I stay a loser. Your nobility lives in a pride oriented, very difficult world.

Why don't we just split up and turn around?

Of course I've been in the past. I don't even have the details or the value to use.

We headed to Viscount Deebolt's house to talk about that.

Deacon in the same carriage - I hear Viscount Deebolt ordered me to pick you up. This time it is only 'Christina's friend, the Wizard, worried and wanted a visit' - looked at with a smile.

"You're still good friends. Above all."

I got the word.

Yeah, I think we're close. The less' bonded connection of the battlefield ', subtly crisis-filled from day to day, is just perfect.

I'm too used to this situation and I feel like peacefully spreading my comic talent modoki even if they send me to the real battlefield... with the option of scolding the Demon King for all three afterwards.

And the room of Christina that was guided...... the bedroom. Christina was there, who didn't seem to sleep enough, but still took care of herself and was still a bed dweller.

I heard it got a lot better, but I still get sick mentally and my complexion is not very good.

Still gave me a happy look when I saw me and the Knight s appearance. Especially since he seems to be close to his brother right up there, the Knight s, I guess it also means relieved.

"Long time no see, Christina. You said you were sick?

"Long time no see, Master Mizuki. Yeah... I've been worried about it for a long time, but I'm worried more than I need to."

I'm sorry, but Christina laughs bitterly if you're happy to show me.

Right, have you been sick sometimes for a long time? Well, knight s is sturdy enough to be a knight, and I haven't heard your brothers up there are weak.

... At least you'll have to have strong gastrointestinal tract, tough spirits and strength to withstand lengthy discussions, this country, he said.

By the way, Christina.

That "ill from time to time"... isn't it Viscount Grandkin related?

If this situation is the result of special abilities being demonstrated, it seems likely enough.

I don't even feel like that dinner party was fine because I felt like I was the lead actor in person and at the same time just before the debutant. 'Cause it was necessary, that one.

I can assure you that if you want to be absent, the Viscounts of Grandkin will be a derogatory story with pleasure. The knight s called me because he guessed it more than Christina.

"In the meantime, I've been making treats for you, so let's have some tea together."

"Wow......! I'm delighted, Mizuki's creation is rare."

…… Yeah, I'm glad you're happy. And don't tell anyone else about it. "


Because the lateral streams through knight s will be found out......!

Maybe the Demon King knows and misses it. I don't blame you because 'when you discover it, you have to ban it'.

You're an alien in isolation for once, aren't you, me? In addition, when personal relationships are discovered, it is the Viscount Deebolt family who suffer the hard times.

Sisters Charles just doesn't have a guy in a position to complain to him. There is also a connection called the Guardian, so the guy who sold the fight is disputed and over.

After that, the ruin course is waiting. Everyone in the upper echelons of this country is very unwelcome.

"Master Mizuki, what's this?

Christina takes an interesting look at the vessel on the plate offered in front of her. There's a yellow one in there with a dark brown sauce.

"Say pudding. It's a treat from the world I was in."

It's not very big, and I have bitter caramel, so Christina would be fine. It's all nutritious ingredients, so if the food is thinner, it's just fine.

Ice cream will cool your body, so select this one this time. It was convenient because it was made and placed as a snack of the day. I mean, everyone in the knight's dorm is eating this today.

So I think, 'Are men of good years happy to eat pudding!?' especially, but they are happy. Eat with the momentum you take over.

It's a moment when the image of the knight you subtly admire breaks down ~. Gifts for them... No, booze is a dant. Sure, it's more liquor than confectionery for grown men.

Speaking of how do you know that, because they bring the liquor sent to their parents' house to a knight's dorm swallowing party.

Because poisoning is almost impossible, Noeko the Knight Dormitory. There is antidote magic, so bringing it in for the price is open. But I hardly care about the sender, although I swallow alcohol with cancer.... poor, giver.

Christina was happily carrying the pudding into her mouth as she thought about such a stupid thing.... Looks like you're okay, next time I'll run the recipe over to the chef.

Seeing the knight s relieved face, I guess the food was still thinner. Maybe he was depressed and had a much darker look.

It's a corner, so it looks like you should listen to me after you finish eating. We both nodded small if we looked at the knight s.

... and.

I finished my pudding and just got a little better complexion - and my expression is somewhat bright. Sweets work for girls even when the world is different - I decide to listen to Christina.

I've got some information from the Black Knights, but there may be a difference from Christina's point of view. There is also the possibility that she alone has the information.

Most importantly, the Demon King told me that information such as "There have been a lot of kidnappings lately" and "The Demon Kings are moving" should be communicated.

If you could be a collaborator and you're guiding a kidnapped friend, you'd better make her think 'there's something she can do'.

Besides, Christina knows the Demon King and his delightful companions are not incompetent. Not as an admirer, but as an experience of my own.

I mean, you have tremendous trust. At least you'll feel safer now.

I don't ask all of a sudden, though. Let's start with the information on our kidnapped friend.

"... Master Archet is a very trustworthy friend. Well, I was a debutant with Argent and Charlene... and some of you were looking for me."

"He wants to make contact with Christina and get to know them,"

Cristina snorted when she heard it on a straight ball. Knight s doesn't pinch his mouth even though he looks grumpy. Unexpectedly, I decide to tickle everyone.

Hey...... didn't even this kid actually try to use it as a stepping stone?

Christina would have thought it would be easy, but she has special abilities. Opportunities like that would be failing.

"Master Archet never said such a thing. One way or another, Mizuki... he seemed interested in the Wizard. He says there are many scholars in Archet's house, and Archet himself is a very smart and knowledgeable person."

"I see, then I'm convinced. You don't want to be near me, you want to hear all kinds of things."

"Yeah, he said he wanted to hear about the other world."

Christina nods happily at my reaction. Perhaps I'm glad that my dear friend didn't dislike me.

It's okay, to that extent, I'm not angry because it's normal as a curious scholar reserve. The standards are the Black Knights, and they're perfectly fine!

I don't mind if we just talk... except I can understand that. We need to make an effort to understand each other because we have a prerequisite wall of knowledge.

I lean my inner neck as I listen to Christina.

Apparently, the kidnapped friend is a little stranger. This would be unlikely to be unlimited: 'kidnapped because he was resented for his romantic tangles'. Because it doesn't make you a rival in love.

Besides, it was hard to think that 'it was in the way of certain ladies'.

Black Knight info says she's the same age as Christina, and the house is the Baron's. Not everyone is close to the man they admire or has a fiancé. Her family was also not particularly noticeable.

The point is that 'not only Miss Archet, but also the house and family are somewhat through'. This may be the reason why 'the purpose of the kidnapping is unknown'.

If you think at this point, would it mean 'she's been kidnapped because of herself'?

Plus, after the debutante, it's pretty limited. Unless you're also the guy who's been eyeing me for a long time, there seems to be a reason for her behavior these days.

She doesn't seem like the type to look down on people, but she seems unconscious because of her talent. And resentment... or something?

I remembered one more thing I hadn't heard, and I spoke to Christina.

"Christina. She seems like a friend with a very different personality, but how did you know her?

"Uh... Master Archet has helped me. Actually, it seemed that those of you who invited me to that tea party wanted to get to know you guys through me, and, uh, they were pretty persistent. That's where Archet praised me."

"What kind of praise, by the way?

"Sure......" If you admire your willingness to use Master Christina, you'll be disgusted if you see it "" Because you're doing that, don't you think you won't be dealt with by the admirer? It was. "

"" "Oh... that's..." "

I accidentally got raw warm eyes and hammered with the knight s.

Pretty tight, dude. Not only does Archet flatter you, but he's a big choreographer!

Christina doesn't seem to have noticed, but I guess she was blackmailing her in the dark.

"Jealousy is ugly, I know your admirers, so let's do a tick?

"You were already flabbergasted in the first place, didn't you know why yet?

This is what it looks like to interpret. Yeah, he's a great friend inside. I don't think it's the word of a lady the same age as Christina.

Oh, I feel like this was the right prediction earlier. Even if you were harassed, you were retaliating yourself and shutting her up, she.

But there's something odd about that... It would be too much to develop into a kidnapping, only a 'fight between the courtiers'. Home sucks if you imitate like that in this country. Normally, parents stop.

"At that time...... Master Mabel apologized to me later. Since then, I've been seeing you two. I was going to visit Master Mabel's house the other day, but I got sick..."

That's what Christina leaned over. Can't she forgive that she's the only one who's safe?

It's unclear what kind of emotion Miss Mabel currently had with Miss Archet, but at least she doesn't seem to be very comfortable with Miss Mabel.

He seems to think about it as "I know someone who drinks tea with me if they invite me even if I don't have to be close friends".

But I smile inside a certain certainty.

Well, that's the way I used it, so it's a "no information" situation?

Was Christina ill, after all, ability-activated?

Instead of listening, all of a sudden you seem to have reached the right answer. And if that prediction is correct... we can also prepare effective traps.

I didn't direct interrogation, but this conversation. I guess Christina also has excellent crisis detection skills.

"Thanks, Christina. Enough. I know you're going to ask for help, but then..."

"Of course! I thank you all very much for your help. Not only that, but I'd love to know what I can do for Master Archet myself."

If you smell future requests for cooperation while cutting the story off, Christina nods instantly. The look didn't belong to the girl who was frustrated by regret, but was as resolute as it was when she confronted Amelia.

I was worried, so you showed me the footage later with the magic props... and I finally saw the horrors of my sisters, Charles.

"Oh well."

"Yes! Say anything I can!

I snort with a grin at the reliable words. This would be fine if there was a 'slightly unpleasant fact'. I hear this kid grows up every day.

Leave the room as it is and take the knight s to the knight dorm again. Knight s was silent to the inside of the carriage. You must have noticed that my condition had changed.

"So, what did you grab?

"You cut the story out because you were able to report it to His Highness, right?

When the carriage starts moving, we'll both come and ask what we expected. And I answered in a good mood.

"I know how to kidnap this case. And then there was the calculation of how I was sure to be caught as a"

"" What?

I put my index finger up and shake it sideways against two people who look surprised because they don't know what it means.

"It was on the way home from the Tea Party that Miss Archet was kidnapped. But Christina is feeling ill about going to the Tea Party. I mean..."

Speaking of which, I guess we both understood. He is changing his complexion immediately.

"Are you saying Miss Mabel's house is an accomplice?

"I'm still anticipating it. Isn't there a part of you that's unconsciously alert that Christina doesn't say she's a friend, like Miss Archet, either?

"Baron's Lady, huh? I don't think I'm going to do such a big thing..."

I guess it's more right that 'I can't do it powerfully' than 'I don't think I'll do it'. Abel seems to agree with Cain's words.

However, our prediction the other day concludes that 'we are divided into groups for kidnapping purposes and groups that want to discredit Irfena'. Even if it's not definitive, it's likely.

Then I think you can also think of the hand of 'listing houses with personal grudges and taking cooperation'.

This will not raise any suspicions if the house that became the accomplice is examined. I didn't kidnap him.

"Mm-hmm... the house would have something to do with it, too, then. Report the details to the Demon King before speaking. In the meantime, assuming the house you were visiting just before the ladies were kidnapped as an accomplice, I'm sure you'll be clear once you've investigated."

Now, would that be the first step in a counterattack?