The Magician Wants Normality

Chat on the Way Home - Cat Parents & Children Edition

- On the way home.

Retaliation in Sarovara...... it wasn't, the case is over.

The Demon King urged us to return to Ilfena for all of us. There should be no outsiders in Sarovara right now.

That's why I'm in the middle of my way home. Even so, it's a carriage after the metastasis team, so it just rocks with ease.

Second, I think of Sarovara. Although we have done everything we can, it will not be easy to change the values and institutions that have taken root once and for all. Is salvation so much that it is not stained to the people?

However, if Tircia is in that condition, I don't think Sarovara needs to worry that much.

'Now this country will change too... I'll make it change'

It is the word of Tircia at the time of parting. If you think normally, it would be a comforting word to show your determination for the future.

... but it was Tircia who said it.

He is a Ciscon.

I intend to retaliate firmly for what I have done.

Such a guy makes a statement of determination. What a horrible word!

When her dictionary is engraved with a sentence "My sister's enemies are not to be destroyed," I will not stop believing.

If a princess like that is after prey with her eyes shining, hey?

In the first place, Tircia is the mastermind behind the kidnapping. It's Blaine who set up the 'that' case!

Never, never! With the momentum of living hell, there must be a twist and a push. 'Present evidence and punish, yes, end!' Oh, my God, there's no way to take a warm way.

It's about Tircia, she'll be wearing about her sister's diary. I'm sure he also records the harassment Lillian suffered in a separate book.

Normally, it's a joke, but I'm serious about Tircia. Once, when I joked about 'Leaving a collection of sister episodes or something like that yes,' something I was shown with a full grin.

... I learned the depth of Ciscon's love. If you make a mistake, he's sick.

Tircia and I wouldn't have been in that state from the beginning. After years of protecting my pretty sister, I just became a cyscon, drowning, a phrase that gave rise to a sense of mission and a protective appetite beyond degrees.

In a way, it's the harm done by the nobles who continue to belittle the royal family. With that in mind, I can't even say that Tircia is their victim.... I'm not ashamed of myself at all.

"Are you worried about the princesses? Mizuki."

A demon king in a carriage with me calls out. With the Demon King, one who has a good understanding of Sarovara's situation...... maybe it is because he is in a position of royalty that he will know the hardships to wait for in the future.

When you have one idiot with a status for nothing, it's a pain in the ass. It must be a fine royalty to roll those guys well.

Tircia is not an idiot, but she is certain to run wild. That good-looking King Sarovara and honest Lillian are the beings who should make that orbital modification. What a pain!

"Speaking of worries, you're worried"

Mostly the Tyrcian rampage.

It's true that I'm worried, but the people around me seem to struggle harder than the princess. No, one way or another, I feel like I should worry about King Sarovara.

Is your stomach sturdy? If you do it badly, you're gonna make a hole out of it, right?

Answering as he thinks, the Demon King strokes his head with an indescribable look.

"You know what Sarovara's royal family should become in the future, don't you? It took the form of a royal push because we couldn't get our hands on it badly. We shouldn't get involved any more."

"But I'm worried about Lillian."

I'm about to royalty...... no, my sister Ciscon on the side, even though she said she would start studying to be a queen. If King Sarovara fails to contain the rampage, it is Lillian who will come around.

Pity. Something, pity. At least I hope my sister's fantasy doesn't break.

But the Demon King shakes his head to the side loosely. Like, 'More than that, don't step in'.

With the Demon King, you must know what's going on with Lillian. Don't you think the load is just too heavy?

My dissatisfaction was conveyed, the Demon King sighed lightly.

"With Princess Lillian, you have to grow up. She has begun her path to becoming queen... there is nothing more we can do than deprive Princess Tircia of her right to inherit her throne. We must learn the art of holding those around us."

"But there will be difficulty! She hasn't learned anything before, has she?

Instead of the queen, Lillian was' made to fail 'to find value as a royalty.

Tell such a child to hold Tircia's reins like a living final weapon!?

Whatever it is, it's impossible. Besides, for Lillian, Tircia is' my favorite sister '. If this fantasy collapses, Lillian's mental damage is immeasurable.

"Still, yes. You can't escape that responsibility more than being royal. You wouldn't escape the brackets of a different world, would you?

"In my case, I feel more like a rare beast than a different world person"

"Yeah, I can't fit you in with the rest of the world no matter what you think."

If you go in, they'll give you that back immediately. Really, did the Demon King recognize himself as the 'owner of a rare beast'?

It gives me a subtle look - really, it flushed away! - and the Demon King laughs like a sneer.

"I think it's a good thing we're getting along. Nevertheless, we must not imitate anything that would prevent her from growing up."

"But! Before you grow up, aren't you going to break your heart!

Lillian's image of "My Loved Sister" is all wonderful.

Once I heard it, I happily returned the answer: 'Uh, beautiful, wise, kind, caring...'

Unexpectedly, I was about to penetrate... '[gentle, caring] is family only!'.

This answer is true for Lillian. Perhaps King Sarovara would say something similar.

... but the problem is about 'other people'.

I want you to remember the kidnapping...... Tircia is lightly killing the handkerchief. With that escort knight, he's being dropped on the underground mining site with me.

Such a surrounding perception of her is' kind, wise princess'. It is an assessment because it did not enlighten anyone of their nature.

Instead of being 'desperate to act' like Elaine, perhaps Tircia is vegan and in that state. There is no hesitation whatsoever, the way it is...... there is no such thing as the prayer of conscience.

I have enough to wear a cat. Besides, from now on, you don't have to fake yourself.

CONCLUSIONS… In the future, for everyone else, 'a woman fox who is ruthless, ruthless and good at the art of deceiving people'.

I don't think it would be better to have one of these royalties because it is now Sarovara. But in Tircia's case, we also need a stopper.

For once, I've told Lillian, 'Tircia works too hard (= runaway), so stop and do it sometimes,' but I doubt how effective it is. I'm happy with my sister's care, and I feel like I'm going to be a little gentle.

The Demon King continues his words, even though he looks a little troubled.

"But Princess Lillian would have a reliable sister, wouldn't she?

"So you're saying that the sister princess is the problem!"


Pokan, the demon king who will have a look.... Oh? What the hell is going on?

"You're worried about Sarovara in the future, aren't you?

"Isn't that right?

First of all, the demon king just asks. Of course, the Demon King snorted, too.

"Mizuki is particularly worried about Princess Lillian, isn't she?

"You're most worried about Lillian. Is it King Sarovara at the next point?"

This isn't wrong either. Tircia can leave it alone... or he's at the heart of the problem.

But it seems surprising that the Demon King did not name Tircia. Makes me look strange.

Well, what the hell is the Demon King trying to say? What, like there's some strange discrepancy?

"... Aren't you worried about Princess Tilcia?

"I'm not worried about the idiots because I have him. He said he didn't have the personality to be hunted by adults! You seem to have forgotten, but it's the mastermind behind the kidnapping, isn't it?

"Yes, no, that's true,"

Does the Demon King also recall the kidnapping, which gives him a subtle look? That's right!

And he turned his surprised face at me unexpectedly.

"So, what was Mizuki showing you?

"It's a Tyrcia outburst, though. We were talking about that, weren't we?


"Huh!? Oh, you know, the Demon King was talking about something else!?

We realize that we're off topic with each other, and we stare at each other for a while. Oh, that? I think the conversation was connected!?

... a temporary silence falls. It was the Demon King who broke that silence.

"Mizuki, answer honestly. Does Princess Tilcia have any secrets?

"Is that what you've been wearing cats for so long? And then... secretly, he's Ciscon."


Is that a word you're unfamiliar with, the Demon King leans his neck. Oh, well. Cisco has been omitted, so will it not be automatically translated?

"I mean I love my sisters. Tircia was pretty seriously ill...... clearly, 'I love Lillian'. I'll run out of this."

"Oh, I know that too, but especially the problem..."

I guess not, and my exposures follow, as they were supposed to overthrow the Demon King's words.

"I hope that's it, because Tircia said," It's my raison d 'être to protect and spoil Lillian, "or something bloody lost." You fools who have been annoying Lillian, show them to your eyes! 'All in all, I'm willing to kill the idiots. Because you don't have to hide it anymore. "


Shiatsu, and the Demon King hardened.

"Honestly, it's a level of donning, isn't it? In addition to the fact that I no longer have the right to inherit, what is desired is a 'loyal villain'. I was just happy to get the best position for myself."

Seriously. There is nothing to fear in Tircia today.

Oh, the demon king is cramping his face. Didn't you know about Ciscon?

…… What's Mizuki worried about?

"Is it King Sarovara's stomach? I'm overstressing my runaway daughter and I'm telling her if there's a hole in her stomach. You'll have trouble falling. Lillian is too different from her previous sister, and I hope she doesn't break her heart before she gets used to it."


"It's a lot of mental damage to have a broken assumption."

The Demon King didn't say anything. I just sighed deeply.

- After that.

'I don't mind if you [go play], so why don't you go check on things sometimes? Then I guess I'll just have Princess Celestina share some herbs for stomach pain and make it a souvenir. "

I got this suggestion from the Demon King - which would mean giving me more permission than the Demon King said - and I was going to settle down for now.

That I can't help but show you, and say, 'Do you want Tircia to do the kind of hema that ruins my sister's fantasy?' It is also because of the conclusion reached.

Sure, Tircia wouldn't imitate breaking my sister's dream. He just didn't have a good idea for King Sarovara, and he seemed terribly sympathetic.

... What was it about looking at me with raw warm eyes? Demon King?