The Magician Wants Normality

[]/(exp, v5k) (1) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk)

- at a place where (???? Perspective)


Look out for those who return home in an unspeakable mood. What they can do in Sarovara, there is no more. On the contrary, their return to their country is also necessary for Sarovara to make a move.

Yes, I was' watching '. There was just one person in this nowhere space, watching the settlement of a series of incidents as bystanders.

I don't get involved. Because this is something 'they' have to choose and resist.


"There are some settlements like this..."

It would be 'shuddering' if it represented my current state of mind. Other than that, I can't find the words I deserve.

'Cause, right? Why did you join hands with the First Princess, the mastermind who was so angry?

At least, 'she'...... no one makes such a drunken choice but Mizuki. Whatever you think, isn't that the most laborious way?

Instead of convincing the injured country, draw in as a collaborator.

Eradicate the 'evil' that has been nested within Sarovara.

Based on what is to come, he publicly declared that he would be the power of the royals of Sarovara.

Needless to say, the greatest merit would be Mizki. But at the same time, it's Mizuki who didn't gain anything.... No, was there a 'in a way' interest?

In the future, mutual interests will be taken into account and cooperation will be possible. It just equals no profit in the sense of 'individual'. Because Mizki is a civilian and there is no need to rely on Sarovara in a diplomatic sense.

In the first place, these things are made possible on the assumption that Mizki has been able to accomplish - including the legend of terror.

Whatever the advantages of 'Northern Intelligence', do you believe in a country where those forced to be involved in kidnapping cases should also be the culprits? Plus, be a collaborator, etc!

The answer is no. If you get involved poorly, even your own country will be affected.

A country called Sarovara, its status quo. That was unacceptable to any country: 'nobility prevails over royalty'.

The royal family is the pinnacle of the country, but not the absolute. But the power relationship of 'there is nobility under the royal family' must not collapse easily.

Royalty is the 'foundational existence of the country'. Even in other countries, that perception remains unchanged.

And nobility 'cannot stand in that position'.... can't be more than royal.

This is the same as would be the Duke's house. There is more to the country than the existence of a house of equal standing. Faction strife intensifies, it could also be called.

It must be royalty to stand at the apex. That would be the easiest and most important way to shape something called a 'country'.

Because that's 'common sense' that everyone agrees with. It is a criterion that even other countries pass by, and a common perception. In fact, the more the country is different, the kings and royalties receive special treatment.

If you want to break it...... you have to be prepared to build it from scratch over quite a few years.

Then, naturally, the rebellion is imperative, as the status of the nobles until then is also threatened. They will surely try to crush the reformers. Inevitably, the country will be rough and, at worst, perish.

Therefore, those involved in politics did not want the situation in Sarovara to come into contact with the eyes of many. Who wants to sprinkle the seeds of confusion on their country?

"That anticipation is overshadowed...... no, 'no fence whatsoever, so you crushed trouble', right, in her case"

My God, it's embarrassing... Mizuki crushed it because of personal circumstances. I didn't worry about a future where the country would be confused or a lot of blood would flow.

"I don't like the trouble being thrown round by a magician."

"I won't be able to travel to and from another country easily"

"Because you recognized your parents, I'll take your side"


By the time it is clear, it is self-centered. The shards also have no sympathy for people or kindness.

However, it is a very convincing reason to behave, in a sense, if one knows Mizuki. In the first place, those people wouldn't expect good manly kindness from Mizuki or anything like that.

But this can be the best settlement.

If Mizuki and the others win the mastermind.

In that case, those in the affected country would intervene to the best of their ability - to seek compensation from Sarovara.

To them, it doesn't matter what a country is called Sarovara. Because what matters is the protest against the damage done.

There is no way you could be involved in the internal rubbing of Sarovara. Poor involvement would not even lead to suspicion in other countries, so it would only upset the position of victim.

Being irrelevant is the best hand. There's no way they won't notice that.

In doing so, it is the culmination of the country - whether ornamental or not - that the nobles try to push for responsibility - King Sarovara.

If we lose the first princess, and the king is forced to leave too... only the second princess remains. The second princess and I have not been adequately educated.

It will be certain that the Second Princess will be a puppet of nobility. And the country called Sarovara is becoming more and more distorted.

If Mizuki and the others are defeated by the mastermind.

Those who come from Irfena will return to their country just to be used. Kidnapping ends with Ariel, and there will be no future intervention.

Sarovara will then mark a bloody history, as the First Princess envisioned the future.

Moreover, it was very likely that the key players would perish, assuming that the plan would really take place in critical conditions. With the Second Princess, there is no guarantee that she will be safe.

That lasts at least ten years. It goes without saying that it will be a bloody dark age in Sarovara, since it is also possible if we are tired of each other and stop fighting.

Even if we are lucky enough to carry things according to plan, the First Princess is lost and the country is exhausted. I didn't know how long it would take until diplomacy normalized.

Whether you beat the mastermind or lose, it will not be a lot.

Because unless there is a collaborator inside Sarovara, it is difficult to intervene, and there is no right to do so.

It is the presence of Mizuki that made this possible. The nobles couldn't complain because it was an intervention after even taking the king's word. Simply, 'I was afraid of Mizuki' would also be the reason. There's someone in front of you.

It's also big that I've worked with the First Princess. With all the information and evidence available from the beginning, the retaliators can't escape. "The Dark Curtain, Evidence of the Princess of Sarovara", so it will be valued with those in the affected countries.

On top of that, he asked the affected countries to take advantage and become collaborators. This would also be due to Mizuki's achievements so far. Presenting the plan is one of the reasons I let you make the decision.

Where 'unproven otherworlders' have said something, 'impossible', such as that the country moves. "People of different worlds who have a proven track record and want to go out with them in the future," which is why the country was convinced.

No matter how close you get to the people in the upper echelons of the country, it doesn't lead to the decision of the country to the extent that a few have sided with you. 'We have to convince the country,' I don't care what you think.

"What was it... sure, smudge-shin, ah rupi-ji... was it?

Sure, like 'he' said that.

Not only will individuals become stronger, but they will do one after the other 'Ibetan' and 'nurture' to increase their means and companionship. And he said we're moving towards the final goal. I should have heard of that.

"Mizuki is in exactly this state, isn't she? Zebrast is the only thing that can be made of personal power, and I use the connections that I've gained to help myself."

In fact, there are few things called merit in Mizuki individuals. "As Mizuki herself moves, she makes the most of her connections and moves those who are pawns."

That was also a policy of 'benefiting collaborators', so we had a relatively friendly relationship. Normally, a magician ends with vigilance. It is only in awe that we are directed to a being known as the 'scourge of the world'.

I'm afraid for relying on the power of others... because there are only about Mizuki, such as those who make it possible. Ideas, people's usage, personal abilities… are 'out of standard' in many ways, she.

"Well, the south has already fallen into her hands - oh, these ways of saying things might be inappropriate. Mizuki is not in control."

Yes, I'm not in control. That's also why there's less rebellion against her. It became a branch of the 'problem' that various countries had, and only benefited the country.

"And I got a base in the north for this one. The First Princess will be a good collaborator of Mizuki... because they are worthy of each other."

'It's worth selling you a favour,' the First Princess realizes. Her purpose is to protect her beloved sister… at least a decade will be time for improvement. I can't imitate letting go of the magician who will be the trump card.

Also, the first princess will have less rebellion against taking the side of the magician, as she is ostensibly perceived as a good man, although Mizuki does not go. It is for another reason that we have put the people on our side, but not those who cannot use it.

For this one, Mizki got an ally named Sarovara. In the north, there was a country that favourably embraced the Wizard.

"The rest is north. But time is not infinite. … I'm looking forward to seeing how far we can go."

I have a grin on my mouth.... Oh, this must be the sentiment of 'fun'. A warm strange feeling that I also felt when 'he' was there.

I'm sure I'm expecting it. How far will that ruinous wizard destroy the prescribed future?

If you consider yourself in a position, it may be inappropriate to think this way. But still... their intercession, reminding me of the time I miss, was a smile to watch. So much so that I want to be there for you.

"The seeds of disaster are rolling all over there. But if you... if you believed unconditionally that 'Cenri' would you be able to help...?

"Mizuki has a bad personality for a book, but no one is as reliable on his side as he is. Everyone comes up with unexpected hands because they use every thing to aim for a win, and they're smart for nothing. Most importantly, I don't wonder what kind of hand I have... by the time I'm clear, I'm on the outside. I will not loosen that hand with mercy '

Glenn's seems to be fine if you don't piss him off. However, in putting it that way, I guess Glenn also has a similar part to Mizuki.

And most importantly, the difficulty.

"So what? It's important to know if you two can be on your side. It wouldn't make sense to flatter bad, expensive rewards. It's a question of whether those two are capable of being so obsessed that they can shapelessly protect themselves."

He didn't even know this was all 'Cenri'. But now anyone can see it came true.

I became the guardian of those two, two royalty. They unconditionally protected and mercied the two of them. I don't expect anything in return, and I don't want to use it.

Therefore, I can direct more trust from both of you... Mizuki and the others are not fools. I couldn't possibly fail to see how valuable the love directed at us was.

"What matters is the parents I miss. spontaneously 'with unlikely consequences', if to dispel their worries. Really, it's selfish... it's just creepy."

I think it's the strongest thing in the world. It was a sight I had seen somewhere where I pushed forward without even looking at my own safety. I mean, I was involved myself.

After all, I guess the two of you just have to be friends with 'Cenri'. Much like him.

The nostalgic voice is still in me. Immersed in those memories, I put my thoughts on those two...... Mizuki and Glenn.