The Magician Wants Normality

'Homework' left in Gania

- In a hall where Gania Wang's brother and his wife are closed (Duke of Fakr perspective)

When I stop in front of the door, I look back at the knights of the escorts who were accompanying me - of course, those who are loyal to the king. To them with a suspicious look, I wished to wait here.

"Will you wait here? If those two are indoors, they can tell the truth. I might try to be mean and be vain."

"But...... eh"

"'I want to hear the current, honest words' would be His Majesty's will. That's why I was driven out."

Yes, this is' Your Majesty's Order '. Never, ever visited by my own will.

In the first place... there would be no point in visiting. Those two remain unchanged because of their position, but they are actually sinners waiting to be executed. Though the Mage Master broke my heart, I didn't think I'd grow up like that.

Based on what I've been up to, that's what I've been judging. You can't possibly be willing to visit. But it seems His Majesty had a different idea than I did.

"The time to execution is one year. I guess His Majesty expects those two to have a little kindness. Now I can't exchange words as a brother, but at least to His Royal Highness Schanze... but I guess you think"

Sweet, to add, the look on the knights' faces clouded. With them, I know His Majesty's sweetness. Even though I have been stripped of my fangs, I did not punish His Royal Highness the King... I cannot deny my words.

Of course, it must have been partly due to the annoyance of the bloodstream detainees. But most importantly, your Majesty is not prepared.

If His Royal Highness Brother Wang had inflicted some punishment before he reached Irfena, only the execution might have been spared. That would be what everyone thinks.

But I suspected that that magician might have even created this situation in anticipation of it.

Because His Majesty is willing to regret the past, the execution of Mr. and Mrs. Wang becomes a bitter memory and casts a shadow on his heart.

His Majesty must not make the same mistakes in the future because of a heavily pressing past.

Above all, Your Majesty will not be allowed to leave for the next decade. Because that's what the Wizard wanted!

- What derives from them is… 'a deterrent to the king's sweetness, having regard to the next generation'.

Ending previous distortions in modern times, of course, but at the same time, cutting off His Majesty's former education - something thorough so as to set up a brother. Isn't that what the Wizard wants from His Majesty?

As a matter of fact, this is the hardest part. It would be difficult to cut it off altogether because it is an education given like a imprint. The nobles of the faction of His Royal Highness Brother Wang knew it well enough, and they thought they would surely poke at it.

It is not the kings of their own country, nor the royalties of other nations, that they feared. Because it's that magician.

During her stay, the person who set her up should have been there quite a bit. But all of them had failed and, conversely, suffered painful damage. Besides, retaliation against them 'doesn't have to use magic to show overwhelming strength'!

In the first place, the otherworlds tend to be underestimated in the north. Well, it couldn't have been tolerated, such as hostility to the royalty.

It was His Highness Schanze's presence that made it possible, and the Mage's own connections. It was in the fact that the Wizard did not simply take them for his side that it became a hand in overturning the situation.

They exist in other countries. Therefore, if you take the side of the magician poorly, you will be criticized for interfering in internal affairs.

There were certainly voices that neglected not only the factions of His Royal Highness the King, but also the wizards who did unsolicited things in their own country. That is why the nobles of His Royal Highness's faction assumed that even if the opponent would be a magic guide, they could easily crush him.

It would be a pity to get them done with a word of stupidity. That demon conductor was out of standard.

Associated with themselves, the nobles had no choice but to speak because they only took the form of 'asking you about your words and actions' … disrespectful, such as outsiders criticizing 'the personal opinions of kings of other countries'.

If we did poorly, we would have jumped to the events that started 'asking you' and given other countries a gap to get into. Therefore, the nobles, irrelevant to the pursuit from the Wizard, spoke.

That magician is clever. More interesting than that.

You're only a civilian, and I understand the fun of playing with words.

If we realize this, we can say that the defeat of Mr. and Mrs. Wang is also natural. She gradually got the situation in order, making it look like she was going to recieve whatever she was told to say around her. Besides, the majority of them are all things that are nonexistent on the Ganian side.

It is also called self-destruction on the part of Gania. If I had grown up, the Wizard would have gone back to Irfena, unable to do many things.

"A magician is a horrible thing. I don't know if I've just crushed my enemies on my hands or even applied measures after I left."

"What? Lord Mage's measures!? Do you still have something!?

If you whine unintentionally, the knights stretched their faces a little.... What did that magician do? Until the knights, I didn't expect to be afraid...

It would be awkward to stick around but remain silent. Reported to His Majesty, he is no match for being called again.

"Don't worry. I swear allegiance to Your Majesty. It's not like you're afraid. Ning Ro, you will thank the magician."

"Ha ha..."

Even so, the knights remain pale. My words alone don't seem to reassure me.

When I sighed one, I spoke my view. If we talk about it here and now, there won't be a problem.

"Your majesty's sweetness was due to the education you gave him from an early age, wasn't it? 'Support your brother, who is a legitimate successor, and devote himself to the country'. Printing or something close to cursing. Overshadowing this perception is not easy. … but His Majesty will never set foot again."

"You think it was the Magic Master who made it?

"No, it's not 'done'. It's what we're going to do."

The knights don't know, they just seem surprised. Well, naturally. Because the magician has already left Gania and has no plans for a future visit.

It is also possible to be invited again, depending on the condition of His Highness's feet, but so far, there has been no such story.

Despite that, the word 'to be accomplished'. I wouldn't be able to help tilting my neck.

"The time before His Royal Highness Brother Wang is executed is one year. In the meantime, do you think those who have supported His Royal Highness the King are making a big deal out of it? Home survival, self-preservation… in many ways, you'll scratch your feet."

"Well, I guess that is. But there must have been national eyes on the venue for the repudiation of His Royal Highness the King. Punishment may not cover more than His Majesty has agreed. Naturally, we will punish His Royal Highness the King."

The knight's words are also natural. Until now, disrespect for His Majesty has been missed because of the royalty and the presence of His Royal Highness the King, who names the rightful heir to the throne. Some have worked some injustice rather than disrespect, and have inhaled sweet juice.

Punishment is imposed for crimes committed by oneself. That's all there is to it.

"'I have served His Royal Highness the King, the rightful heir to the throne. You call that loyalty a sin!'... like this, I think you're gonna make an ugly excuse? It is also true that there was a back shield for His Royal Highness Brother Wang. His Majesty also has a burden from his personal feelings that prevented him from punishing His Royal Highness the King. I'm sorry to say this, but your majesty is responsible too. For if the punishment had been swift, some would not have gone the wrong way."

"That, ha! That's... yes. But! Blame your majesty for your mistakes, etc!

"Because of Your Majesty, I guess you say. It would only wind up as' Your Majesty is also responsible '. The aristocrats I remember mention and poke there. Whatever, the Wizard has already returned home. Because there are no eyes for surveillance, and the Wizard only wished for Mr. and Mrs. Wang."

Can you understand my point, too, the knights bowed to repentance. That there is a presence in His Majesty's heart that tries to change and that could crush that change. Besides, there's no way to shut those guys up.

But there's no way that the magician could hit a warm hand. Ning Lo, 'cause I'm trying to stick my previous stupidity to Your Majesty by exploiting such a situation'.

"I don't have much to show you. If that happens, Your Majesty will only mourn the stupidity of his past self more"

"What? Um, what does that mean?

"Until that happens, it's the magician's plan. His Majesty would have only worried about His Royal Highness the King so far, but in fact, that was all that was done. The result is the decadence of some nobles. You know what this is?


I nodded back at the knight who nodded honestly, and I went on to say more.

"If His Majesty had been decided earlier, His Royal Highness Brother Wang would have been spared execution. Even if it's closed, there's a long way to go, right? If you are quick to plead not guilty, you are less guilty. This time, Your Majesty must have thought of it.... The Wizard arrived because His Royal Highness Brother Wang put his hand on His Highness Elshon."

You know, the knights look pale. I mean, I guess I still remember what happened when the Mage came.

Had His Royal Highness Brother Wang not imitated that, rivalries between factions would still have persisted. The actions of His Royal Highness Brother Wang are responsible for causing the 'disaster of the world' wizard to anger and to become known to other countries about the situation inside Gania.

Conversely, the Mage Master remained uninterested in this country without even the far-fetched actions of His Royal Highness Brother Wang. It may involve the treatment of His Highness's feet, but that really should be all.

Turned out at a drinking party, but that demon mentor only moves on what he's interested in because of his self-centered character. If it is to be said that 'I visited the treatment at the behest of the Lord and His Highness Elshon', all I care about is' meeting His Highness Elshon's expectations'.

Black cats are fine if their owners praise them.

At a time when I have no hesitation in involving other countries, I find that I do not think about Ghana at all.

"'If you hesitate to make a decision, whether it be severe punishment, it will be a worse situation'.... Your Majesty should have been learned that way about His Royal Highness Brother Wang. The experience will also apply to the annoying aristocrats." What will happen to this country if you mitigate your sins with your own emotions, "" How will Gania be seen from other countries ". It would be homework from the Wizard to think about it and deal with it"


"Would it be homework? His Majesty has been made to promise, at the request of the Mage Master, that he will not be deported for ten years. If you make use of what you've learned, just strangle yourself. If you can taste it, a country called Gania will be disturbed. Besides, other countries will be looking at it intriguing. No... what a horrible, disgraceful creature you turned against your enemies!

Unlike the knights who get subtle expressions, it's a bitter or satisfying grin on my face.

In the first place, there is also a gray cat inside Gania with a character very similar to that of a magician. If you do poorly, the gray cat will move on its own to punish the nobles. There is no such thing as self-preservation in a gray cat who has been lucky enough to pick it up.

But such a development is the least His Majesty would like. In other words, the gray cat… 'His Majesty must also make a decision in order not to sacrifice him more than His Highness is likely to move in His Majesty's stead'.

For the record, I think His Royal Highness Schanze is going to do it for this.

Fully transformed into a black cat understander, His Royal Highness Schanze would be the feeling of a whip of love for his family.

"Come on, Your Majesty. This is where it comes from. As I challenge this difficulty, let me work with my hands and feet."

If you say it with a grin on your mouth, the knights will all have a pompous look on their face. Laughing again at that, I put my hand on the door.

It is my role to break the hearts of His Royal Highness and his wife. I have no hesitation in including my real daughter there.... because having me imitate that also becomes a shackle that binds His Majesty.

- I won't let all of you have a good fit, Magic Master... and, Your Highness, Schanze?

Wouldn't it be regrettable that all the young men would do it? It hasn't moved before, but from here on out, the time of The Servants of the Modern Age.

There are those who rejoice in a country that has begun to change and expect it in His Majesty's arms. Me and those who bear the name of the House of the Duke of Fakr who have defended the country for generations... If you make it look impudent, the sons and grandchildren responsible for the next generation will laugh.

Shall we begin, Your Majesty? Let's surprise the magician.