The Magician Wants Normality

Wizard, one of the ones who visits Lucas

"Oh, you're finally here..."

"Give it up. Your husband said," Please. "

"Ku......! Yes, it is."

In front of a certain room door, it's you, Cyrus, who makes you look strangely nervous. Slap on the shoulder to calm it down, but that look is not excellent.

Coming without a touch, this is... a room where Lucas is currently locked up. This also happened because of a 'favor' from King Kivela.

(* with an attitude and expression that just tells me to guess the truth)

"It's a corner, why don't we meet Lucas?

(meaning it would fit indefinitely)

"If you mean to involve Lucas in the future, persuade him to come"


Naturally, but I didn't have the right of veto. Or in the case of people belonging to Quivera, you're in a very opinionated and hard position, aren't you, Lucas?

That's where the white feather arrow stood on me. 'If you acknowledge Lucas that far, you'll cooperate, won't you?' So.

Blah, it's not so much an opinion as a King Kivera, it's an arrival from the feeling of leading my son as a father. Around not speaking there honestly, I want to say aloud... 'This, heck, Dad!'.

If it's a "favor as a father," what could Lucas refuse? Don't we know how to deal with each other that we haven't regained that much trust?

When that happens, the two contacts are 'country' only. Still, it would be easier to make contact if it were to be 'for the good of the country'.

"Heavy...... sorry, Virgil"

"If you get lost, you can't help it - can you? I've come this far, give it up! It's okay, it's all bad for King Kivera on this one."

"You have a relentless way of saying it too!? Sure, you're right! Idiot, be honest with me about that, and what will you do if the groove deepens further for your parents and children!

"You're not gonna do anything, are you? It's other personnel. I don't know about your house."

"Ku......! I knew it, you, sucks......!

"Oh, have you noticed now ~"

You dropped your shoulder disappointingly at me, Cyrus. Ha, what are you talking about, a toy? I can't believe I'm a bastard, isn't that more information now?

Well, anyway.

I'm not going to go on being a fool in this place forever.

Come on, let's open the door clean ♪ Lets, open!

Momentum opened the door well and I saw something like a desk in the front. Sitting there is the blonde young man I saw over here.

"Hey, Lou! Ohisa!"

"Go home!


If I greeted him with a smile, Lucas immediately threw a bunch of shiitake paper in his hand.... but that bunch of paper doesn't hit me.

... Silas, who was shielded by me, took it on my face. ♪ You're a great enemy, Silas.

"Oh, my God, I'm not stuck. I thought you'd be more surprised."

"If you make all that noise in front of the door, everyone will notice!

"Yes, yes, okay, calm down"

"Whose fault is it!

Lucas, as always, is turning a sharp gaze. Oh, you don't look better than I thought.

Elaine's betrayal would have been devastating, so I thought it was shriveling more... unexpectedly solid. Since then, I've heard that I've been talking to the Queen a lot, but that seems to have influenced me in a good direction.

And, I mean.

I don't know... I feel much calmer right now. No, I pissed him off. I don't know what I'm gonna say.

"Lou, you've changed a lot"

"Who, 'Lou'!... I don't know, is that me"

"Of course! …....... hmm? You said 'me' about yourself?

But it's like I heard somewhere. Positively, it's no wonder we use it separately, so even if we've heard both, it's not weird.

But he didn't think I'd notice. It was Lucas with his blue muscles up, but he seemed mildly surprised by my words.

"You've noticed a lot.... I guess what you're talking about is a public place or if you have the eyes of someone from another country. Basically, they should have been using 'me'."

"So you're saying you're the vegan?

"Well. I don't need to use it anymore...... but I wouldn't be in those places. Restoring it back to vegetables is not a problem, except when it is necessary."


Oh, come on, are you feeling really decent?... No, should I say that my current state is the original Lucas?

Again, that would mean I wasn't half stressed at the time. Is it also that that's how desperate you were to show a strong backlash about Elaine?

With that in mind, Cyrus accidentally went to the side of Lucas and knelt.

"You're Virgil's friend... Cyrus, was it?

"Yes, it's been a long time, Master Lucas"

Cyrus, I can't seem to hide your surprise at your abrupt behavior, either. But still firmly remember your name, Cyrus, royal education is not Dada.

By contrast, Cyrus, you kneel and squeeze your fists firmly as if you were going to endure something. I can't see the look on your face, but it's a very different vibe than ours, which was a stupid exchange.

"I wanted to apologize directly to you. First, let me apologize for that part of the time. … do not understand your position and do not know the pain. I'm just so sorry that I cheaply expressed my disappointment."

Deeply bowed your head, Cyrus. Your voice is honesty itself. Apparently, he sincerely regretted that.


No, that, Lou? Because even if you look at me with such suspicious eyes, you're not forcing me!?

"Innocent! I don't know! 'And just as I shook my head sideways with the boom, Lucas turned to you, Cyrus, while remaining suspicious of me.

"... no, no need to apologize. I didn't make it as Prince Wang. That's all."

"Oh, that's not all it's proven already! I think you'd be more comfortable hearing that, Cyrus, with your apology."


When I turned my gaze to you, Cyrus, I heard a small "please" voice. The posture remains intact, but I hear you, Cyrus, have guessed what the words I have spoken point to.

What I'm saying is an earlier exchange with King Kivela.

Everyone in the vicinity is about to fall into a state of irreversibility.

I always carry demonic props for recording - more as a duty than sometimes I don't have a guardian. Exactly, self-declaration alone is not trustworthy - so it is possible to show or make hear that redemption with magic props.

Cyrus, you know that, so you must have immediately guessed. What keeps you on your knees... is a sign of good faith?

"As a matter of fact, until just now, I was having tea with King Kivera. By the side, we have a lot of people nearby to listen to our conversation. Then King Kivera asked me." What do you think of Lucas? ♪ Says. ♪

Even though I say it, I approach the desk and prepare the magic props. Lucas is going to turn a blind eye to something, but it's quicker for you to hear all this.

- That's when Knock sounded indoors.

Unexpectedly I stopped the hand preparing, and I turned my consciousness towards the door. The door opens without waiting for Lucas's reply as to whether the person who knocked is a casual relationship.

"Excuse me. Dear Lucas, anyone......!?

"Hey, Virgil! Long time no see! Ah, Cyrus, don't worry about it. Do it. Because I'm currently apologizing to Lou."

"Hey!? Ma'am, Master Magic!? Cyrus... I can still tell, how could you... And Lou..."

"Well, there will only be one!

Wave flirtatiously and laugh, instantly lucas.

"I didn't allow it!

"Lou, humans are the key to giving up."

"You learn to be discreet at all!

There is no intimacy in the conversation with Pompom, but there is no seepage of disgust or fear. Cyrus, I'm guessing these exchanges are also responsible for your apology.

Because Lucas isn't scared of the Wizard at all.

That's it, "Instead of His Royal Highness the Demon King or the Chancellor of Zebrest, I'm not even afraid to deal with the Demon Master," he explained as "one end of the reason Lucas deserved a king".

Cyrus, you've been stuck with us here. Moreover, Lucas was reflecting properly and even remembered his own name, which was only a knight.

Well, don't poke Zach and his conscience. I'm also convinced that you want to apologize.

With that in mind, Lucas urged Virgil with his gaze.

"Virgil, calm down. I don't know why, but this would be Father's instructions."

"Your Majesty?"

"Other than that, I don't know who I can allow. Besides, there's been some movement."

With that word, Virgil, your haunting atmosphere changes. Lucas, who felt it, also nodded lightly and turned his gaze to me.

"Well, let me ask you something"

"Copy that!"

Well, how do these two react?