The Magician Wants Normality

People Involved Part Three

The young painter, Nest. After you declared to be on Rosa's side, Rosa said she had an appointment with Christa and left the room. They're calling me to the castle today.

... Probably, but I think the call is to convey an apology from King Kivela. The Kingsguard is still a man of Alberda, so maybe Master Will will apologize as well.

The title of Mr. Rosa's house is for the Viscount, and King Kivera would not have apologized in person. This is due to the fact that a country called Kivera is more overwhelmingly strong.

Or, if it were, I would also say that the apology was nothing. The opponent is the great power, Kivera - and that may include the king of his own country - so from Mr. Rosa's point of view, all I can say is, 'Never mind'.

But King Kivera is someone who can even take advantage of these things.

I hear you're going to make an apology exactly... of course, it's not just good intentions that are there.

King Kivela said, based on what is to come, 'Kivela has changed. When one in one's own country does evil, it is a country that can apologize precisely'. You want to use it for a feeling appeal.

As for the Alberda side, I don't feel bad if you give Kivera an honest response.

As far as information from Master Krista is concerned, your princess has a bad reputation. From the people who were freaking out about Kivera, he said, 'That little girl, what the heck!...... Right, the niece princess of King Kivera,' she said, in a mood.

Do you recall her position and think about it, even if she is clean about her work? As a result, Christa, the royal family, was probably the only one in a position to flatter her.

- From the people who were in that situation, Kivera couldn't have made a better impression.

As a result, even Glenn was held hostage to the image of 'Kivera still, still arrogant'.

Master Will, who agrees with the country's walking distance from each other, will also have trouble with this. If you keep your distrust of Kivela, which has taken root among the nobles, it may seem like King Wilfred is in the mood of Kivela.

There is still a rebellion against Master Will in Alberda.

Even if we know that walking between nations is important, we cannot disdain the nobles of our own country.

This one case was about to cause such a thing. The princesses wouldn't have thought deeply about it, but 'it was a place to sell fights to all the people who wanted to walk between countries'.

Well, the Demon King will send me too, won't he! I am the exorcist of all sorts of rumours, what the rare beast has done now. Do you make it look like you're going to help Master Krista and say, 'Make things better'?

It is not surprising that there is a combination of Princess Alberda and the Magic Instructor more than the friendship between Tircia and me has been established. Naturally, there will be developments on which I will side with Christa.

Above all, my assessment 'is' dramatically high as a brain-labour position. Having a reputation for delivering results, I've been sent with the same high regard for retaliation against those who have become enemies… There's only one way to settle what the Demon King wants.


You princess, royalty is a terrible thing, isn't it? Alberda and Ilfena, who survived the ordeal, can't be very nice, can they?

King Kivela and a man who struggles with the negative legacy of his predecessors. Still, my pride as a royal who has ruled Kivela is high on the difference in digits.

... A fool who sold fights to those people is a princess princess. It should be just punishment.

What the princess did sucks, but King Kivera stepped on those culprits and appealed to them that their country had changed.

King Alberda was recognized around as showing his connection to the royalty of another country, as well as drawing apologies from King Quivera.

The Demon King made a subtle appearance of an exorcist of his reputation and reputation as a pawn.

And the Irfena merchants, in addition to connecting with the Quivera merchants, greatly promoted themselves to the joint venture between Quivera and Irfena.

... So? "Ultimately, who gained"?

You don't have to just 'send me back,' in those people's case! Of course, sometimes I do, but I'm moving to my country's convenience while I'm on the guide! I'm the only one who can do this!

Naturally, but goodness alone cannot serve as king. This time, that single scale just surfaced.

The behavior of the princess is problematic, but we use it. I am also involved in walking between countries, so I guess the Demon King had some idea of what kind of settlement I wanted.

And what can also be said to have caused that princess to come up is' Once upon a time, the arrogance of Kivera '. This is one of the problems Kivera had, so this time it was also a chance to solve it.

If we leave her like this, we must continue to use the position of 'the niece princess of King Kivera' in the future. Naturally, this is not a good idea for Kivera right now.

Even if it was originally such a country, King Kivera is trying to improve this and walk over to another country.... It's only in the way, isn't it, the princess and the dukes who spoil her?

Kivera and Alberda will definitely use this one 'well'. In the name of apologizing to Ms. Rosa and dealing with the situation, there should be a discussion between King Alberda and King Quivera.

Apologies to Rosa, of course, will be made... but more than that, she should be asked to cooperate.

That could be her scandal, the use of an event called divestiture. And enduring the gaze of curiosity that comes with it.

How much goodness I have appealed to, the gaze and rumors of curiosity never go away completely. It will be time for her loyalty as a nobleman, and her loyalty to the king and country, to be tested. It'll stop soon, but there's nothing I can do about all this.

Naturally, Master Will is also willing to shelter Mr. Rosa. That's this one: "Come to the castle! 'It's an invitation. Since Rosa seemed to think of herself as a promise to Master Krista, I guess she hadn't even been heard for that purpose.

Maybe it was kindness, to avoid Mr. Rosa becoming awed... maybe, no, he is definitely apologized for by King Kivela.... I hope you don't graduate, Mr. Rosa.

But this is also necessary. The fact that 'King Kivella apologized to the victim's maiden' is an appeal to show King Kivella's integrity, while at the same time being the protection of Ms. Rosa.

At least no one has the guts to stand out and criticize her. If I did that, King Kivera wouldn't have disliked Netineti... because he could have defended Rosa. You don't want King Kivela to stare at you, if you're a nobleman.

Glenn smiled evil and said, 'Even if I could argue with His Majesty, King Kivela seems scared... those chickens!' And because he had spoken, he would spread the word about this apology in Norinoli.

"King Kivera cares about Mr. Rosa! 'And all in all, you must say it as if King Kivela were behind you. If Master Will hitches a ride, it will be even more credible, and people will whisper at themselves.

That's what I taught you. In the past, the education given to the Red Cat seemed to be alive and well.

'Don't talk about decision hitting, stir up suspicion and fear in words that seem like it'!

You don't need a scandal or a gaze of curiosity for a kind, good-hearted lady. We will protect you for your use.

What can be directed at her is sympathy for having to have such scum on her fiancée. After reading the picture book, I am impressed by her kindness in laboring more people than I am......!

Think that far, the young man in front of you... turn your gaze to you, Nest. He's given me a piece of paper with this series of details and I'm asking him to read it all the way through.

What he knew at the time he got the job for me. It's "Care for the Merchant, by Rosa," Ollie. There was naturally no information about the background of the engagement break-up disturbance, how the engagement was made, or the villains... or the lack of a line of perpetrators.

I need him to know more than just have him in charge of the illustration. Of course, he has to understand, including the dangers of knowing them.

"Um... is this really what was done to Rosa?

"Yeah, seriously. By the way, it's best to do the damage to Mr. Rosa, isn't it? It says there too, but without joking, it sucked a lot."


Nest, who asks without raising his face, was silent when he heard that far. That's right, Nest, who is only a civilian, I don't suppose you can imagine a case of damage being caused on a national basis by the exhaustion of a few idiots.

"The princesses are mistaken. Instead of Mr. Rosa, those people seem to think they subjugated the Alberda royal family... in fact, because they sold fights to various people, headed by King Quivera. Including, of course, Alberda and Irfena"

I'm not lying. This is an indisputable fact, and by no means an overstatement or anything. Well, King Kivera is angry, too, and would have broken his indulgence.

Had the princess and her surroundings been able to look a little further - to what extent they anticipated how their actions would affect them and what would cause them - it might not have been a massive 'retaliation' so far.

- But it's too late.

Things have already moved in the direction of using this one. What follows before the culprits is not the path to culpability, but the future and miserable life that will be used up by the country.

"Master Magic, what should I do?


If I regained consciousness to the more serene inquiry out of place, Nest, you were smiling and staring at me.

However, the surrounding atmosphere is Blizzard. Especially even though its eyes are not staring, it makes a cold impression.

"I was surprised at Rosa for being able to do so much worse... but you were also the one who had this attitude toward the country and the royal family. I'm convinced of your anger. Be sure to spread the evil deeds around her and her!

"Ooh... I'm reliable, but there's a danger for you, too, right? Are you sure about that?

Nest nodded forcefully when he was surprised by the momentum.

"Of course! If you are killed, please spread my death and how it happened in the picture book."

"Wow... you're full of retaliation!

"You want to prove that civilians are willing, too."

Nest, who speaks with a smile, thinks so. [M] When you anger a serene person, it seems to push you in a light nasty direction.


No, he was a man of artistic talent. You mean you're focused, or you're having a point focused personality, Mr. Nest.

Besides, the region of the freak...... no, no, from Ilfena, known as the 'kingdom of the powerful'. Once you decide, there is no wonder that you have a temperament (favorably interpreted) to push forward, though.

At the time you publicly declared Rosa's side, Nest, all you had to do was sympathize with her and be impressed with her goodness. But knowing the details must have spurred further anger at the perpetrators.

Because the damage to the princesses undoubtedly affects merchants and people in positions like you, Nest.

The details handed over also included the item "About the expected damage", so it seems very unlikely to be in other personnel. I have a job for a painter like him, too, because it's peaceful. If the situation becomes unstable, I can't paint on swallows or anything. Entertainment and the arts are behind us.

Also, Nest, you're in business. The so-called 'position that sometimes swings at the customer's mercy'. In the sense of "swinging to an overwhelming superior being," with Rosa this time.

"Then I wonder if you'll listen to my suggestion this time. It's the first one I've revealed right now..."

Nest, you're listening to me, intrigued and all. This is my personal idea, Nest, but if you were to publicly announce Rosa's side, you'd be on board.

Come on, Mr. Nest? Shall we move for Mr. Rosa?