The Magician Wants Normality

Sales perceptions from various locations Part Two

As far as the reports are concerned, it appears that Miss Leelier and the others are going properly to various countries for sales.

And, I mean.

I also say that the sales are not in a situation that can be defied because they are 'jobs' given to King Kivera immediately.


It's hard not to have any later...! Za Ma Ah!

I'm sorry, it's hard, me and Glenn are having a big laugh though.

Yeah, I don't feel sorry for you, do I? You can't, because they deserve everything.

In the first place, this time, both the perpetrator and the victim are in a situation where 'there is no past line, but it can be both help for them and an attack'.

"Victim Representation: In the case of Mr. Rosa (or Alberda Momentum)"

· Because Krista and I were friends without heart, the royal family took sides in the "emergence of a [common enemy] named Miss Leelier".

· Glenn, who is keen on Miss Leelier's work against Master Will and Alberda, involves Irfena before the building of Mr. Rosa's salvation, and summons an even more magical mentor.

-The demon king, who was belittled by the merchant of Ilfena, enraged and asked me to do my job.

· I am motivated to hear that the damaged merchant is the brother of the small father of the merchant who takes care of him from day to day.

-Gren uses the Magic Instructor to confirm King Kivela's sincerity. Establish a system of joint struggle under the leadership of a magician.

Instead of retaliation for being alone, Mr. Rosa, even the future of the house, including myself, will be able to stand in the dark clouds.

It was our friendship with Christa that destroyed that future. From there, the friendship of the elders continued, until it involved other nations, and the magician came out.

In contrast, in the case of Miss Leary.

"Perpetrator Representation: In the case of Miss Leelier"

· Zero allies because he has been flirting with his identity and blood muscles for a long time and buying a lot of people's grudges.

-Including King Kivela, he had enraged the Kivela royal family...... but Miss Leelier thought 'there is no more punishment than being the biggest back shield of the Second Prince', so no reflection even when praised.

· It is a common way to try to hide the shame of one's own country, but the fact that a connected magician has been in motion for a long time, and King Kivela has also exceeded the limits of patience, so go in the direction of sanctions.

In the case of Miss Leary, it is also possible that a distorted electorate-conscious one was planted by the Duchess, the sister of King Kivera. Since I was spoiled even more from it, there was also a view that it had become awkward.

... but Miss Leelier at the time is a sexually vicious woman who even takes advantage of those situations. I believe that this has become a decision making and that I have no sympathy for her.

For the righteous there is tremendous good fortune to go round about.

Whoever has maliciously abused people has a well-deserved ending.

Exactly, it's a real world...! As a picture book, as a lesson, this is a development that will convince you enough.

I want it to be a product that moisturizes people's lessons and merchants' nostalgia as it is in the "Strong Contract Princess Series".

Note that Cyrus provided information from you - as one of the parties, your friend Cyrus told me in a letter 'personally'. Yeah, it's personal - according to me, Miss Leelier and I have grown up very much since the night club.

'Cause Your Majesty poked me out [no previous line, but I wasn't forgiven]. Miss Leelier has a slight head turn, so you know that in the future, if you do something strange, you will punish her quickly...'

'That woman, you had a sense of what you were doing. That was giving her a sense of superiority, but on the contrary, she couldn't escape punishment because she was too flashy.'

"This time and to His Majesty [whatever they say at the place of business, don't argue. Selling in goods is sometimes also about holding yourself back.... I can't complain about any more than what you see in these merchants. Sell it in.] '

"As for His Majesty, it seems to mean [at all, know the hardship of the merchant]"

'... so that's why'

'Whether they complain or snore down in words, blame it on the country or people they sell to [NEVER!] No. Oh, please diffuse this. Your [friend] will be in many places. "

That's it, Cyrus, the exposure from you... wasn't, excerpt from your letter. To interpret, 'Don't hesitate, do it!' I think so. Miss Leelier and the others, without joking, seem to be in a situation with no allies.

If you're an idiot, you might think about 'taking advantage of sales, connecting to another country...' but Miss Leelier would never do a self preservation choice.

'Cause that's a trap.

"Just come on sales! 'You can't do more on your own than they say. Ning Ro, that's normal, so they wouldn't even bother to give you advice.

As the saying goes, 'It's an excursion until I get home to my own house', 'It's your job until you report the closing of business'!

At the time you do something extra, a tickle run named Failure to Work is confirmed & reported by your business partner. Don't call this a trap, what do you call it?

Of course, Cyrus, the contents of your letter have been communicated to your friends. Don't worry about it being a diplomatic issue, just play until you're comfortable.

And so! A brief introduction to the reports from each country.

"In the case of Carlosa" (Rapporteur: Assistant Prime Minister)

"As for the sales content, you're choosing an unusual word. I know you don't have a choice in the circumstances, but as the selling side, you're disqualified! Wouldn't you be willing to sell it in?

"It's partly because I was at the night club, but thanks for the rose ornament...... no, you were a demon prop. I don't think I want to touch it as much as I can because I think of it as a testament to Princess Rose's side."

"My father was also interested in the magic props themselves, so he wanted to hear a lot about them... but soon he realized," It's no use just asking, "and he lost interest."

"'Cause they're here to sell, aren't they? I don't care how many magicians you are, don't you think you should be prepared to answer your customers' questions?

"I know what the picture book is about, and some of the information I got at the night club, so I wasn't expecting any information from them... that's kind of awful. Weren't there any merchants to guide them?

"Yeah, well, Zeke was in the sales room, too. If she did, she would have said something uneven: 'Wasn't there someone else in her country so much that she had to fish for men in other countries?' Well, you think so... usually there's a fiancée."

"Because my father was bored too, I would say, 'Sometimes I have to keep him and kill him, even if he can't be married to him'!

"Naturally, Sieg doesn't have any shards of malice. Because of her own brothers and cousins, she assumes," If you're drawing royal blood, it's normal to have a fiancée. "

"Well, Miss Leary and the others were pale when you heard that. You must have put it in your own way."

"This is what Carlosa looks like.... By the way, the picture book says, 'The hearty maidens wore rose flowers,' but that's the ornament with the stone mimicking the rose, isn't it?

"Why, may I ask, has it been given to me too? Little girl..."

'In the case of Baraxin' (Rapporteur: Hilda.)

"With all due respect, I, Hilda, would like to report to you. I've seen the contents of the picture book, but I think it's enough as a deterrent for the aristocratic ladies who are past me. It's what you want Princess Rose to be happy about in the end, so it won't be a problem to flow to the private sector."

"Yeah, well, that was about sales. Everyone who came to sales seemed terribly tired for some reason. You shouldn't... you shouldn't look like that."

"While selling to buyers, they don't push and sell. I hear it's the dealer's merchant who makes him motivated to buy with his talk… I may also buy products recommended by merchants, but they are familiar with the fashion and the topic they prefer."

"Are they ordered to sell by King Kivera? As it is now, no wonder they receive 'unwilling to open'"

"So let me help you out a little bit"

"It's really trivial, such as the side of the merchant I know...... it should be better than it is right now. As one of the people who is informed of the situation, I hope they are brilliant and that the picture book sales are done!

"Yes, this is with the help of His Highness Levins. Your Majesty and all of you have said, 'I hope Hilda doesn't tear you apart' and so on... why not?

"Though a few days, I have taught you 'harshly'. By the time I go to another country, I think it will be somewhat better. Don't worry."

'In the case of Corbella' (Rapporteur: Cecil)

"I told Mizuki, 'Let's play!' and the night club I was invited to. That was fun. Emma, who was secretly mixed up with the samurai, also said, 'Even if you're married, I'd like you to call me on these occasions'. Also, invite me."

"Well, that was the report of the people who came to the sales. He looked like someone else in my eyes because of his impression at the night club."

"... or the Duke and wife of Kivera, who have looked down on Corbella so far, come to the sales of their picture books and spread the word. Well, there were quite a few spectators. Was it illuminated by the number of galleries?

"Oh, of course, all the queens and siderooms were in? Ladies and gentlemen, you seem to be very fond of wearing the rose ornament that Mizuki gave you."

"Like that, the queens were in a good mood... for some reason, they were pale in the face when they came to the sales. The Queen would be proud to be the one who came to the store for the related products."

"Of course, the queens know how the picture books were made. But not foolish enough to bother putting it on the table. Rose ornament… Demon props should also have a strong perception of a gift from Mizuki"

"Miss Leelier and the others, I don't suppose they thought so. If that's what you think, you're upset. I'm reflecting that I've turned a hard eye."

"I don't like ornaments and stuff, but my share of it doesn't even get hooked up somewhere because I try to embed rose stones. The ladies were surprised that I was wearing ornaments."

"I thought the ornament was' what adorns people ', but when you think of it as a' practicality-oriented dark vessel, 'don't know how important it is. I'm still understudied."

"Also, I'm going over there to play. Stay with me on the workout then."

"In the meantime, it's a report from the three countries."

…… Mizuki, come here for a second. "

The Demon King, who was silently reading the report, gradually invited me.

"You stupid cat!


"It's you...... as far as this report goes, you guys are just playing!?

As usual, I slapped him in the head. Hey, brain cells die......!

"Isn't that nice, sounds like fun? I didn't say anything about waging violence against Miss Leary or anything."

I'm not lying. On your own, Miss Leelier and the others are just freaking out.

But the Demon King, with an angry caged smile, pointed to the report.

"First, Carlossa.... I'm confused about the sales attitude, but you can say whatever you want, right? In particular, Lord Sieg"

"No offense to Sieg! I'm a brain muscle for pure white thinking, I'm a fool to be honest with you about what I thought......!

Assistant Chancellor also writes, but seriously, no offense to Sieg. I just slipped my mouth.

"The Chancellor seems to have played quite a bit too..."

"Weren't you free? I mean, seriously, there's a lot I wanted to ask you... but I don't think you're willing to explain it to them. The assistant prime minister also said," After the business closes, it's just nice to report the results. "So the prime minister's parents and children thought that was the real deal."


Don't be shy, demon king. Aren't those people, like, futile stories, the type you hate?

Look, let's go next, next!

"... so. Baraxin next..."

Even though I say it, the demon king with a troubled face. Ah...... haha, well, you will!

"Hilda is serious."


"She said, 'Harder on people, tougher on yourself than that!' 'is the default, so purely, I think I was anxious about Miss Leelier's sales attitude."

"So, here's what happened"

"It's a sales instruction from pure favor. … you may be broken or exhausted"


Seriously human, Hilda. She is a very serious person, attentive and at the same time unacceptable of compromise.

Didn't you leave the vegetarian, zero malice, and make the ladies cry?

"So, Corbella, and. Was Miss Emma there too..."

"As Cecil's escort, it looks like he was by his side. Didn't I have a knight s too...... I mean, Demon King? What the hell is that throwing feeling?"

If you go in, the Demon King has turned his raw warm eyes.

"I'm close to you, Princess Celestina's country. She seems to be looking at the queens with a very favorable eye, but I definitely think they're after it, don't you?

"haha, yeah...... yeah, I think so too"

Slowly out of sight with a dry laugh. You can bet, but definitely the queens must have worn rose ornaments for restraint.

Whatever, Corbella is a small country. It is a country that has been subjected to various irrational eyes and through times of hardship.

In particular, Kivera is a hateful country that forced her beloved daughter into marriage. Whether a settlement is reached or whether it is spoken out in its name, the past will not be lost.

Yet this time, it's not just a good duck...... in a situation where eight hitting subjects just say, 'You have to hurt me, you can do whatever you want. ♪ Ning Ro, do it,' I've been donned.

Well, you're thinking of a small vengeance!

With the taste and attitude of plain damage, you can't help but want to welcome me!

For Cecil, my mothers adored me as my daughter after my mother died. If Cecil has such recognition, she should be a cute only daughter to them too.

Cecil, the queens weren't just happy about the rose ornaments. "In a different way," but I was very happy.

"I guess Princess Celestina should train those aspects rather than workout"

Don't say it with a distant eye, demon king.

I mean, because there are still reports of Gania and Sarovara!