The Magician Wants Normality

Outside/A Knight Later

I'll send you everything from your perspective, Silas.

- One of them. Cyrus, your monologue.

His Majesty glanced at the sales reports from various countries - the exposure of the name - which gave him a vicious smile.

"Hmm, still? Well, they'll have to do business properly."


From the beginning, His Majesty didn't think the Dukes of Alogancia would safely close their business.

But I agree with that. Because they wouldn't be in this situation if they had a head that was capable of selling goods and motivating them to buy.

Blah, 'Za!' I just think.

All this time, I applaud the wickedness of the Wizard's character.

I guess I'm not the only one who thinks this. Because I was frowning at the Dukes of Alogancia and Miss Leelier with all the neighbors who had no choice but to say they were the culprits when it came to Lucas.

That said, the target is the Duke's house. No matter how close they were to His Majesty's side, there's no way they could imitate reprimand.

Moreover, the Duchess has not yet understood that she will be a 'subordination' for all of the royal family - at the time of her descension, this recognition is correct in her identity - a word and deed that she does not hesitate to do to all of the royal family.

Still, being Your Majesty's sister... it is true that you are drawing royal blood.

His Majesty concluded: 'Keep some eye on your own generation, and strangle and trump its unsolicited actions as you move on to the next generation'.

Instead of letting them like it to some extent, they take that word and action backwards and take it to a stream called 'Quarantine that convinces everyone'.

The side chamber, which would be affected less, and even His Royal Highness the Second Prince, were convinced by the flow. In one way or another, I think everyone else was more angry about wounding the two of you who were perfectly fine.

- In that, the disturbance of Master Lucas.

I was more angry with Master Lucas than I needed because I overlaid those Dukes of Alogancia and Master Lucas unconsciously.

So I was unhappy that Virgil would follow Master Lucas. I was wondering if Master Lucas was worth that much.


It was actually stupid... it was me who was clouding my eyes.

The pointing out of His Majesty the Magic Master is by no means an emotional priority. I just presented the facts, given the evidence and the grounds, and sometimes based on being a party to them.

I guess the only reason everyone in the vicinity couldn't argue with it was because they had an idea, too. And then I realized... that there was nothing to deny Lord Mage's allegations!

Once you admit it, you won't be able to stop trembling at the horror of what you served.

You can't stay calm because you're the ones who can feel guilty.

Well, it was the Magic Master who chased him there without hesitation. That guy does something really hard to judge whether he's sweet or terrible.

Even I did not participate in the attack on Lucas, which dramatically changed the way he looked at me. How much was your shock, and regret?

As the next king, Master Lucas had shown sufficient ability.

Seeing your attitude toward Virgil, a knight, is not aristocratic supremacy.

Above all, whatever they said around me, they were trying.

... quotes comparing them to His Majesty without acknowledging them, destroying the future that was supposed to be visited. Many 'fools' speak plainly of selfish claims as a sign of justice that there are many connoisseurs!

From those who have loyalty to His Majesty, there will be no half regret. Conversely, those who thought lightly of what they were doing might become excuses in the future.

Think that far, exhale.... I realized that the time I could have said whatever I wanted could have been the time that Lord Mage took care of me.

Lord Mage pointed out that… the numerous words spun to make sin aware. If you looked at it from the 'outsider' point of view, it would have been very obvious. In fact, Master Lucas seemed sympathetic to everyone else.

If he remained unaware, Kivela might have been laughed at in the shadows from all countries.

Into that assumption, the man who seeks to collapse the country may have come out again.

Most importantly, the Magic Master said 'I don't like fools'... as soon as I was feeling better, I just think that the Magic Master, who changed his attitude slightly, recognized Lucas' talent.

Then the intimate attitude from the night club and before it… 'To add value to the future Master Lucas'.

"Close to the Magic Instructor" is also well worth it, but it's not the only one. "A warning to Kivera" that if we ever again malign Lucas and his younger brothers, the Mage Master may join the war.

In other words, the Demon Master does not trust the nobles of Kivela 'at all'.

Because His Majesty realized it, he 'can't lose' Master Lucas as as a 'means of involving His Majesty the Mage in the next generation'.

Honestly, no matter how much the Duke's family will need to be behind the talent, there is no way to allow it solely with the warmth of the royal family. Whatever the circumstances, the country was defeated by Master Lucas' work.

But overshadowing it is the value of 'the only demon mentor who has defeated Kivela, the one who seems likely to cooperate'.

Lord Magic Master is in the book! I don't know what I'm going to serve, so everyone avoids losing someone who's going to be a laxative.

There is a voice that will guide His Majesty after his departure… Now that His Majesty is the only one likely to be the opponent of His Majesty the Demon Master, the cowards with all their voices must mention and agree that Master Lucas will be interested in the house.

Your Majesty, Your Majesty the Mage, and… all nations who cooperate with it. In modern times, it really pains me to have all the 'monsters'. I don't think Master Lucas is inferior. It's simply "too common sense."

All the magicians stand out, but so do their collaborators. The information given and the quote that I used my arms to reach the thoughts of the Wizard Master, you are moving in search of what you can do.

My fellow black cats are only lurking their breath in every country. What's that, super scary?

I don't thank Lucas for being my contact with the Magic Master every day.

Oh...... how far is that magician really looking ahead? Bastard (Note: Self-declaration of the person), but with an ally, she was very reliable.

Whether he's going to wear mud or not, he's bound to get to the settlement he wanted. Whether you should applaud that talent or be afraid of obsession will depend on which faction you are in.

And right now, I was feeling so refreshed. Now I am confident that I will welcome His Majesty the Wizard in full favor...!

What's in my hands like that is that the Wizard Master says, "Reports from all countries. It's personal to me, 'he sent me a bunch of paper with the words. The content naturally belongs to the end she wants.

Thank you, Master Magic! Looks like we could use some delicious booze tonight!

- In the case of his two brother princes.

"… so…"

"Oh... then..."

Know the presence of the intended persons in the slightly audible voices. They were not old enough to participate in politics and were not allowed to do so this time either.

Of course, they looked dissatisfied - obviously, His Royal Highness the Second Prince - but His Majesty admired them for 'this feat is what makes Lucas a decision-maker when he entertains the house'.

This feat is imperative for Master Lucas's future - I guess you both understood that. reluctantly, but was pulling back.

Nevertheless, information-sharing and face-to-face meetings with participants took place. I guess I had no choice but to do all this because of a case that couldn't be unrelated.

... but that's where the unexpected happens.

My brother and his princes interacted with her - for some reason, they recognized her as someone worthy of respect...!

Of course I have cleared up my heartless rhetoric about Master Lucas, but I am heartfelt and impressed by the hand of the Master of Magic, who says he is a brain-worker.


Well, from the younger brothers and princes, the Master of Magic is a delicacy with a proven track record of 'unidentified, helpless, otherworldly men who should have let royalty and nobility triumph over their opponents'. I can't help but be interested.

Moreover, rather than using magic to exercise strength, it is the majority of the time to push around measures. In shame, 'I was a good civilian in the original world. Nobody seems to believe that the self-proclamation of His Majesty the Mage, who has no criminal record.

Of course. The outward magician of Shura's kingdom, what do you want?

I don't even know what to say to sleep, there's a rare beast I don't miss besides my owner!

However, from the point of view of his younger brothers and princes, the Master of Magic was the ideal 'counselor'.... I don't think you two are willing to forgive anyone who imitates Lucas.

Only Master Lucas is perceived to have a different future, but the same holds true for his younger brothers and princes. Those who knew that you two were willing to support your elder brother and become your first minister lay down their eyes, saying, 'Good luck'.

That should have been all it took, was.

"I'm super good at backwork."

If you get to know a big fool who doesn't mind doing this, it's only natural that a hidden plan of retaliation on your chest will come to life.

As a result, the brothers and princes favor the Magic Master. I have a stomachache from now on because my master is happy to cooperate with my younger brothers and princes.

"Still, to the extent that I'm going to show you something like this, I see their remorse..."

Dropping your eyes is The Report from the Demon Master, which you have just finished reading. Because it is a personal report, what is written is very interesting… Yes, no, it is written on a personal emotional priority.

- If you read this, the hoarding would go down with the two of you who had remembered their anger at the Dukes of Alogancia family.

That's what I thought. I talked to His Majesty, and I'm glad I got permission.... I don't think that's why, because His Majesty also felt the crisis.

"Excuse me. I want to show you something..."

"Oh, I'm listening more than my father! Let me see it quick! I can't wait!

If you knock and call, you'll hear the voice of permission to enter instantly. You mean, Your Majesty? Were you even served the first time?!?

I can't help but remind you of my earlier suspicions, but I swear allegiance to Your Majesty, Knight. You don't have to question that extraction, your judgment.... It's my fault my face is cramped. Yes, it's all my fault!

Desperately assumed, as he stepped indoors, there was more of a brother prince there who sparked his eyes at expectations. I couldn't stand the silent pressure and gave the report in brackets.

It instantly gets out of my hands and you two just glance right through it. Each time I went on reading, both of your eyes grew more radiant.... I don't care what happens anymore.

"Hahaha! You've exposed yourself to something quite different. Cheng Cheng, now I can't help but sleep with the whole family!

"Hehe, that's true.... We won't do anything else because those people will be worn out even if they leave us alone?

"Right. In the first place, they have to give it to your father."


Oh, come on, brother princes? What the hell are you guys saying to me in front of me...?

I think so, guys. I'm a knight. Whatever you're trying to do, 'I'm just saying it' now. It is exquisite to report to His Majesty.

But my younger brothers and princes were so predictable that they could say whatever they wanted in front of me.

"Brother Lucas, I'm not moving 'now' because of what happened up there.... If you want to do it, it will be after you assume the status of Prince Wang. That way, it can be said that the elimination of those who are unnecessary to the country is a splendid duty. The title of" Second Prince "alone will protect my brother again."

Yeah, you're willing to retaliate, you're full! By the way, Second Prince? Who the hell taught you how to turn around? It seems like something this black cat is going to think about.

"Then I'll gather more information than ever! I'm glad I can help you improve, brother!

His Royal Highness the Third Prince, with a great impression of both character and appearance, laughs innocently and proclaims the help of his elder brother. But in that word, I learned a strange hook.

...... hmm? In "More Than Ever"?


Shit! You're an actionist!

"Um, Your Highness the Third Prince. Reliable words, but don't be too dangerous to imitate. Those hostile to you by His Royal Highness the Second Prince may plot to take you in.... Master Lucas will be worried too. Don't be impotent."

Whilst I think it may hit me with disrespect, I utter words that I admire. But I couldn't help but admire Master Lucas more than I knew he adored his younger brothers and princes.

His Royal Highness the Third Prince made a decent face to my words.

"It's okay! Because my educator taught me," Gathering information is effective in order to gain an advantage. "

I ran out with a smile. Sure, that's true, but this time it's called "Kivera's Inner Rub". It's a bad way of putting it, but in His Royal Highness the Third Prince could have been considered 'child bullshit'.

To be clear, they have no political experience, so their voice is weak.... 'powerless' in many ways. Poor evil. Standing out would be dangerous.

"Ha... but"

He took control of me trying to recruit more, and His Royal Highness the Third Prince spoke with a smile.

"My educator was the one who used to say bad things about Brother Lucas. Besides, I was looking down on me from the inside. Well, my mother's status is lower than that of the queen or the other side room, so I can't help it."

It's supposed to be offensive, but instead of His Royal Highness the Third Prince, His Royal Highness the Second Prince also retains a pleasant grin. In contrast, I get stunned by the idiocy of the educator.

The meaning of being treated equally by the Queen and the other side room, even if they are of inferior status. And being wanted in the side chamber is a sign that he is more 'acknowledged'.

Where do you say there are elements to ridicule? Ning Lo, if you say you chose it by appearance or something, I will protest. The decision of the side chamber is of His Majesty's will, even though it is like insulting His Majesty from afar.

"I would like to report to Your Majesty. You've had a stupid educator for a long time."

"Yeah, I thought you'd appreciate your mother correctly. But, you know, even if you can't do that, 'you could have been my educator'. So as a godchild, I thought I'd let you use it a little bit."

It's supposed to be an innocent laugh, but it was somewhere compelling. Unexpectedly, His Royal Highness the Third Prince pressed his softly raised index finger to his mouth, as he said, "Don't tell me."

"Following that man's teachings, I gathered information, 'For Justice to Me'. And I don't want to be your father's enemy.... I'm sure my father will find out and I'll be scolded. So if we talked about 'all sorts of things'... what would happen?

"Kuku, I've been gathering information since my brother said a lot. What, they were the ones who insulted the kids and caught their guard off guard, and they were the ones who said they had no choice but to be disrespectful but treason... you can't escape."

"We are pre-adult children. I regret what you said about my brother, and I was just looking for material to rebut him. However, from your adult father, I wonder if you have any information that might seem problematic?

Cheng Cheng, the younger brothers and princes said, 'I regret that my older brother will be told by the bad lord, and I looked for the material to disprove'. Is it within the plan to spend a little too much to be found by His Majesty and scolded?

And it was the educator who was looking down on Lord Lucas and His Royal Highness the Third Prince who taught him that "information-gathering is also effective to gain an advantage". This information will also be definitely scattered during reprimands from His Majesty.

Besides, exposure with more malice than necessary. Since His Majesty cannot be suspicious of it, the educator is undoubtedly thoroughly examined by all those who have chosen him.... you can't get away with it.

Is it the adult job to make decisions and proceed with the investigation? That's why we use our less alert positions to gather information. Well thought out inside.

Honestly impressed, you two gave me a hell of an exposure.

"If you want to be more relentless, Lord Mage will always be available for consultation, won't he? Oh, 'Let's twist it rather than submit the information as it is, and get rid of the educator. If you're an educator who has difficulty disputing this, you don't need it." He also gave me advice. "

"You seem to have an unrelenting relationship with your brother, and you're reliable."

I knew it was that black cat in wisdom......!