The Magician Wants Normality

A happy life is two of them.

"Memories and Monologues of a Prince" (Elshon Perspective)

- "Hard work"

- "Poor thing."

What time was it when I got used to those words?

The high magic I was born with. intimidation that, due to its influence, unconsciously imparts to its surroundings.

When I found out why I could be threatened every day without knowing what it meant - the emotion I had was... 'give up'.

'People have a lot of magic, no matter who. Because of this, I unconsciously perceive His Highness's excessively high magic as a threat and fear it.'

The reason I was told was that I couldn't help myself.

For those who could threaten me, there was nothing I could do.

So... I never resented anyone. 'Nothing can be done for anyone' and 'nothing can be done with effort'.

...... but.

But what I 'gave up' was' intimidation, or doing something about its effects'.

What I could think of was the shame of Argent and Klaus, who are childhood tamers. They would have felt intimidated, too, because they didn't leave me.

I don't know if he was pretending to be calm as a young man, or if he just didn't enlighten me. But still, 'it's not impossible to be by your side,' the two young men proved.

"It was Elle that we wanted to serve."

"We're not the only ones who don't have a chance to get to know each other."

They weren't just beside each other. When I pledge allegiance in the future... he told me to dedicate even that future. I don't know how much that word saved me.

Having said that, they are both the sons of a noble nobleman and are said to be promising stocks.

Sometimes son-in-law is possible in the future - they are all three sons, so they can be pawns in a political marriage - and those who fear me seem to have said 'all sorts'.

Of course, it will not be all consolidated by the pre-construction of "Guide to Your Future". Really, there must have been words out there about them.

... I know that if two promising people choose me for the Lord in the future, they will struggle. 'Advice' for them not to crush that life - I don't know how to put it this way, but I think it's true. Because I am not alone in the royal family.

The two of them didn't take a slice of those things in front of me, but they also come naturally into my ear. I think honestly, and I recommend that to them too, it was... 'anger' that came back.

'Who the hell blew that into Elle?

"You seem prepared to hate [the Duke's son], whom we call promising stock."

'Klaus, it's a problem before that. That's what you say to Elle, the royal family.'

'So is that. They're the ones. What are you doing? "

... If you want me to make one excuse, I never made a statement.

Yet some ~ late ~ we both burned our anger at those who uttered such words. As it were, well, in plain words about such things, even if that were true, it's disrespect for the royalty.

Then they let him prove, 'Not only did he possess promising talent in the future, but he was also a pride high duke's son'. Not that my surrounding perception of me has changed, but I guess that's the case because there are no more people who speak plainly.

As a result, they come to be perceived as something like my kind - 'If I piss you off, it sucks'. "Even at an early age, they are the nobles of Ilfena, said to be [the kingdom of the mighty]," as a result of which they were made known to their surroundings.

This is Irfena, commonly known as the Land of the Powerful.

Even at a young age, 'quite a few things' can be done if you have the strength to include your parents.

The hell, I'm very curious about what you did back there, but you two never talk about it. As far as their growing personality is concerned, that must have been relentless, but at the time, I just guided the two of them.

The fact that I couldn't afford to think of the victims - perhaps fitting in this way - to me at the time when it was just about me also caused the damage to expand.


I'm sorry. I just really, really told you both in good faith at the time.

On second thought, there's no way the childhood trainers can be 'normal' enough to go out with me. Sometimes intimidation happens, but the two of you used to talk to me like, "I'm the Lord."

That you two were already ready than to say those words. Ning Lo, there will be no more to me who was taking their readiness lightly.

Even if it was a child, they made me try to kick some malice into the future Lord Me. Don't just say 'that's natural'!

Those who had advised the two in good faith must have seen that and stopped talking to them. That, of course, did not just disgrace their conduct of questioning integrity and loyalty......

Charline said, 'Didn't you give up [all sorts of things]?' That's right.

"I will support them. Your Highness would make a good owner of those children. '

"No matter how good they are, they are dangerous dogs who strip their fangs just blocking their way. The fools must have been bitten in the hand and realized it for the first time. '

'If you miss someone, you just need to take care of them. If you admit to being the Lord, you'll often hear him say he's a fierce dog, won't you?

"As far as I'm concerned, I think it's quite a waste... Your Highness, thank you very much."

Charline, who was still a pre adult, laughed and ran out of words like that.... It's great to treat my brothers like dogs, but she's also pretty good at throwing round at me, even though I'm royal.

Later on, "Toxic Warrant Lady". So, her "that" personality, which is said to be "one crack for a couple of poisons," etc., has probably been greatly demonstrated since this time. Subtle expressions that do not know if they are denigrating or admitting are still alive and well.

Now that I think about it, Charline was one of those people who adored me like my brother...... to the Al's, 'Well done!' I guess I was in the mood to praise you.

However, it was said to speak for itself, 'Why don't you throw a round of care at those who can handle it?' I think I reserved it to say...... Ha, maybe.

But there's the future Toxic Warrant Lady... No, it's Charline the Duke of the Powerful Country. Naturally, that can't be all that ends.

Laughing inadvertently, it was like exploring...... but I went on with some serious eyes.

"It is up to His Majesty the Lord to make those children mad dogs or loyal dogs"

'If you are weak, you will only be eliminated. It's not just about our country, it's about nature.'

"It is up to the Lord whether the sword that those children offer will be disgraced or honored. You can't be recognized by others just because you're protected. '

The harsh word is, I care about my brother, Al and the others. And it was more advice to me than that. 'How long are you going to keep your eyes peeled around'!

Even while I was stopping, things were constantly changing around me. That includes the fact that Al and the others set their own positions from "just childhood taming" to "my subordination". Being poked at, I realized it for the first time.

I'm ashamed...... truly pitiful, I was willing to wake up to Charline's words.

Until then, I assumed, 'Whatever I'm told, I can't help it', and I cared for the Al's and the others because of the thought of 'never getting caught up in me'.

I myself was told the Lord denied their loyalty and readiness. Now I can't help but be pissed off by the two of you and frightened by Charline. He who guides the future of the two with good intentions, will come out.

The point is, I was just not ready for myself.

Ever since I became aware, it has become all about me making more of an effort myself. In other words, 'that's the only way'.

their Lord's future, and their future as royalty in this country. In order to achieve both of them, we should not think about taking other paths. No, we should crush other paths.

If I remain spoiled by a situation that is missed because I am pre-adult, one day I will be crushed by my surrounding voice. 'There's no point in being royal' if it can't be recognized in any other way than that diplomacy can't be much more because of intimidation by magic.

It seemed harsh, but that was the lowest condition than having chosen the path as the Lord of the Al's. Unless I myself seem to be on the tabular stage to avoid spoiling them full of talent (as to how to use it).

What I want is a 'friend', a 'trustworthy subordination', not a 'fallen path together'.

Whatever the way it is, the two of you will follow me, but I want to be in a position not to be ashamed of them.

I think it was because of that thought that they kept trying even when they left beside me.

Naturally, some years have to leave beside me than the Al's and the others are choosing their way as knights. That's what it takes to be a knight, and the Al's would have honestly accepted it.

- But the situation is going to be completely different than if I wasn't ready.

Fortunately for the two of them to leave, they were with those who were turning their backs on me again. I don't think the Al's and the others have guessed it and would have always worried about them.

And... that wasn't just Al and the others.

'Hey, El. If you can't stand this situation, you have a future where you're happy to be a lord somewhere. "

Just once. Verily, only once, a word spoken by my mother, the queen.

It should have been something the queen shouldn't have said. Still, my mother guided me and offered me that way, ready to assume all my responsibilities.

If I showed a shaky attitude with it, it might have been left as one of my options afterwards. But I immediately shook my head and denied it....... denied 'done'.

"Sooner or later, Al and Klaus will come by, so I'll stay here as royalty."

I could even tell him with a smile because there were those who said, 'Be by my side'. More than that, I guess because of my own efforts to be worthy of being their Lord.

My mother grinned in relief, ending the conversation as it was. And never again, I would have uttered that topic. I was convinced of my mother, I guess.

And then there's all sorts of things, and Al and the others are beside me. Not only with them, but also with those who told me they would choose me as Lord.

And now - our people are joined by black cats from different worlds.

"So, I borrowed this magic prop. It's a very smiling video of a cat's parents and children."

"Heh... the Kingsguards also recommended me, hey?

Without concealing curiosity, it is Mizuki who manipulates the magic props. Al and Klaus were listening to each other, and they're watching from behind us with interest.

Note that this is my office. If I'm wrong, it's not a playroom or anything.

It was Mizuki who came abruptly to smash it. "From Mr. Clarence. [What do you see as His Highness Elshon and the others?] and it was recommended! 'Along with the words, he showed the magic props in his hands.

I would not be the only one who had a sense of crisis about the phrase 'Clarence's recommendation'. I honestly can't imagine Clarence recommending just cat footage.

When I blame you, I'm scared. 'Sure, you'd be more convinced if they told you about the torture scene,' etc., although I think Mizuki slipped his mouth too honestly.

And the cat footage that started... unexpectedly, was something that usually seemed smiling.

"I think the parents are noble cats... but the kittens are different, aren't they?

"Well, only adult cats were originally kept, and kittens were recovered by that cat on rainy days," he said.


"There was a rain noise, and they didn't care about humans, but the cat seems to have noticed the squeal. He told me to go outside, and when he came back, he was looking for a kitten."

What a sweet cat. I can't believe you bothered to look around in the rain and protect your kitten.

Turning to the video, a brown cat is doing hair repairs on a kitten of the same color. I don't even look like a parent or a child.

"What's wrong with my mother and cat? If you're this big, I think you have parents and brothers by your side."

Asked in wonder, Mizuki turned into a troubled face.

"He said he looked for the garden, but there was only one of these kids. After that, there's no sign of the mother cat returning. Maybe he was mistaken and left by his mother and cat."

"Oh...... If it's wild, it's not unusual."

I'm more convinced than I feel heartless. Because it is also human to abandon weak children who do not know if they will grow properly and to raise only strong ones.

Ning Lo, I would also have become a 'weak child' living secluded somewhere if I had missed my choice. There is no harm to be done if it is not noticeable, but it is as if even existence is forgotten... to such existence.

It was some fun voice from Al and the others that brought me back to reality when I was about to become a dark thought by accident.

"It's a sight you really remember, don't you think? Hey, El?

"Well, it looks familiar to us."

With a slight grin, he returns his gaze to the video. In the footage, the kitten was scolded by the parent cat or slapped on the forefoot. Well, I can still tell you're tapping lightly, so you're not abusing me, you're tapping the kitten.

Still, I don't think I can help but gaze at my stupid cat sitting next to me.

... Mizuki. The way you protest, looks just like the kitten in the footage. Kinchan, you know, where you call it, it's really similar.

I see those who called us cat parents and children take a good look. Indeed, the kitten's protest overlaps with what Mizuki calls...

"They say the adult cat is a male cat."


"He said the name is oddly 'El'. By the way, it's kept at the home of one of the Kingsguards. I hear the kitten named it 'Mizuki'."


Even with a jittery eye, they're just looking forward to it. In contrast, Mizuki seemed to know nothing, "Wow, coincidence!" and it is.

Mizuki? You're smart, so let's realize the kitten's name was taken from you, huh? 'El' would be a real coincidence, but the kitten would obviously be your conscious name!?

"Elle, don't be so angry. If you look at all this, you're just proud of your love cat. Well... after watching this footage, they always think this is what they know about you, right?" I saw this pickup somewhere, "he said."


"It's a familiar sight, so hey. I noticed some similarities with you, and for some reason this footage was turned to many people. Seems like you were quick to be recognized as a" cat parent "too, isn't it?

In other words, we were perceived as a smiling creature, as "someone" thought of leaking this footage with intent. Even I think it's 'similar' enough, so impression manipulation would have been easy.

"Not at all......!

I'm not sure if I can be shy or embarrassed. However, there is naturally also a feeling of gratitude for the backwork done before I knew it - which would also fall under backwork.

Because this would undoubtedly have been done out of favor with me and Mizki. It seems we were getting more favors than I realized.

"Rude! Who's a game animal?"

Apparently there was pride as a person, and Mizki raised her outraged voice.

"I'll come hunting for my prey, and you can have your hands and wait!

... What's wrong with your pride as a person, stupid cat. You are supposed to be a magician. [M]

"Is that where you get angry, Mizuki..."

"I think that's where it matters. Something useful, me."

"You don't say it yourself!

If you tap him pessimistically, he'll turn a jittery eye. When they saw us like that, Al and Klaus finally laughed.

"Ha! You really look just like each other, you guys!

"The guy who realizes how to use this footage is really capable. Ku... okay, human version of cat, parent and child."

"You guys......!

Even if it frightens you, Al and the others must know it's a shake. Because of all the time we've spent together, it should be as much a prospect as I've always admired at this moment.

"Laughing at each other on a crappy topic, temporarily with my friends". That was very difficult for me and something I could get at the end of years of hard time and effort.

So...... I guess I can say this because I am aware of the effort I have made for there to be 'now'.

- With all that, he said it was a 'happy life'.