- In the Hall of Agnos (A Samurai Perspective)

"Sounds like fun, Master Agnos"

"Hehe, does that look like it?


In a good mood, Lord - if you speak to Master Agnos, smile gently. You are so sweet, you will not take it lightly as a samurai.

Not only are you gentle, Master Agnos is a very beautiful person, so there are many who pledge allegiance.

Even so, Mr. Agnos is rarely in a social setting.

The Agnos, whom His Majesty makes the only daughter of his beloved late sideroom and revealed in His Royal Highness the Third Princess of our country... because he is the one who receives the starch of blood.

This fact is not very well known. This information is only shared with those who serve the country's top management and Agnos, and those who are involved in some way.

There are a few things that Agnos tends to dream about because you live almost like they are isolated. Do you mean innocent, or do you say and do things younger than your age?

But other than that, you have a very normal life. Basically, you're exempt from your duties as a princess, but sometimes you're also headed to foster homes and other condolences.

Indeed, if Lady Agnos is obsessed with 'certain matters' and does not do as he wishes, it can be exasperating. This was one of the characteristics of "Those Who Received Blood Precipitation" and those beside them were heard.

But what the hell is that supposed to mean?

What can I say, but it's not uncommon for a lady to be more rude than Master Agnos. Unless it's so much, it must be normal for those in the privileged class.

They also have a duty as a courtesan, so it is only until they are married politically that they are allowed to do so. If you're also a mistress, you have to protect the house.

Sometimes I wonder if it might be a slight rebellion because I can't disobey your lord's orders more than I was born as a noble lady, and I don't have the freedom to marry. A little, I feel sorry for you.

From me looking at the ladies' endeavors in that way, I have only the impression that Master Agnos is very kind...... trivial things such as problematic elements.

The majority of the maids who suffer the most damage to your daughter are the samurai who refrain from beside you. Every time I listened to my friends working as a samurai, I couldn't help but feel lucky for myself.

"I did a little 'per favor'. Those people are gonna make it happen."

"Please...... is it?

"That's right. It's a very important favor."

What Master Agnos is saying is that the Shames are protected by Master Agnos. As soon as I guessed that, a little anxiety passed on my chest.

Lord Agnos is very kind every day.

I hate being insulted by your world.

For those who serve beside Master Agnos, that was common sense. It was also our desire for Master Agnos to be healthy, so everyone is happy to try to protect Master Agnos' world.

… but.

But very rarely... it's really rare. Master Agnos could be uttered with terrible and cruel hopes.

It is the miga given by the nanny that is the source of Master Agnos' world. The story of a very sweet world, where many 'princesses' get happiness.

At some age, you'll realize that's 'unlikely in real life'. "A gentle and distorted world, made so that readers don't feel bad," he said.

It's just a samurai. Even if I read it, I think so. From those involved in politics, it is only 'a world convenient to the protagonist' that can't possibly be confused with reality.

If politics is to be carried out like Migawa, the country will be confused, and even if it is wrong, 'happy ending' will not be welcomed.

As it is not necessarily the "Kind King" to be called the "Wise King".

Because 'justice for the country' isn't all about 'right'.

It is' justice for the country 'that enriches the country and brings peace to the people. It is the fatherland, the people, and the wealth that the country has that should be protected. That would be the same not only in my country, but in any country.

But Master Agnos doesn't know that. 'Justice' for Master Agnos only means' don't do anything wrong 'as it is.

There are many other differences between Miga and reality. So unnecessarily, Master Agnos may not accept reality. Master Agnos' world is... Migawa itself.

"Beautiful and gentle princess" that exists precisely in the miga.

By playing that role, our princess has been preserved a 'happy life'.


"What kind of 'please' is it this time?

One of the knights entrusted with the escort of Master Agnos has asked with a gentle grin. I turned a stern eye to this knight beside Master Agnos, who didn't come with me and kept my distance.

Like this knight, here are those sent by His Majesty. Unlike those of us who refer to Agnos as our only Lord, they protect Agnos as a job.

But I... I don't trust them.

In the sense of 'protecting Master Agnos from thieves and such', I think he can be trusted. But when I said 'protect Master Agnos' happiness, I just thought that was' no '.

If you look in their eyes at Master Agnos, you can't help it either. I don't like it, but I know it's not our comrade.

Because their eyes' monitor 'Master Agnos.

Yet they will not try to please Lady Agnos. The words and deeds of Agnos, who is even strong around you… they do not complain a word, even though they see the occasional eclampsia.

It is also true that from time to time, some people buy unhappiness in an attempt to appease such words and behavior of Master Agnos. But they feared buying an upset and didn't look like they were keeping their distance.

In the first place, there are a certain number of people who run for self-preservation, so I don't want to blame myself for keeping my distance. We also accepted that there was no choice.

We don't care about common sense, justice. Just a loyal minister who thinks that if Master Agnos were happy. Because that's us.

I am also fully aware that the idea is dangerous. With that in mind, I... we are. We have decided to be on Master Agnos' side until the end.

So the attitude of this man and his colleagues is very disgusting.

I can't read the purpose, but should I say... I follow His Majesty's life as a knight, if you say so, until then.

The trouble is, I can't even move on eliminating them now. In Master Agnos' world, they have already been recognized as' knights protecting princesses' and it is only natural that they are here.

If eliminated, for example, Lady Agnos will have a seizure again and will try to bring them back. The only thing we can do more than anticipate that development is to accept that they are by our side.

"Wouldn't it be nice if you did your part as a knight? If necessary, Master Agnos will ask for it.... if there's just enough trust to be left to it, though."

…… Best. "

With a tough eye, but ostensibly a grin and a fix, the man gently clasped his shoulders and then fluttered away somewhere. Such an attitude increasingly irritates me.


While I drop off a man's back, I consolidate more determination. Don't trust them.

We don't know where our 'enemies' are lurking. But we're the only ones who can protect Master Agnos' happiness after the death of her nanny, who was on her best side.

That complacency was what inspired me and the mission I imposed on myself.

Dear Agnos, no matter what future awaits, we are on your side. Whether it's the future of ruin or not, we can offer it to the end.

- in a room (Knight's Perspective of the Guard)

"Damn, you're the same guys who don't see reality"

When I went back to my room, I sighed. It is the princess Agnos, known as the Spirit Princess, who remembers, and those who are intoxicated by her.

I have no sympathy for them. Ningro, I even think you deserve it.

"Indeed, birth would not be the responsibility of the person. But isn't it the sin of those around us to narrow the future?"

I know what happened to Princess Spirit. I think that's a pity in itself, and I can snort about the nanny worrying.

Whatever, the king's drowned side chamber is dead. If there was no asylum for my mother, who would otherwise be an unconditional protector, and on top of that, had she been subjected to the 'precipitation of blood', there would be no wonder to guide the future of the princess left behind.

... but.

"Do those guys realize... I can't believe a situation that could be described as delusional has narrowed the world of Princess Spirit"

Yes, Princess Spirit isn't bad. No, I would tilt my neck if I were told that there was nothing at all, but she would also be the victim of the fact that she had been deliberately crushed by the world and the opportunity for that perception to cover up.

In other words, it 'has been deprived of the opportunity to change by the favours and overprotections of its surroundings'. That would be the point of sympathy for her.

Gentle and beautiful, "The princess who appears in the miga". The princess, who had been decided to be so, said, 'Did you really want to be so?' Did you want that way of life?

"... well, if you regret it, it's already too late"

Whatever the princess herself thinks, she has admitted that she exists and that she exists. Sometimes this opponent is Irfena, and he can't be left unharmed.

Even if I knew that, I was missed because... 'cause they were expecting it to unfold'.

Far more than the spiritual princess thinks, this country is in danger. So much so that there are those out there who are determined to let even the royal family use it, if the priority is' the country '.

This' favor 'was really convenient for those who thought so.

The Demon King, His Highness Elshon, has taken a very relentless and ruthless measure.

His subordinate hounds will be happy to retaliate.

Besides, there's a magician added to it now. No matter how special the circumstances, it's not as sweet as sympathy alone allows. Without a doubt, they will retaliate accordingly.

But there are those who desire it. I was one of them.

The closed environment and temperament invite a situation that is left over from the surrounding countries, so much so that the sweetness of dealing with the princess of the Spirit, arguably the king's arbitrariness, is allowed.

You can't possibly not feel the crisis in such a situation.

Whether they call it treason or treason, this is also the 'justice' of those who guide the country.

Because the country is not a single rock, there is a 'best way' for them to believe. Therefore, it is also 'common' for those who scratch their feet in the hope of reform, 'a history that has been repeated in any country'.

In the first place, we cannot finish this case with the influence of blood starch. Because you can't do more than what you didn't already do.

"If there's only a story about the number of people, you're definitely a 'villain' from Ilfena, right? Dear Agnos,"

I don't know what that 'villain' will be treated like. But it was only certain that it was not a happy path.

Even if it was an agitator, there are many tragic endings of 'villains'. Still, if you chose to be the "Princess of Oga"... if you even asked someone unrelated to play a similar role as the characters in Oga.

You're also convinced that you'll be treated as a 'villain' in the 'someone' story, aren't you?