The Magician Wants Normality

Later on, we'll talk about five of them: "Knights smile."

- at the church (Argentine perspective)

"Captain, wait a minute."

I switched to the voice that was being heard, and the knight from Irfena - my men - turned a meaningful gaze to the outside.

It goes without saying that this gaze contains some kind of awe.

"Oh my, are you still here?"

“Perhaps this visit also included threats to the church.”

I see. I didn't expect the saints to cooperate easily, so while I was attracting them, the pawns took hostages.

As usual, my subordinates are disgusted by the cowardly manner in which they are treated.I can't protest because I can't say it's clear malice... now I'm a royal and it's hard to speak out.

In the first place, 'at the moment' they have done nothing.And he said unto the nobles that visited the church, I have come to speak with the saints, and it is not a lie.

They probably use their church nobility well to keep the saints from asking the royal family for help.

The nobility who visited the church set out the purpose of "Looking at the state of the church and future discussions".

The knights who appeared in the church insisted on 'watching over the safety of the church, where the majority of non-combatants are found'.

We can't call them "enemies" without some kind of decision. It's very auspicious.

It is true that the church is made up of donations from the nobility, and it is only natural to care about the church that has reformed in the past.

It is also true that during the events called "Saints of All Types" (named after Mizuki), the followers of the church showed the unity that should be said to be a lot of violence, and showed a piece of the threat.

Together, we will explore the new church and observe if the believers see any strange movements

If they say this, the nobles who know about the commotion will be convinced, regardless of the faction.

Of course, they are in a power struggle between factions, but believers... they all have the same vigilance about the power of the 'people'.

If this is the case, I think we can do it together.Basically, most people think that their interests are paramount.

It's really easy to understand, or it's simple people.In addition to that, I am not good at reading the situation.

They perceived themselves as a threat to the "Mage of the Otherworld" (= outsiders), thinking that the Church alone would remain the same as before.

"Without a magician, the church would not be a threat" - such a stupid fantasy.

... but that's probably the end of my warm thoughts this time.

At last, a mean smile comes to your mouth.... but the same goes for the subordinates who look somewhere interesting.Even if you don't say anything, you probably can read my thoughts.

Of course, there is no such thing as a shard to do as they wish.Let's take good fortune to be here and show them the role they want to play.

Without malice, Agnos has informed Mizuki of the current state of the church in childlike and honest terms.It's all about trust in Mizuki and how we feel about the people in the church.

The saints will not rely on Mizuki, an outsider, unless there is nothing he can do.However, we have the strength to make decisions immediately if necessary.

Mizuki will be able to move as a concerned party if they consult with Agnos before he deposits them.That is the "trump card" that the church obtained, which the church nobles could not know.

The Church gained its strongest ally because the Saints grieved and reached out to Agnos.The result was a "farce" called this visit to the church.

"Seeing Agnos" is not a lie, but both the church and the royal family of Barakshin are on Mizuki's side.It's impossible to miss this opportunity.

“The Knights of Barakshin, who seem to be watching the people of the church, do not know that Mizuki was waiting with the saints.That's why I won't be showing you any obvious moves for a while. "

So, is it some kind of signal from the noblemen who came to visit the saints?

"Perhaps. Or perhaps the saints will see the scene where the pawns are breaking into the church."If the saints and those to be defended are put at risk, they will be forced to give in. "

The saints are mentally strong, perhaps because they have endured the work of the upper echelons.

You can also negotiate with Mizuki, and you can't say what you personally threatened to say.

― ― The weakness of the saint is said to be the believers of the church who do not have the power to fight.

Given their position, it is only natural that they are incapable of fighting.In the first place, the Church is a loving place, and it is not good to hurt.

Some church aristocrats are trying to put it in their hands and put the church in their hands again.

Now you will be in shock with the Barakshin royal family, and you will also be willing to cooperate with Mizuki.No matter how much you want to avoid the intervention of outsiders, you probably don't want to take care of fools anymore.

"I see... first of all, we need to ensure the safety of those who should be protected."Let's call out to the suspicious knights. "

We don't need Mizuki's protection, but we do have the purpose of monitoring it, so let me tell you a little bit about it.

If there is nothing backward, you will deal with us in a dignified manner.

Do you say that?

This time, Mizuki is visiting with the permission of Ilfena, and of course, the Barakshin Royal Family has been informed of the purpose.

If you say something strange or behave suspiciously, you may be able to hand it over directly to His Majesty King Barakshin.

Oh! It's a corner, so you might want to hang out with us instead!

They are knights to each other, and rarely have the opportunity to make contact with people from other countries.

In the process, I hope you can learn that 'there is a top above'.

You're full of pride and crap, right?

I haven't forgotten that it seemed like Mizuki was in a good mood.I have vivid memories of the insults to Elle and Mizuki.

Needless to say, our position as Guardians must be well understood to mean that we are directly subordinate to Elle's Knights.

If you look at a situation like that, you may be able to avoid it in the future, even if it is annoying for you to press on to the church.


No, it could be a situation you have to avoid.If you are detained or punished, you may be deprived of your title.

Well then, let's hear it from here.

Roger that.... oh, they're pathetic too.

Oh, are you worried about the enemy?

"Mizuki and the Captain are not going to win, right?"Moreover, there was a poisonous couple in the royal castle.When you first contact the Royal Family of Barakshin, you'll be sure to send all you want. ”

"Fufu, we just followed proper procedures."

My men are shocked by the deepening smile, but it's just a fact.If you are convinced of the subsequent actions, you will be able to pass some impossibility.

It seems that your sister was also very excited about this visit - the establishment of Ilfena as a messenger was a protest against the assault on Elle - and she may be "playing" with your brother-in-law.

"Either way, His Royal Highness Levins is coming to see how things are going."It's a shameful affair in my own country, and nothing beats the testimony of royalty.We have no blind spots. "

"I've arranged that..."

Of course, Mizuki. She's close to His Highness the Fiancée of Levins.

Mizuki is in the middle of "Hospitality" with the saints.Come on, let's play with us.