The Magician Wants Normality

At a later date, nine of them said, "Come on, smile and retaliate."

― ― In the Irfena Royal Castle and the King's office (from the perspective of King Irfena)

"... oh"

The envoy to Barakshin - Charlene gave me a brief report and I accidentally broke my mouth.

The purpose of this attack was to protest against Barakshin, who was on a courier to Elshion. If you only think about the content, you will not be in a situation where your mouth is broken.

... but this time things are a little different.

In the first place, Barakshin's royalists did this because one of the earlier events in Barakshin started.

It's no exaggeration to say that your culprit was a church nobleman who opposed the royal family, and that Count Barrios, who had Fourth Prince Felix as his pawn, and Father of the Side Room, Felix's mother, were behind it all.

I used Felix to try to make contact with Mizuki, the mage. And the prince said, If it be an invitation, it shall not be refused.

However, unfortunately, Felix was [unusually] honest. Perhaps, but from an early age, he was educated in brainwashing so that his mother's side room and grandfather could be manipulated conveniently.

My son, who was the guardian of Mizuki, took his close knights and Mizuki to protest against Barakshin.

Yes, I should have gone to the protest. That should have done it.

For some reason, Mizuki was involved in a fight between the royalty and the church, causing great damage to the church, and even the royal nobles were threatened, so it is not funny.

According to the report, it seems that the knights belonging to the church insulted El, but Mizuki and the knights broke down.

The wizard who kept the name of the calamity in his desire, it rose magnificently.

I joined hands with the saints who wanted to normalize the church, so that they could see their enemies fall!

It is a scene where the foolishness of the religious nobility is known. While they tried to use Mizuki, they underestimated him as an "ignorant alien".

At this point, their defeat is confirmed. In fact, Mizuki is not ignorant or stupid, and is a fugitive material called "a ferocious species of alien people".

With the loving education of the guardians and those around them, the black kitten that had been thrown out into the other world by only one person had grown up fine... However, the guardians and those around them were not ordinary.


Although holding the hand of intimidation by too high a magic power, Elshuon is feared by others as the "demon king" who has produced results with tireless effort and talent.

Knight Dormitory Face

A group of powerful people who worked hard to serve Elshion and kept the name "Worst Sword".

"Dear self-proclaimed guardian,"

Most of them are knights, and their leaders are the Kingsguards below the Knight Commander. Clarence, who is said to be the [Konbei demon animal], is as cute as his sister, and the [that] Marquis of Bari is also kindly treated.

... how can you grow up to be [ignorant and stupid]? Mizuki will have her own personality, but she will not be allowed to be incompetent after being trained by this face.

In the first place, only Elle was a pure protector. The others initially said, "Here comes a user-friendly pawn! 'and finally settled down as a companion.

At the end of it was the famous "ferocious alien species". My enemies and my cats were full of unforgiving murderous intentions, and [Ilfena] was a reliable nickname.

Well, anyway.

In such a case, the church nobles of Barakshin quickly lost their power.

In some cases, there was a faction of church nobles who would not give up on Felix, and in this case the royal nobles wanted to assassinate him.

Even if Felix himself doesn't want to do it, his mother and grandfather still have nobility. In a way, it can be described as an unavoidable situation.

The blood of the royalty is troublesome, and sometimes it causes a power struggle without the will of the royalty.

He has no identity, though he is a saint who has received tremendous support. It was not enough to protect Felix from the nobles.

There was an accusation from Agnos, who Mizuki sheltered, and in response to Ilfena's protest, Mizuki and the others were forced to hide in the church.

I don't want any trouble at once. I was very much in favour of it, because it is annoying to have idiots pouring in one after another.

"Irfena Takachimae"

Protest against the use of raids on the Second Prince (country). Also, from the accusation of Agnos to the foolishness of the church nobles and the anguish of the saints, the wizard moved.

Irfena's Truth

Sermon to the nobles of Barakshin who are likely to cause problems (* physics available).

...... I'm a fine builder, but the face that turned to Barakshin is my face. Sometimes the past ended with incomplete combustion, and it would be enough to just say "I will kill this time".

Charlene sent me a bulletin because of the circumstances and I'm looking forward to the report.

"Kuku... no, no, let's do it!" I still can't show this to Elle. "

As soon as I show her, she'll be exhausted. Even though they know the purpose, they don't even know how to do it.

In particular, Mizuki and Argento's retaliation was excellent.

Mizuki only fulfilled the demands of the church nobles, and in the case of Argentina, almost eight times - before, it was the church knights who insulted Elle.

Moreover, even the Third Prince, His Highness Prince Levins, was impressed with our legitimacy.

Not both of them lied, and people who barely knew the situation rumored that "the knight led by the prince captured the noble faction that harmed the church", and the nobles must become more and more entangled in the church.

"It says that I took a pledge from Katrina, so the Count Barrios faction is going to do something about it." I mean, those two were supposed to go to the royal nobility protest..... "

We can't afford to lose to Master Mizuki and Al! ”I remember the beautiful woman who was showing a glowing smile.

She and her husband are called "Poisonous Couple", so it seems that when she went out, she took a hand to keep her mother away from Felix.

By now, Mizuki and the others will be showing off their piercings as sisters... knocking the nobles of Barakshin to the bottom of their horrors.

"It's noisy around her." But... I don't think I like this kind of situation where I can unexpectedly laugh. "

I honestly think so. Agnos, who can be said to be the victim of the [Blood Stain], seems to be able to spend his time calmly in the church now.

Agnos's innocent expression, acting like a young child, is bright, and he seems to admire Mizuki as his guardian. If you see a figure like that, you can't look at it as dangerous.

"Now, the last one is the real culprit... Harvis." Klaus and the others seem to be very busy, and Agnos' update will be fantastic. ”

... that's how the Black Knights retaliated. For that reason, they have also forfeited their trip to Barakshin this time.

This is, in a way, the good intentions of the Black Knights for those of Harvis who will never be involved with Agnos again. However, 'if only I wished for the happiness of Agnos.'

Keep track of Agnos. If you look happy, you're better off! It seems that Mizuki produced a large amount of Agnos' favorite products and took them to the souvenir shop to meet his expectations.

As long as you listen to Agnos witnessed in Ilfena, you'll see him chewing on snacks happily in the church.

Alongside such a smile are Mizuki and the people of the church... "Neither Harvis' father nor his followers".

"For the happiness of Agnos, King Harvis is unnecessary. I was never left to weep or to grieve over my country. How do they perceive that fact....."

The queen may be relieved by the state of Agnos and wish her continued happiness.

But for King Harvis and the followers of Agnos, it's a fact that I don't want to admit. [Existence unnecessary for Agnos] - Because we will know that we were positioned that way.

"I'm sorry, but I won't stop Klaus and the others."...... with me, you're Elle's father. "

That's not why I don't take it for granted that my son was injured. I won't order any retaliation, but I think we should do something unseen.

I mean, it's just a status report. If I didn't know what the Black Knights were after, it was just a matter of care.

Thinking of that, a knock echoed.

Permission was granted to enter, and Ershuon, Mizuki's son, could have been the cause of the retaliation.

"Excuse me....? Father, was there anything good?"

Oh, does that look like it?

“Yeah, it looks like it's going to be fun.”

Please be quiet, and I smiled deeply at the image of my son, who was half dumbfounded.

[Sounds like fun]... oh, there was certainly [something interesting] going on. Looking forward to your reaction when you find out about it, we'll do our best now.

At that time, in the Royal Castle of Barakshin.

"Oh! Sure, it's delicious!" Are you glad you behaved like this? "

"Of course! Even if she wanted to, she quickly crushed it, and the alcohol is fun and delicious for everyone!"

Mizuki was drinking the alcohol that Mizuki brought in against Levins. Count Barrios was lying beside him.

In contrast, Levins was as drunk as Mizuki and showed no signs of being drunk. It seems that Argentina is also strong on alcohol and is in a good mood to drink at the start of the workday.

"However, I will also improve my sister." I didn't mean to lift it while agreeing with Lord Katrina and take the testimony. "

"Hey! I'm only a buying and selling word, so I was saved."

"Now Felix is slowly breaking up with that woman!"

"Congratulations!" It looks like you're getting along, so why don't you let oniichan know? "

"Oh, that's good. I'm sure you'll be delighted."

Also known as "Celebration/Decalina! 'But it was a drinking party that could be named. Count Barrios was here, but no one cared.

The reason for this situation was that Mizuki and Count Barrios, who had come to the Imperial Castle, had encountered it.

Count Barrios, who was depressed and dropped his shoulder, was captured by Mizuki with bad luck. "Are you dissatisfied with the alcohol received from His Majesty King Alberda!?" I could not return to the threatening complaint, and was abducted by the banquet.

Then it was crushed by a quick attack, and then left unknowingly. I thought it might be the Count, but that's how you deal with someone you think you are.

Leaving Count Barrios aside, the three of them were definitely celebrating. As a messenger from Ilfena, it would be better if Charlene and the others decided to eat later.

Well, it's Klaus and the others' business after that.

He said, "I'm sure you'll do a good job."

"Yes. Fufu... I expect it."

"Hmm, I was going to give Agnos a status update to Harvis." As a parent, you'll be happy to know what's going on with your daughter. "


Mizuki and Argent remained smiling at Levins, nodding deeply, as if they had fallen in love with Felix.

However, both of them made the same prediction. It is the exact opposite of what Levins said, the future in which King Harvis will suffer spiritual damage.

... the retribution of the only hounds in sight of the Lord is coming.