"Ma, wait!! Please don't kill me! Please!!"


Siltina sees with no expression the man who crawls unnecessarily through the earth and begs for his life in desperate shape.

"Ha, ha, please!!! Only life!! Oh, it's the afterlife, TAMUM!!!!

"Now what do you say…"

"Chi, no!! We were, just, villagers!! Look, look, there's a village ahead called Lufhana!!! That village is filthy and people can't live there anymore!! But other villages and cities don't even accept me!! Then!!!! We need to do this!! To live!! Hey, you know what I mean!

The man desperately recruits good as he wets himself with tears and snot.

"Yep. You'll see."

Sirtina laughed at the man's words.

Smiling, it laughed ridiculously.

An old mansion that stands on its corner surrounded by tall trees.

The reason why Sirtina and the others had to come to such a place goes back a few hours now.



- I'm sorry.

"... this is,"

Returning from the water bath, Sirtina shrugged small at the sight in front of her.

vandalized camp. There is no sign of the people who should have been there. What is left are traces and smoky incendiaries that people would have fought over. and

"Dear Sirtina,"

"Till. And Karen."

It was Tiltinkle, his demon of use, who appeared from among the trees with Karen, Alhardt's beloved horse.

"Can you please explain the status quo?


Forgiving Karen for her excitement, Sirtina asked for some predictable explanation of the current situation. There is no choice but to see a slight exhaustion in that voice.

"Master Sirtina went to the water bath and a few minutes later the bandits attacked her. The knight and the prince responded, but they matched the return beautifully, and the two of them, the Virgin, the Migliane, the Lord and the six Kreutzes who were in the shape of men, were abducted."

"Crowe and Al didn't resist?

"" Uh, these guys won't do anything about us for a while, so we're going to get caught first. Say hello later. "This is a message from the Lord."

"You stinked... well fine. Fortunately, they took every carriage, and if you follow the wheel trail, you'll reach the bandits' castle."

"Are we going in alone?

It is reckless to storm without knowing the number of opponents. Sirtina laughed and raised her index finger at Tiltinkle's question.

"If someone had followed us, we would have noticed. Even if I or Al don't notice, Crowe or Till will, won't they?

"Yeah, well."

Two, and raise your middle finger.

"If this is a planned crime, we know about the number of people we attack. But I'm here now, unharmed. I can also be assumed to have intentionally targeted you when I wasn't around, but if you're taking away six people without killing them, chances are you're selling people. It's funny how these people miss out on people who become commodities."

Three, and put your finger up.

"Normally, only food and gold items are stolen from carriages that could find out where they are in the tracks of a wheel and leave the rest behind. You're in the way of moving. But this time the bandits have left me with a brilliant trace of the wheel. Well, maybe it's a trap, but I can't think of the need to set a trap to catch one person in every situation. I might bring the Knights from nearby villages and cities if I suck."

In light of the above, Sirtina said as she stood up and looked ahead to where the wheel trail would continue.

"The other guy's an amateur who's never done this before, and he's got no plan or anything. No matter how many bunches of miscellaneous fish come, you'll know. Then we're good enough to fight."

"Sure. Due to this, the number of people who have attacked is around fifteen. It was all coarsely decorated and equipped."

"Then I wonder if there are thirty of us even considering the number of people to turn to the defense of Negijo or something. Well, since we found Negijo, we can look for the number of people, and we can go to the corner on the raven."

Tiltinkle also followed Sirtina across Karen.

The destination could be reached in about an hour.

A corner of depressed and lush trees. An old mansion that stands in an artificially developed place. I guess it is not done on a yearly basis such as care. A broken windowsill on a wall with cracks everywhere. Rough all-you-can-eat garden. A door that just manages to come with it.

That place is unsuitable for people to live in, but is impeccable as a root castle for "thieves". Traces of the carriage's wheels continued into the mansion's premises.

"Till, do you know how many people are inside?

"Yes. Depending on the winds, there are a total of 37 humans inside. Twelve of them are women and children, and six are lords. The other nineteen are men, and you seem to be the ones who kidnapped the lords. Looks like the lords are being held in an underground cell."

Siltina, who was hiding herself right near the mansion, gets up after a few stretching exercises, nodding one to a report from Tiltinkle.

"Then shall we proceed towards the basement? Can you show me the way?

"I think if you ask the winds in the mansion, they'll tell you. What about the bandits?

"Those who attack with hostility will be seen as" enemies. "All those people are paying back."

"Okay. Where do we go in?

"Well, of course," straight from the front. "

It was the men dressed too well to name the "thieves" who greeted the Sirtinas, who had entered the front of the mansion with dignity.

"Hey, what are you!? What are you doing here!?

Looking around at the men who ran nervous at once, Sirtina looked at the tiltinkle floating beside her.


Tiltinkle meditates his eyes and concentrates his consciousness on the short words that call his name.

"There is a staircase to the basement at the penetration of the right-hand hallway. After that, it's a little complicated, so I'll show you around."

"Right hand hallway poke. Let's go."

Sirtina's gaze concentrates on the Tiltinkle that floats beside her, who walks off in dignity without looking at the men who set her up.

"What the hell, that creature?

"We were talking. Are you human?"

"There's no way there's such a small person!

"Maybe," Demon "...?

"Well, so is that woman..."

Zawari to the words of one man, and the spreading wave shifted from confusion to a sole pointing at the enemy.

"The clouds are getting suspicious."

"People who don't even know the existence of the" demon of use "may have no choice but to say that the boulder mistakes them for demons..."

Sirtina and Tiltinkle sigh shoulder to shoulder before men with force in their weapons hands.

"I'll tell you what, we're not demons. We just need to be in the basement of this mansion. If you can, I want you to let me through."

"Ugh, let it go!! Who hears what demons say!!

"Right!! Plus I can't let you go underground!!!

"Is there something there that we don't want to see?


"Thank you for the understandable silence. Unfortunately, we're here because of something."

"Are you one of them!?

"There are about two people I can call" buddies "... well, yes, is that right?

"…… which way?

"... I'm one of you."

"Dear Shirty, everything in your dissatisfied mind is in your voice."

"Because Till. If you think about it, of the six people kidnapped, only two can call themselves" buddies "? Others, well, the Virgin and Migliane, who are" what we asked for, "can help, but maybe even the two of us can finally help," I don't care, "right? Well, I don't think we're going to have to help, just Al and Crowe. Then I hope they let the Virgin and Migliane escape together as they flee. I left a message saying hi to Al, so I came here with a weird sense of purpose, but isn't this a total waste of time?

"… yes, but the Lord said," Say hello later, "so I'm sure we're not thinking about escaping on our own. Because due to the character of the Lord, I can't think of moving from myself even though there is a possibility that Shirti will come."

"I knew it was true,"

The men are packing their distance with Jirijiri while the two of them are talking.

A man who boiled his business to the appearance of two men who could not move at all, even under many passive circumstances, turned to attack.

"If you're one of them, you talk fast. Get me caught with you!!

The shaken blade, however, hits a high noise, inhibited by an invisible wall on the verge of reaching the Sirtinas.


"It's an invisible wall built to harden the wind."

Con, and. The moment Siltina rang her finger as she said tapping into the space with nothing in front of her, the body of the man who attacked her was hurt by an invisible blade.


"Ah, ha...? What……………"

"Now, who else would be our" enemy "?

To Sirtina's question, with all their confusion and fear, the men nevertheless take a step forward.

"…… I'm sorry."

The small, whining words sounded terribly cold.


- I'm sorry.

At the earliest, Sole wasn't "fighting" or anything.

The men who went to Sirtina reduced that number to less than half without causing her a scratch.

"Ba, bah...... monster!!

"What's next for demons? Are they called monsters?"

More than half of the men who could still move already turned their backs and fled.

Sirtina smiles bitterly at the words someone screamed from among the men left.

With the life of the first man, the warning went far enough. Still, I guess there's a reason I can't give them a blade because I've come at myself.

I can't even say "burning blade" naive swordsmanship, magic and body swordsmanship, I can hear that they have lived a life that has never been related to the struggle.

Still, for Sirtina, that's something that can be cleaned up in one word: "So what?"

They were the ones who pointed the blade first, and they were the ones who inspired it first. Then Sirtina won't be able to help them.


Gurli, look around. All the men who could move had already escaped. Confirming that there was no one standing besides ourselves, Sirtina turns again to the stairs leading down to the basement.

"Several people are fleeing underground. They're going to take the lords hostage."

"They're not the kind of people who need to be held hostage, but, well, we need the Virgin and Migliane to be safe... let's hurry"

Sirtina walked just a little faster when she said that like it looked like a pain in the ass.