The Magnificent Battle Records of A Former Noble Lady

Gathering of Berserkers, Mad Warriors

What a nasty "plan," I remember the first fool was Alhardt.

It does stink of trouble.

Rayne thinks nothing should have been just me agreeing to that.

"Why are you going around like this?

Rain bumped into the question when the "plan" was being prepared steadily behind him and the "two names" facade gathered at the branch for regular reporting.

"Uh, I thought so, too."

It was Alhardt who was throwing out his torso on his desk.

"Nah, why are we helping two countries? If you're going to wage war, you just need to help the Lulan kingdom and get the mon you can after you destroy the Lydian kingdom, okay? Even the Virgin can take it by multiplying it by the chaos of war, and it's easier if the filthy land is purified by the Virgin who caught it. You don't have to fight like that in the first place, but if we don't, we can destroy one or two of our countries."

It was an extremely serious opinion.

It was not an overconfidence but a fact.

It is better to deal with the table than to plot behind two countries.

However, this "plan" is to move around the corner on the razor, and at the end of the day, just before it's all over, we're going to see a KO counter.

If it does succeed, the damage to both countries will be enormous. In particular, it is not an exaggeration to say that the demons will cause the people of the Kingdom of Lidylan to see further hell soon after their internal affairs are attacked from their neighbours in a state of rattling and deprivation of their country… especially for the royalty and their equivalents, it is true "despair".

The Kingdom of Lulan will also be able to turn its fangs from the side that has acquired the neighboring country that it has wanted to acquire for many years to those who have been moving as "allies" until then.

Thus, the "Twin Wings Sword (ourselves)" is used to avenge their fellow derogators and gain their own country.

But if you say so, that's all.

"Sure, I hate it when Mr. Sill gets hurt. I'm so angry that they want to kill you. If you want revenge, give me a hand. But what's less than" revenge "on the Kingdom of Lydylan and the" headquarters "of the new Alliance?

Clarina laughed out loud at Rayne, who said so dissatisfied.

"Ahahahahaha!! Sure. But come on, Mr. Rain. Think about it. Al, as you said, if we don't have to do such a nasty thing, it's easier for us to kidnap one or two of the Virgins and round them up well, destroy both countries, and get the Virgin to purify the soiled land and put our headquarters anywhere she wants from there. However, the" plan "that Master Jin has put in place is to lend a hand once and guide them to the desired" end "while plotting behind them, finally at the end of the day they will betray their expectations and put their headquarters where they are looking for them. We did wonder what a distant, manpower and time consuming thing it would be. Well, I guess everyone thinks that once."

Clarina nods as she seeps tears into those eyes with too much laughter.

"But come on, but it is! Wouldn't it be boring to just destroy the guys who hurt and disparaged Silty and mocked them!! Then it's up to me to show you more humiliation and more hell than I think you should be dead after all the despair you've had! They're the ones who hurt Silty. Still not enough. So, even after it's all over, you can remember every time we see a new" headquarters ". The humiliation to which we have been subjected. Complete defeat. Fear for the strong. Desperate enough to die. Forever, until you die, as many times as you want. How easy it is to destroy. But that's not enough. Not enough at all. Hurt our people. How can you let him die so easily? You just have to stay alive and suffer."

It was rightly "madness".

It was crazy. It was broken. It was abnormal.

But they were also laughable when they were convinced, "Oh, well."

"That's why I think so. Well, I doubt it."

Rayne speaks to the man in front of her.

Blonde hair and light purple eyes. The man of the same colour as Sirtina said his name was "Jildo Barratna".

"Are we hilarious or is this world hilarious... hey, what do you think? Mr. Sill's ex-brother?


"You look like you don't know why you're here. Are you all right?

"... why,"


"Why is the Twin Winged Sword (Alliance) here?" And "revenge"? Betrayal... "

"Uh, is that it? It stinks a lot. You haven't heard from Mr. Gardo, have you?

"... you know my father?

"I know and nothing...... so you really haven't heard anything. I don't know what you're doing, Mr. Gardo..."

He exhales that it's bottomless, and Rayne looks at the man in front of him.

What sprouts is a slight dark feeling for a man.

"I'm sure your presence here means that Mr. Gardo has forgiven your brothers, but unfortunately we're not going to forgive you."


"Two years ago, you betrayed someone you shouldn't have betrayed. I hurt someone I shouldn't have hurt. Because your father is on our side, it doesn't mean we're on your side. Our ally is Mr. Gard, so remember, we're on Mr. Gard's side, but we're never on your side."


Oh, I want to stop his breath root right now.

It's such a monster, such as feelings for them who betrayed their people. That's all.

"Well, Mr. Gardo sent you here, which means he can use your stuff from now on, and I'll explain it to you."

"... Wait, maybe you're telling me to take on one of your sticks?

"One stick? No way! That's not true!!

Rain, who shook his head in a daze, lifted Ni, and his mouth angle.

"Not by one stick, Issu. You've been working with the Duke of Barratona for quite some time now, starting with Gardo Barratona.


"Only you brothers weren't informed. Two years ago, because of the words of the prince and the Virgin, why did Mr. Gardo shut up and watch his daughter be tried for a crime he hadn't even looked into?"


"Since then, things have really been moving under the water for quite some time now. That showed up on the table two years ago. Everything just accelerated skinning Mr. Sill's expulsion from the country. You really didn't notice, did you? The next prime minister will be surprised to hear. Well, you're not going to be prime minister."

When I talked that far, I heard horses hissing from a few kilometers away.

"Oh, the next people are here. I'll give you all the details. I'll wait for a while."

"Wait a minute! Right now."


A voice echoed by Zildo's words raised to hold Rayne back in an attempt to end the story.

A group of about ten people spanning a horse that had come right next to me at some point.

The man on the white horse running at the head of it called Rayne's name with another well-sounding voice.

"Mr. Hein!! Long time no see!!

If the torn Rayne approached the man on the horse, Hilary, and the man who descended from the horse in a light motion took off the robe that was feathered.

"" Hein Mirberia "…?"


"Why are you here……………."

Zildo opened his eyes to surprise the moment he saw the man's face with greasy eyes on his short silver hair, which appeared under the robe.

"Hein Mirberia." He is the deputy commander of the Knights of the Kingdom of Lydian, as well as the deputy commander of the "Secret guerrilla squad", said to be the most powerful unit in the country.

"Did the Barratona family send their eldest brother, not your lord?

"Yes, what a su! Besides, Mr. Gard, I haven't told you anything."

"Heh. That's... that guy does something funny inside, too."

"What's funny... is that? Well, what's wrong with Mr. Familas?

"Oh, Captain? He's in the middle of, like, a little fun."

"What is it this time?

"He's mixed up as a general soldier in the Secret Service guerrilla squad, and he wants to know what time the others are."

"That's another bad hobby."

"Really. So the captain will stay over there and join us for the last time...... So, he said something earlier, but what is it?

"Ah, uh,"

Until then, Rayne and I turned our consciousness to Zildo, who was silent with a wrinkle between his eyebrows.

Zildo, whose words did not appear for the moment in his sudden attention, opened his mouth after a few seconds of silence.

"Is Lady Hein and Lady Familus also their" allies "thing? So you disappeared neglected a year ago?

"Um, it's a little different. Me and the captain were originally members of the Twin Wings Sword (Alliance). To the Knights Commander and the Vice Commander, it was just for this" plan. "

"Plan"? "

"Oh, you don't know. Do you know the witch of foresight?

"Of course."

"Her name is Clarina Hamley, and she's the one who can see the future."

"The future……? So you knew this was going to happen, and you said it was your plan?

"That's a little different again, too. Clarina saw it until Mr. Sirtina was deported from the country. Now I say, until" two years ago ". Then I don't see the" future "ahead. However, because Clarina is brilliant, she predicted" foresight "after what happened two years ago. Predicting, anticipating, guessing, speculating, and the result is this" plan ". Well, it's someone else who made a plan."

"Mr. Klu was sure. That this country will be tainted by demons in the near future and will need the help of the Virgin. And that the Virgin needs a strong escort."

"So we've been infiltrating this country for about eight years now, selling ourselves into it, and five years ago we became captains and deputy captains of the Knights. We haven't been the same since then, but the guys we raised are now the strongest troops in the Kingdom of Lydians. We're here for Soko."

"The two strongest men leading the strongest troops. These are the people whose names come up best in the matter of the Virgin's escort. But those two belong only to twin swords. Before the matter of the Virgin's escort begins to be examined, Mr. Familus is asked to disappear, followed by Mr. Hain's absence as well. That way, we have a good chance of going to Mr. Sil's place. So, since it's about Mr. Sil, he's going to say no to the kings in front of him, so the masters started to move from the moment Mr. Sil headed for the Kingdom of Lidylan."

"Well, to Sirtina," he says, "to taste fear and despair betrayed by the strongest troops in the country to the people of Lidylan, and to use it as a force in negotiations with the Kingdom of Lulan." Clarina and the others were willing to involve Sirtina in the execution of the plan. "

"Still, if Mr. Sil eventually turned it down, I guess that felt like there was no choice. Well, seeing as I accepted it, Mr. Sill was pretty much expecting it, wasn't he?

"What the hell are you guys trying to do...?

Rayne and Hain laughed face-to-face at Zildo, who had no heart or blood drawn from her face.

"You said it first. Isn't that right? I'm running a nasty" plan ". It's been a long time."

"We just want to give you back more than a hundred times what your people did. And I was just wondering if we could finally get a better location and make it our new headquarters."

"Well, there are a lot of events that come with it."

Zildo lags slightly behind the two laughing joyfully.

"For the sake of one of our high companions, this is the battle between a nation and a nation..."

"That's why you asked. The funny thing is whether it's us or the world."

"Oh, no."

Gildo murmured with a plundering voice, saying you were more ridiculously determined.

"The world is funnier for us."

Because "it" is "normal" for the twin swords.