The Magus of Genesis

Lesson 10 Chair of the Grade Committee/Class Leader

"I'm tired………….."


Nina worked me out of class today and sat in the chair disappointed.

Ten days have passed since I started my special classroom for international students.

The hustle and bustle of the first day gets worse and worse instead of fitting in, while the class doesn't go on as late. Every time I tried to teach you one piece of magic, it was a fuss, and to put it away, I was being taken with me for the bulk of my effort.

"Are you okay with general education?

I totally pushed Nina and Mr. Purple on you, but I haven't heard anything about any trouble from them. But if you think about it carefully, the children of Hiiro Village will also be included and the number of people will increase extra, so I think it seems extra difficult.

"Nothing, there's nothing wrong with you. Sometimes Sig and Lynn make a scene."

"Those two..."

When I heard that name, two people appeared running around in my brain.

Luca is a grown up, honest character, and Mr. Purple is a calm adult. Even if you may be confused and question the differences in the environment and habits you have grown up in, it is rarely a problem.

It was decided to make a scene between one or both of the younger pairs.

On top of that, those two don't seem to be compatible anyway, and they start fighting right away. Even so, it feels like Lynn gets stuck unilaterally from Sig because she's a my-paced kid, but Lynn doesn't have the idea of avoiding strife because she doesn't fear anything at all with Lynn.

"How are you dealing with that then?

"I don't know..."

Nina finally moves her fingertips. Then he grew from the ground and wrapped himself around me, lifting him up into the air.

"Like this."

"Ok, ok, so put me down!

In a hurry I screamed.

It makes me more anxious than I thought to be deprived of my body's freedom and my feet off the ground. Even if it wasn't a lot of height, there was a fear that he would be slapped down as he was because he couldn't control his posture.

"So, if you don't listen to me, here's the thing"

My body is shaken hard up and down as Nina moves her pico and fingertips. My vision shifted and my eyes turned, and I grabbed my chin desperately for fear that it was going to blow up with a G all over my body. It may be a funny and hilarious sight from the edge, but if it is, it is not.

"Since day three or so, I've grown up."

I bet!

I finally got free and stuck on the ground, and I wanted to scream back like that, but I wasn't likely to be able to do it desperately to contain the nausea that was coming in.

"Oh dear! Oh, that, what's up?

I guess Mr. Purple's class is over.

Yuki came back to the staff room on her way home, as usual, and got upstairs worried about me. Though I am perfectly fine because it is light.

"No, it's okay... it's nothing."

When Yuki manages to answer without worrying, she goes down to the floor and turns back to Nina.

"What's going on?

"Special classes don't work."

Ah, here!

Nina fell apart when she asked Yuki again.

I mean, it's Nina's fault that I was messing around right now.

"Uh. I kind of get it. Lynn and Sig, right?

Is it because the general public is with me? Yuki seemed to have come with a pin and named the two children in question.

"It's not just those two, either. It's either my fault."

Whatever the method, Nina and Purple are getting the class going.

"Right. I think so too."

But when Yuki clearly affirmed it, it was sad.

"Oh, you're so sweet."

That's the end of being able to stroke all the way to your head.

Pathetic seemed kind of tearful.

"There's a strong smell to the swelling."

"…… long?

To Yuki's words, which are somewhat inclusive, I inquire unwittingly.

"Oh, you must have just come home."

Sure, I don't think I'm a good leader myself.

Even Hiiro Village is not clearly determined who is the leader, but the substantive leader is Sword Ministry...... Amaga, Yuki's father.

"Oh... long?"

If you're a village chief, you're a village chief, and if you're a school chief, you're a principal.

But the head of the classroom is not a teacher.

"Yeah. Let's decide, chief."

I came up with something unexpected, I said.

It's probably the oldest in the world.

"Gakkuwi incho?"

"Yes. Chairman of the Grade Committee. Abbreviated as committee chairman."

I nodded and said so to the sigs who would listen back to the parrot.

Even so, I don't have a committee, so maybe I should call you a classmate or a classmate, but, well, it's atmospheric around there.

"In short, let's decide who's the greatest in this classroom," he said. Follow what the person says. It's easy to understand, isn't it?

"Shouldn't you be a teacher?

Purple raises the most serious question.

"Yeah. Of course I'm a teacher, so I'll be above you guys in my position. But that is why I cannot combine the chairmanship of the Commission. I'm talking about deciding who to head among you."

"…… I see. You're like the head of a guardian. The teacher said it was the position of the elders."

A little thought, she muttered so as she was convinced.

"Hey, what do you mean?

"Uh... I think that means choosing the next great teacher."

Luca chewed her up and explained that to Lynn pulling the hem of my clothes. It's not accurate, but maybe that's how much easier it is to understand.

"I'll do it!

"Funny - so I want to do it too!

Then it was Sig and Lynn who raised their hands first.

"If you don't mind, shall I do it?

Surprisingly, Mr. Purple adds to it. Probably cared for me.

She should be aware of the problem herself.

I don't care what you think about the head of the guardian she spoke of earlier, Mr. Purple herself, and I'm sure it would be helpful if my elderly girlfriend became chairman of the committee.

- But.

"You wouldn't be convinced if I decided to be this guy on my own, would you? For example, I decided to make it Mr. Purple, and Sig is convinced?

"That is……"

With an indescribable expression, Sig turned her gaze to Mr. Purple.

I have complaints but I can't speak. That's the way it is.

When Purple notices her gaze and smiles, Sig rushes away.

... Speaking of which, there's no problem in her class either. I wonder what the hell way you teach.

"So I'm going to make up my mind in a fair way to be convinced."

I'm curious, but we're talking about it now. Let's hear it later......

"Fairness… in fact, fighting or something?

I thought so, but somehow I could imagine how Sig would ask in a frightened manner.

"That would make too much difference, wouldn't it be fair? It seems like we can all do just as much more."

As I say, I take out what I have prepared in advance.

"Now, let's decide."

"Stone and...... tree?

Seeing what I had in my hand, the students tilted their necks.