The Magus of Genesis

Lesson 3 Malice

There are laws in the village of Hiiro as well.

That, in the light of the history of the planet, would have to be said to be quite slow and underdeveloped.

Surely the oldest law on earth belonged to the Mesopotamian civilization? It must have been established in or around the twentieth century BC.

In contrast, it was certainly about two hundred years ago that we were able to clearly call it the law in the village of Hiiro. It's about 700 years old when it comes to dragon history.

When Ruhul created Hiiro Avenue and became active in interacting with other races. A lot of problems arose from differences in customs and cultures between them. So, it was the beginning of the arrangement to make each other as comfortable as possible.

Even so, being just a occult nerd, there's no way I know the law.

"License, is it..."

Following a suggestion from me, the head of the thirty-third generation sword club, Misera stroked her jaw as she conceived.

It is all sword men who have thought and shaped the law, who have carried out its operations, and who have judged those who have broken the law. The idea of separation of powers, etc. was a far cry away, a political form that I had to call dictatorship, but while I was doing well with it, it would be fine, I guess.

"Yes. Issue a certificate to someone who can handle the Spirit properly and forbid them to make the Spirit on their own without that proof."

"I don't mind that………"

Misera had a slightly troubled expression.

"Who decides if I can give a license?

"I'm going to make that method and mechanism. All of a sudden, I punish you for using spirits that you've been using normally since now, even if you say that, we're all in trouble, right? I need to be well informed in advance, and that's why I'm here to talk to Misera first."

"I see…………………."

Misera nods as she is convinced, but looks somewhat difficult.

"Doctor. The law is against punishment. It just doesn't have much effect on the law that it's decided you shouldn't."

"Yeah. I was wondering if I should leave the fine sentencing around here to you guys..."

"Yes, no. I'm sure you can take care of that…………………"

And so I cut the words, and she pushed silence.


"I ask you something unexpected, when will the law be enforced?"

Misera asks me with a serious look when I call her by her name if she has said anything strange.

"Uh, I was wondering if it would be within a decade or so, including informing everyone..."

To be honest, I didn't really think about the time period, so I answered appropriately, and she gave me a slightly relieved look.

"Understood. I bet my life, I'll deal with it."

I thought maybe I would squeeze my face tight and correct my residence and declare so.

"No, I hope you do it normally."

"Teachers always say hard things."

I don't take it that hard, but when I thought about it, they laughed at me. Well, it's about running the village, so it's good. I don't care if they make me come or go, but is it that hard to lose my shoulder...?

"Good day, brother"

After the mansion at the main house of the sword ministry, a familiar voice can be heard from the overhead.

When I looked up unexpectedly, a girl came down from the tree.

"Well, Yuka, that's unusual. Here."

Yuka is special to the sword club. Basically they don't want to name the sword department's last name except for the head. I treated it closer to the name raid system than I would call it a family name. Well, the people of Hiiro Village basically don't have a last name, so maybe it's like that.

In it, Yuka, the half-elf who has named the sword ministry and has lived for generations, is somewhat floating without being able to take the lead. I'm not being ignored or ostracized by anything, but Yuka herself seemed concerned or trying to stay away from the main mansion too close.

"Yeah. Your brother says he's going to talk to Misera, so I thought I'd say this for once."


Yuka looks closer to me with her neck hanging. At that distance that seemed to touch me, I was unwittingly thrilled.

"... in those kids, you can't beat the Spirit"

But to that voice whispered small, I stared into her eyes with breath.

"Uh, why is that?

No other Yuka says, I'm sure that's the right thing to do. But I couldn't understand it, so I overheard.

"I knew..."

Then she holds her forehead and sighs deeply.

"You know, brother. Humans basically can't beat spirits."

And he said to me in such a tone that he would tell an ill-defined child.

"The Spirit has no entity, so it's no use cutting, poking, crushing, and burning or freezing."

"I know that, but... you can rename it or you can erase it if you eat it"

"Only your brother can do that!

At the end of the sentence, I got angry.

"But Yuka can cut it, right?

Yuka was about to cut a spirit horse. I stopped because I had a child in the carriage, but if I hadn't, I would have cut it off.

"… well, I can hang up……………."

She answered a little uncomfortably. Look, I knew it.

"You know, brother, I've been waving my sword for over two hundred years now, and they call me Kensei or something. Compared to that, Miseras are pathetic."

Yuka lurks her voice again. Was it called that way, Yuka?

"Your brother has a strange standard. Now in this village, it's me and your brother who can manage with the help of the Spirit… Later, I think it's about Sister Nina"

"Can't you tier or ruffle?

I opened my eyes in surprise.

Tia would be the best wizard in this village to fight with magic. The magic arrows released while disappearing and traveling at high speeds are difficult to prevent, and are nearly impossible to attack from here.

Ruffle, on the contrary, whose physical stubbornness does not allow other followers. A half-breed attack can't even scratch her, and vice versa, a hammer wielded by that giant is a lethal blow to all creatures.

"I can't. The Spirit is a willed magic itself, so it's pointless to disappear with magic. And the attack of the Spirit is faster and stronger than the magic that Tia unleashes, and he won't die if he hits or crushes it. How can they not win?"

"When you hear that, you sound invincible, the Spirit."

Speaking of which, the first spirits I've ever seen... were scattered on Jack Frost. In other words, the Spirit is powerful enough to burn even the Fire Dragon's hands when it comes to the young body. With that in mind, it may not be necessary to say that we can't beat humans.

"It's like, it's not, it's actually almost invincible. Your brother normally renames spirits, but you can't do that normally."

"... is that what it is? I don't have any sense of naming either………………."

Somehow I'm just wearing something close to my image in the name of fairies and monsters in my previous life's knowledge. Though there seems to be so many people who name themselves more skillfully than I do.

"It's not a matter of taste...... if your brother tells you to start calling me D'Arga tomorrow, will you honestly follow that?

"Another name I miss a lot... I see, I like D'Arga and I don't think it's a bad name, but it's kind of unacceptable when people tell me to call it that."

"You know, you and your sister are the only ones who can force you to accept that."

Yuka nodded at me bitterly, just wondering if I finally figured it out.

"Because it's rampant... in other words, dealing with unstable spirits. It wasn't made in bad faith."

"…… malicious?

For a moment I wasn't sure what Yuka was talking about.

"If it is illegal to make spirits of your own accord, the person who was blamed for it might sprinkle the spirits. So the side that controls it has to be able to defeat the Spirit."

After being so explained, I finally understood it.

I quickly forget that there are bad people in this village. I guess it's because I think of all the villagers like my children. But as a matter of fact, there are those who do not abide by the law and do not hate to cause trouble to others.

If such a human creates a Spirit in a serious attempt to harm others. Sure, that could be a terrible surprise. I didn't even look at that when I thought about it.

I promised to do something about it in just ten years, so I was finally convinced of Misera's tragic resolve.