The Magus of Genesis

Episode 7 Living Corpse/UNDEAD

"Ruffle!? What the hell happened!?

My aunt is out... Tia is hurt!

Auntie? What the hell are you talking about?

"Okay, I'll be right there!

I don't know, but not every time. That's what I decided for Ruffle's scream. I rushed right up to the window and jumped out of the third floor of the school building.

"Contact Nina!

Shout as you transform into a dragon figure in the air. Then on its back, three heavy things poured down.

"Doctor! Let us go too!

"I won't let you knock on Dr. Nina."

It's Ala, Mel, and Innis' couch.

I don't know who "aunt" is. But that tier is badly injured, and that's enough for Ruffle to get help. Other than being a dragon, I am a fighter. Thank you for following me, to be honest.

"... No, I wouldn't say that life is a pain in the ass at times."

Nevertheless, it is surprising to be even Innis. When I turned my gaze to her thinking so, she turned her gaze against Pupu and said as if to make excuses.

"- Thank you. Then hold on tight. We're in a hurry!

I swung my wings wide and rose high all at once. Then the screams you hear from your back would belong to Innis. Is it Mel who seems to be cheering high and happy?

"My scales, the Giant Girl scratches, point me to your pair!

When he cut off a thousand scales and cast a spell, it cast a strip of bright light toward the end of the village. When I attach it to the roof of the school building, I head for the light. Nina has a good guess. I'm sure this will help you understand.

The village of Hiiro has grown considerably. In fact, it is on a scale not suitable to call it a village some time ago, and it is divided into several villages. In a way that encloses the original village of Hiiro, another city district stretches apart from hard-to-live areas like forests, rivers, and hills.

It is at the edge of it that Ruffle has asked for help. It was from the woods close to the mountains at the northernmost point. Hurry up with my wings, but it'll take a few minutes.


I admit that I can see her well from afar, and I fold my wings and plunge down screaming. I don't mind the screams coming from my back.

Ruffle nodded to the ground, trying to shelter something and rounding his back all the time.

"What, is this............!?

There were many black shadows surrounding it.

There are several fine scratches running through Ruffle's hands and feet, and blood is flowing.

This means that these guys can scratch Ruffle's body, protected by the Power of the Titans.

"Blow it up!"

I cast a short spell, winging. As soon as there is a tremendous wind blowing and blowing shadows swarming the body of Ruffle. The shadows made a noise and were slammed to the ground.

Are you okay, Ruffle?

"Seikei... Tia, Tia...!

With a blur and tears, Ruffle offers me that big palm.

Above it was the figure of a neat tier as she bled. Ruffle was sheltering her.

"Sorry... Doctor, I, Hema, I did..."

"Don't talk, Tia. Faulty wounds. Nina should be here any minute. Until then, patience."

Tia shook her head sideways with a spicy look on her face.

"I'm fine, this much... more than that... be careful"

Tia squeezes out her voice desperately as she exhales roughly and sweats.

"That's about it, those guys, they don't die"

As if to corroborate the word, a black shadow rose with a sleigh.

"Wow, whatever, creepy!

Innis sees it and raises her voice.

Surrounding us are armored bears, horned mountain cats, large circle worms and winged snakes. They're all well seen around here, looking like beasts. But there were two anomalies.

The first is that these beasts don't make herds or anything. Not to mention I've never seen another species work together to attack people before.

And the other is………

I don't care what those beasts think, they're dead.

There is flesh and bones exposed.

There is something hanging from the wrinkled skin from the rotten flesh.

I lost half my head and still have something to move.

Undead. Those words crossed my mind.

The carcasses of the beast came upon me without a roar. That speed is not as slow as a so-called zombie, but as handsome as it is when you're alive.

"Shadow! He became a spear with a hundred branches and was stabbed!

"Jack Frost, wish me!

As Ala's shadow splits into several lines like lightning bolts, he pierces the Beasts. Almost simultaneously with that, Mel's summoned jackfrost spewed a blizzard from his mouth, engulfing an unusual army.

But you can't.

While holed by the spear of Ala's shadow and frozen by Mel's summoned spirits, the carcasses of the beast show no signs of slowing them down.

He spills cloudy blood from his neck muscles that would undoubtedly be fatal if he were an ordinary beast, breaking frozen limbs in a vacuum, yet rushing through the ground as if by accident.

"Doctor, Mokai Wind!

"Wind, blow those things away!

To Innis's instructions, I let the wind blow reflexively. But did they learn, or were they not as unintended as they had been earlier, heavyweight carcasses like armored bears and tooth pigs stomped on the spot to catch the wind.

"Startup (Awake)!

But that moment seems to have been enough for Innis. A line runs on the ground so as to separate us from the beasts, and I wonder if the earth can protrude and make walls about three meters high.

"Nice, Innis! In the meantime..."

Let's get Tia and Ruffle out of here.

- I couldn't utter that word.

Because a winged snake that flew over Innis' built wall pierced my throat.

Winged snakes, as the name suggests, are snakes with small wings with a dermis in the middle of their bodies. Extremely ferocious, but only about a meter in size. In a hurry I try to rip off the winged snake, but the clumsy dragon's forefoot didn't even grasp the little snake that twisted me.

On the contrary, the pain runs further behind my throat.

I'm going to keep sneaking into your system.

At the same time as I felt my spine poppy, part of the wall blew up like an explosion. The carcass of the armored bear destroyed it with its claws.

"Ku, damn...... Huh!

Abnormal. Eating through my scales, destroying my magically created stone walls, is not something normal animals can do. The beasts in front of them are not only apparent and immortal, but also completely separate to their contents.

"Mel! Can't you burn to death with a salamander!?

"Hmm... I don't think so. I have a bad feeling."

To Ala's words, Mel shakes her head with a difficult look.

As if to corroborate the words, a winged snake burned down my throat. Fire dragon blood is extremely hot, like a magma. That's what happens if you scratch it.

But the wingsnake did not stop the movement, even though it was engulfed in flames. He stood up his fangs to eat my throat even more without looking at it with any intent.

"Deacon, pull it out...... ahhh!?

Innis' "transparent butler" pulls the winged snake, but only the body part of the snake slips out. I can't see the structure of my body, but it seems that only my head is still stuck to my throat.

Burning, it's really immortal to move even if it's just your neck.

If you do put a salamander in such a detour on someone like this, this one could instead be burned to death.

"Gu, ugh............!

I scratch my neck on the head of a wing snake that bites into the meat under the scale and finally tries to break into my body. But the tip of the nail just scratches the surface, and the deeply devoured winged snake is unlikely to be removed.

On the contrary, the armies of beasts that destroyed the walls were coming this way in unison, and the situation sucked.

"Run, go, go...!

I step forward with my wings wide open and manage to squeeze my voice.

Students can't just let them die.

"Wind, ……………"

The breeze that has been blown is less than half as powerful as it was earlier, and can only slightly dull the legs of the beasts.

To the carcasses of the flying beasts, I was prepared to die.

"……… You kept me waiting."

Its nails and fangs reach me on the brink of it.

Literally at the end of his eyes and nose, until the beasts were goose riddled with the grass all over his body.

"Well done to you guys."


I forgot the pain and called my partner's name.