The Magus of Genesis

Dragon History Aug 528 Yuki, 28, Basin/OBON

"Come on, I'm done cleaning."

"Thanks, I'm coming now!

To Yuki, who raises her voice with a bucket of water and a brush in her hand, I grab a flower and hurry on a small run.

And when he prepared it before the grave, he lit the incense, and they both held hands together.

Sleeping beneath it is the sword ministry of the previous generations. Yuki's grandfather, Kimaga.

… and the generations of sword clubs that will accompany it.

Speaking of which, is Kimaga going to be my stepfather now that I'm married to Yuki?

Having seen it from birth to its imminent death, Kimaga still had a strong impression of being a little boy, and that seemed kind of weird.

"Hey, brother."

Unexpectedly, his gaze remains pointed at the grave, Yuki tells him to whine.

"Is it true that everyone who dies in the basin is coming home?

"I don't know."

If it's something you can see because you can ghost, there are countless people who want to see you. Unfortunately, I never met him.

"Oh well..."

Yuki shrugs as she drops her shoulders.

"Who does Yuki want to meet? Kimaga?"

"That's what I'm talking about."

Kimaga died when Yuki was very young, and she shouldn't have many memories. So I thought, Yuki pointed her lips as if she were just a little obstinate and looked up at me.

"It's your brother."

My chest hurts so badly when I say that.

"……… Fool."

I slammed her forehead.

"You see him every day, right?

Am I laughing right now? I'm going to be old enough to dress like that, but Yuki is sharp.

"Yes, but..."

Yuki clutches my finger tightly and overlays my palm.

"Come on. Let's go home and have dinner. You're hungry, right?

"……… yeah."

Put those hands down, connect them, and we walk the road to the house side by side.

What shall we eat? Sometimes I'll make it. I'm still a little bad at fire reduction, though.

Take as slowly as you can on your way home that you will soon reach with such an unloved conversation.


Along the way, I thought of something, I said.

"Though I have never met a dead man."

Look up at the sky and narrow your eyes to the light of the sun.

"He might be looking at me the whole time."

If so, would you be angry? Or will you laugh?

"Oh well."

There's only one thing I can say.

"I hope so, brother."

The girl walking next to me is laughing at me right now.