On the side of the thin tunic tea, he looks at the water on the hair with a paper towel.

Lu Zhouzhi spotted his line of sight and picked him with him, saying: "Who is called a slap?"

Ling Chennan knew that there was a red mark that was scratched by white nails before his face.

Lu Baoyou has a sound and ask: "What are you talking about before? Let me help you check."

Ling Chen South is very familiar with him, although it is not the type of friend who has to contact every day, but speculative, he is relieved, so it is too lazy to walk with him, saying: "" Calling Shen Sichuan, it should be more than half a year , The crime is intentional, and it is more than two years. "

Luo Baoy is a psychiatrist specialty in prisons, mainly gives heavy prisoners before being psychological, preparing and assessing before leaving prison to help them re-adapt the social environment by step.

He asked: "What to check it?"

Ling Chennan: "Investigating he is really in your prison, if so, I want to talk to him."

Lu Zhouzhou is somewhat raising: "You even know that other details he jail, will you know which prison did him serve?"

Ling Chen, I thought about it, or said: "The road is said, it is not sure."

Lu Baoyou provoked the expression of eyebrows, a pair "followed?".

Ling Chennan took a cup to drink a bite, he said: "How do you say it ... I have a guest with me. He can't run the relationship with this Shen Sichuan. Now it's a bit bottleneck. I want to try it out to see if there is any clue. "

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "You are a private detective or a psychiatrist, this kind of matter should be investigated? You are responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of the patient's mentality, but not to figure out what the truth." He held the chin, smiling: "I thought that your private clinic is good, don't work overtime."

Ling Chen south: "Secretary ..."

Lu Zhouzhou said: "What is the most important ability to stay a distance, a psychologist?"

Ling Chen South continued to smile: "Restructive, I know ..."

Lu Baoyan interrupted him: "You are not super indifference, how can you suddenly have a private life of the patient."

Ling Chennan laughed: "How can I be indifferent! I am so peaceful! And ... this is not a private life, how to say, this is very related to his treatment, I ... I am not sure he is in a delusion, there is still something wrong, Hey, it's okay, it is not judged. "

Lu Zhizhou is light and light "Ha", "Ha", Ling Chen south directly said: "For example, he said that Shenchuan gave him a call in prison, a few times, but he has replaced a phone number, a person who has a resource survey Is there a new number of people who are deeply accepted? "

Lu Baoyuan is thinking, the waiter will come in, and the two people silently drink silently, and then open again after the dish is good.

Lu Zhuzhou: "If you judge it ... Some people think that the symptoms are more serious, the story tells too many times in the mind, telling the final belief, this situation is more coordinated, it is not too It is easy to judge whether the other party is lying. What did you just say, he said that you call him every day? "

Ling Chennan nodded: "Two or three times a day, and he changed."

Lu Zhou shouted: "It is not very possible, our country is not a service that has been called in each prison, but it is just that our prison has, but the prisoner's call number is required to verify the verification. Determining the standing relatives, then adding to the list of the 'family call' to play, the phone is monitored, afraid that the prisoners discuss jailbreak. And the amount is more than once, your patient is afraid to see more When you ask him next time, he didn't read "Women's Prison". "

Ling Chen South unconsciously wrinkled: "What do you mean is lie?"

Lu Baizou sounded: "Don't be so serious, your face is too stinky!" He put his hand and started the pickup of the chopsticks. He said: "It is not good to conclusion, in short, I will go to work later. Help you ask, in case ... The phone received by your patient is the prison colleague to find him to verify the phone number? Not saying. "

Ling Chen sighed, picking up chopsticks, said: "Thank you, trouble you, eat, eat, ... you want the cake, hot."

Lu Bo's mouth said "You also eat", while the whole basket of onion is full of herself.

I ate something, the two talked about other things, updated each other and the current situation of their own friends, and the box was rained and resumed in the night market in the night market, only the two were already mature. Many social people.

"Secretary ..." Ling Chennan hesitated: "The patient is emphasized to you, it is a good thing."

Lu Zhou was so exciting to find chicken in a red dried pepper. "Of course, the patient and you are close, willing to put the inner order to you, it is established to establish treatment The basis of the relationship. "

Ling Chennan said: "If ... this is extremely extreme?"

Lu Zhuo looked at him: "Multi-pole? I have a patient, belonging to the kind of double life, I am shocked to cover the other half of myself, put my own big contradiction, and later he started using various Various ways to investigate, do you know, probably wanting to let me feel this kind of look at the outside world. "

Ling Chennan was somewhat surprised: "You have experienced this? Then?"

Lu Baozhou grabbed the keyword: "Also? Of course, how to treat how to treat it, you also know, try our best to reflect the patient's emotions, you must maintain objective, or let us do it before going What is the most self-experience? Anti-exclusive is the most critical step in treatment. You must maximize the emotions of the patient, and there is no comparative condition, after all, once this kind of projection is distorted, it is easy to abandon it, don't come back. "

Ling Chennan nodded, I remembered his teacher once said: "The biggest ability of the therapist does not have much knowledge, but to see how much he has solved his own problem."

Lu Jozou also nodded.

The two were silent for a while, and the rice wine was seen, Lu Zhou question: "Do you have a patient to investigate you in reverse?"

Ling Chen sighed a sigh: "His past should be tracked and closely monitored for a long time, but ... he investigated my business. Before we started to treat contact, it was because I and He successfully established the results of emphasis on the pattern of emphasis ... It is a bit reluctant. "

Lu Bao Zhou wants to think and say: "If he does not necessarily, he has had this experience, it is inevitable that it is difficult to build a sense of trust with strangers. Since he wants to seek help, there is no bottom, investigate you, may also be Give yourself safe, give yourself with your courage. "

Will investigate yourself cannot be pulled, and you will track your own movement.

Ling Chen South Q: "Do you really think?"

Lu Baozhou is only three seconds, laughing: "I certainly say it! I have never seen him, and the above speech is not responsible."

Ling Chen south.

He went to say: "How is it, a school brother, it is rare to see you so distressed, you can't."

Ling Chen South is helpless, but also bad eyes: "Forgot to tell you, Zhan Xuejie wants to marry, oh ... see you surprised to look, confiscate invitations? Live? Don't you?"

Lu Baozhou called a few times, and forced Ling Chennan to see him to see the wedding photos of the bride, lamented the old things in the end of the world, and did not discuss the work related things before.

[Ninth Week · Friday]

Ling Chennan started to knock at the front desk, see Miss Zheng's eyes, have to stop: "Doctor, SIT!"

Ling Chen south, stunned with her as his own Teddy's behavior.

He simply took the past and squatted to her compartment, and his computer: "Do you have no cancellation in a while?"

Miss Zheng raises his head: "What makes it, do you cancel?"

Ling Chennan innocent face: "I don't know."

Miss Zheng ignored him.

Ling Chen gave a boring, and it was a deadly office.

After four o'clock two minutes, knocking on the door, he quickly ran back to the desk, squatting calmly, the next moment, the face of Baisheng took out after the door.

Ling Chennan looked at him and was a bit surprised that he was really coming, and it seems that it should be reasonable.

The other party is still the white and clean look, wearing a green thick coat, the whole face is in a circle of Maurg in the big hat. He called: "Doctor."

In just a second, there are countless words in the Nannan brain, many questions, many questions, but he finally agglomerated: "Well."

Bai Hao did not feel different, turned to take off the jacket, and the light gray sweater was air, and his hand was put on the scarf, or took it down.

After the next time, Ling Chennan found that his neck was close to the next place, there was a trace of blue and purple, and it was not accidentally a masterpiece.

The perception of his eyes, Bai Hao was a bit embarrassed to cover her hand, said: "I don't know what is going on, I have a few days."

There is no expression in the south of Ling Chen: "I don't know what is going on?"

Bai Hao: "Yes, it seems to be Friday, it is painful on Saturday." It seems to be afraid that he is worried, he added: "But it's okay."

Ling Chen south slightly lifts the chin, not