The eyes on the perspective, asked: "What are you doing after I am going out on Friday?"

Bai Hao "?" The Ling Chennan asked: "How are you back?"

White is slightly mouth, and the expression is very blank. Ling Chennan said: "I drive you back, remember?"

Bai Hao pupil is a little bigger, but only a short moment is a real surprise.

Ling Chennan: "Still pulling the song ..."

White: "What?"

Ling Chennan said: "You don't think about it, just cry."

White is completely ignorant, Qing Chen South asks: "Don't you remember at all?"

Bai Hao didn't have a head and didn't shook his head.

Ling Chennan interrupted him: "White, do you want to tell me?"

Bai Wei moved his lips, and asked: "He, what do you mean?" I immediately bled his lips, and I left a shaft on my face. But this is still frightened with him last week. What can't be said.

Ling Chennan said: "When you are here on this, you will not go to play, then I will send you home, I will send you to the building, enter your home, and ..." he I deliberately paused, "I entered your bedroom."

White is no longer calm, he stood up, and the stool turned back to the carpet on the carpet.

Ling Chennan stared at his eyes and tried to find a madness. .

Bai Hao is anxious to turn, it seems that there is something wrong into the trap, with a crying chamber: "Doctor ..."

Ling Chennan is a little afraid that he is afraid of him, but it is still strong and calm: "I am, you calm down, I haven't said anything yet."

White is very tension, but there is no attack, and the south of the south is fast, and the courage to take a step, reach out and say: "Come over."

The white side looked at the hand he extended, a little confused, thinking about it, talked out and he was ignorant, not like him last week. Ling Chennan took him to the sofa and sat down himself.

White did not move around and moved it, grabbed a mat in his arms.

It also turned from a sticky small animal into a small animal, Ling Chenan.

He asked: "You don't know if I entered your house? How can you, you are in the living room."

Bai Hao low his eyes, seriously swearing the sage of the mat, Ling Chennan asked: "Do you want to tell me that you have a memory? Do you remember what happened? Do you remember my own thing?"

Bai Wei looked up at him, was alarming: "What? I really ... I thought ..." He said hello: "I sometimes produce some illusions, I thought it was not true ..."

Ling Chen south off his eyes asked: "Illusion? What kind of illusion?"

[Bai Hao's fifth story · distortion]

[When did I start my memory?

At first, you don't know that it is a loss, but you can't sleep all the time. It is difficult for you to detect the time, and you will always be a dream.

You are so spirited, I don't know how to stay all night, sometimes you walk into a small park embossed, the fountain reflects a rainbow in the sun, the water fog of the cool wire is sprinkled on you, and the scenery is blurred. Laughing, it seems to be silent.

So you woke up, you find yourself in the dark house, there is no sunlight outside the blind, everything is just an illusion.

Sometimes you will dream, you dreamed that you went to us, I met the people who have never seen, you are no longer a hate in the dream, you are very confident, it is a bit like you. I am in memory, but you seem to be very angry, there are countless angry and hate need to vent - when you are awake, you are too reasonable, but you don't have to do it in your dreams. You can don't have to care about the law, in the idling, you can rest assured that you are dissatisfied with this world.

Then you woke up, but I found that this may not be completely a dream - you stand in a complete strange street, surrounding a full strange person, they talk to you, call your name, only except that is not your name.

Do I am a dream tour? I haven't woke up yet? am I crazy? You ask yourself.

Then you start doubting, doubt everything, because you find that you have to recall the past more and more difficult, you can't afford your spirit, can't afford your brush, even you can't put a similar smile.

Do I really think that the person I thought? Is my name really called White?

Finally, you ask yourself.

After listening to Ling Chen, it was rare to be silent.

White frowned and then shook his head slowly: "Should ... no."

It is estimated that he will not be too clear. Ling Chennan is thinking, listening to him, it is more like a multi-person symptom, but he is not this expert, but also unable to set the conclusion.

Moreover ... even if you want to keep a fair objective, the situation has become very private.

Ling Chennan: "Then let's talk about the wall of your bedroom."

The white martyrdom that has been calm down is stiff and stiff. He settled Baba: "Doctor ... I ..."

Ling Chen South Q: "You track me? It is you tracking me, those photos that will never take a dream game, I think the composition is quite professional."

Bai Hao low his head, and finally whispered: "Sorry."

Ling Chennan: "Is there still?"

The other party lifted his face and worried about him seriously: "I, I will not do this, I am sorry."

Ling Chennan is knocked on his knee with fingers: "For the reason, I asked the reason."

Bai Hao immediately gathered his legs, like a primary school that worked hard to answer the teacher's question: "I ... I just, I am a little scared, not afraid of doctors! It is ... I also know very stupid, I started just now Online search, I know that my state is very bad, and those consults online are not very reliable, then ... then I don't intend to see the doctor's lecture video, in a school's counseling course, and found the online question and answer The small forum, the doctor also has an answer ... Later, I didn't deliberately, I just ... "He toughly wording:" I just really want to believe in doctors. "

Ling Chen South is speechless - I have always worked hard to convince guests to believe in yourself, there has never been a guest to say that I have trustworthy.

Bai Hao misunderstood his silence, and some sadly said: "I also know that this is unhealthy, I am really sorry, I know is excuses, but I have no friends, doctors can accompany me. I am really super old, I know that you are not obliged to do these things, but ... me ... in short, I have known you before you know me. "

Ling Chennan slowly opened his mouth, but Bai Hao was afraid that he said something terrible, he interrupted him: "I! I am not looking for an excuse for my behavior! I am really sorry! Please don't want you to Drive me away! I will not track you in the future, I will deal with the photos at home! Don't you don't want me ... "

Ling Chennan said: "I understand what you said, but ..."

White is listening to "but" two words, the heart is all hung on the face, and the chest is a volt, the little ritual: "Don't do your doctor, sorry, really sorry ..."

But your condition does not seem to be within my consultation.

After the latter half of Ling Chennan, I can't say that the experts of multiple personality are very rare, and it is now in the state of the white, and he is very difficult to establish contact with others in a short time, and once the attending physician If the trust in these months, he has worked hard.

What's more, it's hard to say that it is difficult to say.

No sound on the south of Ling Chen, but the cerebral flying - there are three possibilities:

If it is really a multi-person person, then the owner of Baisheng lost some memories, and the incident is not very complete, it is very well explained - an irritating violence and silence is other personality. And these personality is perhaps because of the imprisonment damage of Shenchuan, it may also be any reason.

Ling Chennan is more inclined by the second speculation - Shen Sichuan has indeed happened to his violence, and he can't digest these hurts, so strongly rebounded this kind of psychology to its therapist, that is I'm giving back to this emotion in the way you can't see the normal relationship, you can feed back this emotion in a malformation, so tracking and trying to hurt yourself.

This situation and multiple personality are not contradictory, and Ling Chennan wants to be a protagonist that is depressed and lack of security.

Ling Chen South feels that this week is too long, his brain is not enough, feel very tired.

He looked at the low depression of white, and he was not willing to believe in the last possibility - Shen Sichuan is also a violer, but it is only a sick illusion. All this has not happened, and he is aims.

But this doesn't explain why the evidence of tracking will be seen by yourself ...

No, maybe fantasy is a deputy person, and Bai Hao has mixed this strong desire.