Go to the memory.

In this case, maybe the name of this deputy person is called ...

Bai Hao pulled his sleeve to interrupt his thinking. The other side asked him: "Doctor? You are willing to see me later? Don't catch me ..."

Ling Chennan also returned him, thinking about two seconds, said: "Next week,?"

Bai Hao nodded, happy and joy from his eyes to jump out.

Can I find true Shen Sichuan, it seems to be a key to everything.

Ling Chennan decided in his heart.

[Ninth Week · Friday · Night]

Just after get off work, Miss Frontier came in.

Ling Chenzheng jigshed into the alarm clock, standing at the desk, watching her: "Hey? Do you usually run fast on Friday?"

Miss Zheng Yang Yang, said: "It is preparing to run, have you ended, some people find you, doctors," She looked up and crossed Ling Chen, smiles: "Hello Mr.!"

Bai Hao also waved her hand.

Miss Zheng said: "Then I will go first, see you next, happy weekend!" She opened the door, and she was standing behind Lu Baozhou.

Ling Chennan: "?"

Luo Baoyou: "Hello, a school brother, don't see it in three autumns day."

Ling Chennan: "Oh."

Lu Zhouzhou said: "Don't be so indifferent, I am very old and far, it is rare to go to the class last half." He walked into the house, took the Ling Chennan neck and hit his shoulders, and he saw it before. Surprised: "Hey? Hello!"

Baisheng hurriedly saw him and moved his eyes. He nodded is to say hello - the strange population is the lowest in adult male. Lu Bo shouted on the fire, and took a step to extend his hand to the mouth.

White is unconscious will back the sofa cushion, slightly shoulder, the neck is stiff.

"You have a disease, don't harass my guest," Ling Chennan crying, one grasking his hand toward him: "How did you come over?"

Luo Baiz said: "Ah! Isn't you! The last time I will help you ask, the name !!"

Ling Chennan grabbed a biscuit in his mouth, smiled: "Are you hungry?" He is back to Bai Hao, but his face is not a matter, it is desperate to play.

Although Lu Zhou is understanding, it is almost killed.

After a few big mouthwashes, cookies flew into the trachea, Lu Baoyou smashed the tears: "School brother! I don't like you!"

Ling Chennan said: "That's great."

Lu Ji boat: "..."

Baisheng stood up and went around Lu Zhu. I walked a curved shape to Ling Chen south. The little voice said: "Doctor, you have guests, then I, then I will go first, let go next week."

Ling Chennan nodded and asked: "Walk?"

Bai Hao "Well", Ling Chennan asked: "Takeaway?"

Bai Hao nodded again.

Ling Chennan said: "Occasionally, you can do something yourself, health."

Bai Hao thought about it: "Okay, try to buy some dishes tomorrow."

Ling Chennan is satisfied with him, saying: "Hey." After saying an exit, I feel that it is not too calm, it seems too embarrassing. But Bai Hao did not see, only very happy - he seems to be very happy after you can come over next week.

Ling Chen southern I wanted to let him go, but I remembered what: "Remember that you still have other things that promise me."

Bai Hao stunned, the reaction he said is that the walls of his bedroom are frightened, ashamed low, honestly promise: "Know the doctor."

Ling Chen Nan is saying: "I will check it."

Bai Hao has guaranteed it once, but it is not good to say in front of Lu Baoyou, and finally picked up the clothes.

Ling Chen is turning back and said: "Time is not early, please eat it, say it while eating?"

Lu Zhuzhou first laughed: "Where can you give your brother to please," I paused again, said: "Do you close your guests?"

Ling Chen is slightly embarrassed, Lu Baoyou has frustrated and thoughtful thinking: "A husband's wife is disgusting, ah! This will not be him! That investigation you."

Ling Chennan was shocked to see him: "Why do you say this?"

Lu Zhouqi snorted: "He sticks you to your life. After I came, the tail shred was erected. I said that when you are old love, he has been ignoring me."

Ling Chennan smiled: "Sensory is sensitive, and it is more vigilant when you encounter the weasel."

Lu Bao's boat was angry: "You eat the school!"

Ling Chennan said: "He didn't dare to see you, how could you you."

Lu Baoyou said: "When he saw him, he certainly didn't dare to see me, I used the Yu Guang to watch! He just gave me!"

Ling Chennan is helpless "good".

Lu Zhou snorted two, said: "I almost forgot the right thing, just talk to you, I will wait for someone to eat nearby."

Ling Chennan mouth is not spared: "Sure enough, it is not for me," but the heart is still very nervous: "Let's check it, is it?"

Lu Baozhou said: "Oh, I don't need to find these reasons, what is the way you sink, is there anything you said at all?"

Ling Chennan turned his head to see him, and his eyes flew out.

Lu Baoyou was scared, "" Do you, tease you, find it, is it called Shen Sichuan? It is really in our prison. "

Ling Chen is going to collapse: "You said it is true or false ..."

Lu Zhou laughed: "Really! In January this year, the sentence is two years nine months, just half a year, there is no problem, it is very honest."

Ling Chennan's thoughts have been mixed, half a day, "Oh, it is true ..."

Lu Zhouzhou said: "What happens, you said that he was imprisoned by him ..." He moved the eyebrows, indicating: "Is that one just?"

Ling Chennan did not answer, and asked: "Phone? Calling things."

Lu Baoyou said: "Yes, I also asked if you call it, saying that he did not directly relatives, so I applied for my own object's number. I applied for it early, but the old Tong did not verify it. However, it is no one to pick up, and they are responsible for call records. "

Ling Chennan is also awkward - it is difficult to say that the phonet of the phones have been loud after the spirit of the white spirits.

He is a bit embarrassed: "Is it a trouble to you, let you investigate these things."

Lu Zhouqi rushed to Pakistan: "Of course! You know! That is you, change others, you will not help! But the management in prison is actually trust in the psychologist, they have seen more mad people, It is always alert, and I have a heartbeat. "He thought about it, then said:" In short ... You want to see him, please arrange for the inspection, but ... "

Ling Chen Nan Yang noodles: "Well?"

Lu Zhouzhou: "But in general, people who can explore people are at least if the prisoner is relatives. If you have a certificate, there is a certificate of certification, what are you going to come."

Ling Chen frowned frowned and said: 'What about you? As a psychologist of prison. '

Lu Zhou shook his head: "He is light, no mental history, if not active, ask me to consult ... It is estimated that it is not too top."

Ling Chennan sat down to the sofa, his elbow hold his knees, and gently gently rubbed the temple with the middle finger.

Lu Baoyou said: "Hey, don't do this, I will ask you, don't you ask, otherwise ... ah! I think it is, there is a public welfare class in the next week, there is a psychological consultation employment guidance, otherwise ...... I can see if you can add you? "

Ling Chennan looks up: "Can it?"

Lu Zhouzhou said: "Yes, but we have no budget, you have to come Free."

Ling Chen South Point: 'Yes. '

Lu Zhouzhou said: "After the counseling expert, there will be more than 30 minutes to interact with the prisoners, you can go to the chat, but really, I still don't understand what you do. Motivation, is it necessary? I always feel ... "

Ling Chennan interrupted him: "I have no difference in the matter, I have an inch."

After this sentence, he feels that it seems to be more like being said to himself.

But since he said this, Lu Baoyou no longer said.

[Top 10th · Thursday]

Luo Baoye said to be calculated. Sure enough, the process of prisoner's public welfare class was sent. Although it was not difficult to follow him, this is not a hard work, and no one is grab.

Ling Chen soutan thought about it, I still feel that I don't have to see a side of Shen Sichuan, there is always something that I can't put it, so I have taken the appointment on Thursday, and I will drive in the city in the morning.

After the place, he gave Lu Zhouzhou - the other party did not pick up, seeing him from the window to stand in the courtyard, shouted - Lu Baoyou is not in the office and in the print room of the first floor of the community, it is no iron gate. The independent room is busy not allowing to travel.

After Ling Chen entered the door, he didn't rank himself: "Come on the school brother! Come to help me copy this thing, still 20 copies."

Ling Chennan: "..."

So Ling Chennan wears three sets of suit, kneeling on the side of the paper, and bends and helps him to mark the book.

After the busy is busy, the management personnel come to take the information, Ling Chennan lifted a U disk question: "Can PPT can be used?"

Lu Zhouzhou laughed and said: "Probably, I don't know if I have a projector. I may not, I asked."

Ling Chennan swaying said: "That calculation