The Marquess’s Amnesia

Episode XVI: Gentle Morning Plump

When I woke up in the morning, I was in my own bed trying to hold Cedric tight. Cedric buries his face in my chest and sleeps easily.

Occasionally, Cedric, who had taken a nap in my room, had a habit of sleeping like this from a much younger age than now. It naturally has zero grin on your unchanged appearance.

But then again, I realized that I don't remember my situation right now.

I remember my husband holding me tight and crying, but then I don't remember falling asleep here on my own or holding Cedric tight, so I guess my husband let me sleep rudely and crying tired. I may have unconsciously cuddled Cedric, or maybe Cedric noticed me sleeping next door and came cuddling.

I touch Cedric's neck. I don't have the heat that's going to burn like last night, but I also felt like it was still a little warm compared to myself. But that face had no bitterness or spiciness like last night, and the calm breath of sleep I would hear, and I exhaled and kissed Cedric's pale gold hair.

I get up so I don't wake you up. I just tried to get out of bed, and I hear a little voice and I look back.

"Hmm... right, mister?

It's so embarrassing. Seems Cedric woke up. After my beautiful purple eyes wandered the universe blurry, when I found me, I instantly moistened and distorted.

"Hey, Sama."

Now I will cuddle Cedric, who has embraced me of his own free will, too.

For a year, I chewed my lips on the fact that I was supposed to have grown up while I wasn't seeing him, but I was thinner than my brother in my memory holding him up before.

"I'm sorry, Cedric. I should have come see you sooner."

Yeah, and Cedric shakes his neck to the side and buries his face in my chest, leaking a little whimper.

I stroke Cedric's hair like I did from a young age, slapping him on the back and giving him a good slap. Is it because he's a little boy, or it's painful when he's hugged full of power, but if you think of Cedric's heart, you can't refuse. I also held Cedric back as long as I could.

That's how I held him silently for a while, but I hear a concon and a knock and I raise my face.

"Liliana, it's me. Can I come in?

My husband has a voice and he will return it to me all the time.

I accidentally reached for my face, but the fact that my eyelids are swollen and I fell asleep without removing makeup doesn't change the reality that I remain the dress my husband gave me in the first place.

"Oh, please wait...... oh, uh"

Confused I cuddle Cedric. Cedric seems anxious in my arms.

"Liliana? Something's wrong, I want to!

"Please step back, sir. A woman has a battle plan called Morning Identity. Ma'am, it's Elsa. May I?

"Of course!

I stroke my chest down relieved by the appearance of a comforting ally. Elsa opened the door and came inside. For a moment, I think I saw your husband, but Elsa said, "Please wait in your room". Elsa can really count on you.

"Good morning, ma'am"

"Good morning, Elsa. Cedric, this man is my maid of honor for Elsa."

Elsa bows her head to Cedric.

"Nice to meet you, Master Cedric. My name is Elsa. Liliana, I will sit with you as a maid of honor at your service."

"Nice to meet you. Cedric Chester de Alwyn."

"May I call you Master Cedric?

Cedric snorted. Originally she was a stranger, so she couldn't help herself with Elsa's gentle smile.

"Dear Cedric, would you like to add or subtract?


Cedric looked up at me anxiously.

"It still hurts, doesn't it? You don't have to hide it... Speaking of which, just now, I hugged you as much as I wanted, but you're okay? That hurt, didn't it?

"Yeah. I'm fine. 'Cause I'm more than happy to see your sister."

Cedric laughs like he's hung up and buries his face in my chest and hugs me all the time. My breasts are cum too on that trick that is sweet. I gently hugged her back so that the wound wouldn't hurt, in the face of the fact that she was about to hug her cuddle. I'm bored with Elsa holding her chest down as "adorable," but I fully agree with you, too.

"Cedric, my sister wants to wash her face or change her dress, okay?

I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm keeping my husband waiting, so there's no way I'm not getting dressed.

"... Sister, will you be back soon?

"Of course, my sweet Cedric. It's okay, my sister will be back soon. Elsa, in the meantime, can I have Cedric, please?

"Yes, of course."

I thanked Elsa for the nod and I let Cedric go and got out of bed. Sister, I kissed Cedric's forehead holding my fingertips modestly asking him to come home early, and I've had the shortest bath of water in my life so far. I have a small private bathroom in the back of my bedroom. Only the corset was tightened by Elsa and I changed into a light water dress for the day I had prepared and went back under Cedric. Is Cedric going to calm down when I'm within sight? I sat in front of the dresser and watched as I looked intrigued out of bed to hit a steaming towel or apply lotion.

My face I saw in the bath mirror seemed terrible, but apparently Elsa had left my makeup off and I was still in the process of managing to fix it. It has recovered to the extent that it can be seen somehow thanks to steamed towels, lotions and a massage of elsa. Gently scratch the white powder to hide the redness in your eyes and return to Cedric.

"Dear Cedric, is breakfast going to be served?

"Yeah. I'm hungry!

To Cedric's energetic reply, Elsa leaves the bedroom, laughing with joy. I would sit on the edge of the bed and reach for Cedric's cheek, but Cedric happily offered him a small head. I knew immediately what the intention was and I stroked Cedric's hair with a grin. Cedric happily breaks his face. It's really cute.

"Cedric, does the wound hurt?

"It hurts a little, but I have a sister, so I'm fine."

I grinned and stroked Cedric's head a little harder as I nearly cried at that dazzling smile, you strong boy. Then I heard Concon and Knock again, go ahead, and my husband gave me a glimpse of his face when I returned it.

Cedric's expression was either heartless or strong.

"Morning, Liliana"

"Good morning, sir"

My husband took control of me with his hands as I tried to get up. Sweet for that tenderness, I sat back in my voice telling Cedric it was okay.

"Hey Cedric. Looking good."

My husband's gentle smile made my chest noisy when he said I was like this. As soon as I realized it, my husband's smile seemed to shine with 90% more. You'll find out soon enough about this. I chanted in my ordinary mind, in my ordinary mind and in my heart.

"Good morning, Marquis. We apologize for the inconvenience this time.... I apologize for your disrespect, um... let me stay with Sister Liliana for a little while longer. I'll be home as soon as the house picks me up."

My husband looked back at me with a surprised look on Cedric's face as he lowered his head as he lingered. But I'm surprised, too, so I don't have any words to give back. We haven't talked slowly yet, so we haven't been able to explain the upside of things to Cedric.

My husband, okay, said no and sat on the bed just like me.

"To conclude, Cedric. You'll be in this house from now on until you get into college."

Cedric tilted his neck at your husband's words.

A college is an all-door school attended by noble children for five years between the ages of thirteen and eighteen, where you learn all things. It was irrelevant to me, but my sister must have been there for about two years. Men go through exactly five years, but some say women only go through to fifteen adults. When you grow up, you make your social debut, because you'll be busy finding people and training brides.

"Your father is a little... that one. Because the territory was poorly run, under my guidance, I was supposed to cage in the territory and rebuild my finances. So I became your guardian, the husband of Liliana, your sister."

"Here, the Marquis? Mine? Well, then... can I stay with my sister forever?

"Absolutely. You can stay with me as long as you want from morning to evening. I'm just glad I could get my people to mix it up, too."

Cedric stared at her husband with a glimpse of his big purple eyes all spilled. My husband looked at me like he was in trouble and lowered his brow, thinking he had some kind of response. What should I do too, I gently put my hand on Cedric's back as I orotted with the meaning to prompt him to reply, but at that next moment Cedric began to zero again the blurring and large tears.

"Ugh, yeah, yeah!

Cedric, who cried out at me, hugged me. I take Cedric and stroke him to flaunt his little back, but Cedric's tears are not going to stop.

"Relieved, did you?

Cedric nodded loudly at her husband's query. My husband, who caressed his chest down in relief to that answer, held Cedric tight for each of me as he sat back nearby.

Cedric, for a moment, solidified into surprise, but increasingly cried out in a powerful relief.

For Cedric, who has never been hugged by his father, it will be the first time a man has asked him to hug him. I couldn't give you with my thin arms. I thought it would be nice if another different relief could be passed on to this kid as well.

"I'm sorry I couldn't get you and Liliana to meet earlier. But don't worry, Cedric, I'll protect you and your precious sister."

Cedric nodded over and over to her husband's words. My little hand is squeezing me and my husband's clothes with the utmost force to see if this is still the case. The desperation of that hand made me cry all the time again, waiting for all Cedric's anxiety to pour out in tears in my husband's arms.