The Marquess’s Amnesia

Episode XVII: A New Role

Cedric is cheeky with a croissant of breakfast as he grins. Yesterday, it seems to be a lie that I was suffering from such a high fever.

Wait for Cedric to stop crying and settle down. From the bedroom, move to the next room. It's breakfast time. Of course my husband is with me. The little table is filled with breakfast for three.

Dr. Morgan looked at Cedric's injuries before breakfast. That's when I taught you tips on which medication to apply to which wounds and how to wrap a bandage. I had a fever yesterday, so I was worried if I could have normal breakfast, but my teacher told me, "If you're all right with this," so I'm eating the same thing as us, Cedric, too.

Cedric, who was not blessed by his parents, but he grew up so adored by his parents' servants, that he is very nostalgic and in this short time he has a nostalgic innocent smile for his husband and for Elsa and Mr. Frederick.

"... Cedric, does the injury hurt?

My husband asked hesitantly as I had a cup of coffee after dinner.

Cedric, who was drinking tea, shakes his neck to the side.

"I have a sister, I'm fine."

"... well. But don't push it. Rest in your room with Liliana today."

"Thank you, Marquis"

"Good reply.... By the way, Cedric, if you don't want to talk, you don't have to, but that injury to your father? Or to your mother?

The husband, who laughed contentedly, asked as he glanced at Cedric's complexion when he changed that expression to something magical. Cedric looked up to me when she looked like she was in trouble.

"It's okay, Cedric. My sister would like to know."

Cedric shook his little lips a little while as I shook his little hand.

"... it's your father and sister Margaret"

"Long since Liliana got married?

Cedric shook his head to the side in response to her husband's query.

"... your father, mother, and sister Margaret weren't interested in me... so sometimes, I was skipped meals in an eight-win mood, but nothing else in particular. That's why I missed my sister, but I lived the way I always did. But... about two days ago, suddenly your father called me in, and... I don't know why, but I was very surprised, hurt, scared."

"Cedric...... eh"

I stood up from my chair and held Cedric tight. Cedric's little hand grabs my arm all the time.

"Sister Margaret came to replace your father, kicked me, and slapped me with a whip. Yes, I'm sure... I think that's why Sister Margaret wanted to get engaged because a letter from someone named Charles said no."

"You remind me of something I don't like. But now I can totally protect you. Don't worry, I won't let you see me like this again."

Cedric loosened his expression as relieved.

My husband stroked Cedric's little head with his big hand.

"But Cedric, until that injury gets a little better, I'm gonna get you a room, so you need to rest in bed."

"... I'd like to have the same room as my sister just a little bit more"

Cedric said as he looked at her husband's complexion.

Then the husband stroked his little head again with his hand, which he left over Cedric's head when he loosened his expression all the time.

"It's been a year. But until Cedric thinks he's okay now, right?

"Yes! Thank you, Marquis!

to it happily Cedric smiled innocently and adorably. My husband also snorted and stroked Cedric's head with both hands when he smiled extraordinarily tenderly. Nature and laughter spill on Cedric, who is sure to raise his voice and laugh.

"Cedric, call me brother if you like. Anyway, I'm your sister's husband, so I'm gonna be your brother-in-law."

"Okay, brother-in-law!

Answer me honestly, Cedric. My husband loosened his expression first. I get a hiatus for being rude, but my husband seems fine because he's kind.

"Now, Cedric, I need to talk to Liliana for a moment, so you need to rest on the bed first."

"... Sister, will you be here soon?

Cedric, who looked anxious as he was about to, tightened his chest to say that his heart wound was deep, even if he could laugh. My husband looked just a little sad, too, but immediately nodded with a gentle look on his face.

"We're just gonna talk a little bit. You should leave the bedroom door open."

Yes, and Cedric nodded with no heart or firmness, as I loosened my arm, I got out of my chair and went to the bedroom looking back at me several times. Elsa nodded without one or two because she said, "Shall I stay by your side?" Elsa went to her bedroom to chase Cedric's back. I don't care what Elsa has if she stays by my side.

"... you really like Liliana"

My husband said it was smudging.

"In a way, because the only family that could forgive each other for me and that kid was each other...... they admire me as much as my mother. My father and mother are only interested in my sister... thank you very much, sir"

I bowed my head deeply.

I can't thank my husband enough. My husband is truly a wonderful man to share kindness with Cedric, not just with me.

"Liliana, I didn't do anything to thank you."

"That's not true. Cedric was able to save her thanks to her husband. And thank you so much for hanging on to the warmth."

"... ok, let's get that thank you honestly"

Thank you for the words, and I woke up. My husband was laughing like he was in trouble, but he was urged to sit down and went back to his seat. Moisturize your mouth with warmed tea.

"So I have to tell you something."

I correct my spine by putting the cup back on the table.

"... Liliana, yesterday, I was snorted out and I'm going back to work for the Knights today"

I took a breath and solidified for about a few seconds.

"Oh, really..."

I think what I was able to gradually return was pitiful, but I did my best just because my voice didn't tremble.

"Are you back in memory?

"No, I'm not back, but for once, I was in a position. I've got my autograph and paperwork waiting to be settled."

My husband looked at me disgusted. My husband doesn't like paperwork.

I put loneliness in the back of my chest and smiled hard.

As soon as I become aware of my love heart, I miss you. I've been face-to-face for the past two weeks, every day, and I guess the long time we spent together has made me a luxury. But if you can't see me, don't see me. Maybe I won't have to find out about this love affair.

"So you won't see me again for a while... Um, six months, no, can you come back in about three months? It's tough if you can't do much and fall over again."

"... Huh?


Behind my husband I heard the sound of Mr. Frederick blowing out. My husband glanced at me, but Mr. Frederick has already returned to his usual cool face. Maybe it was my fault. Mr. Frederick is a brilliant butler who supports his husband.

"Liliana, I'm willing to come home every day..."

"Every day, is it?

Well, and I suppressed my mouth with one hand in surprise.

"... Your husband deserves it."

Mr. Frederick said something softly, but I didn't hear it very well. My husband looked back at Mr. Frederick again, but immediately turned to me.

"Now, every (...) day (...) Chi (...) n (...) and (...) I'll be back...... if it's past 21: 00, just go to sleep first. Instead, when you get back by then, I want you to pick me up. And I want you to drop me off."

"Can I drop you off and welcome you?

"He said no to me before, but now I want you to"

My husband stares at me with a serious look. I, naturally, have a broken face to the joy of being able to act as if I were my wife. I held down my deviant chest and replied yes.

"If you don't mind if I do, I'd like to."

"Oh well! Good! Then I'll go back to my room and get dressed in my knight's clothes and get out... will Cedric be anxious today"

The kind husband seems to take Cedric's heart into account. That alone makes my face more and more broken.

"Then why don't you drop me off from the balcony?

My husband brightened his expression to Mr. Frederick's suggestion.

"I like that. Liliana, can you drop me off the balcony in my bedroom? The night depends on Cedric. You don't have to."


When I nodded, my husband nodded satisfactorily, then, and took a seat. I dropped my husband off at the door and turned to the bedroom. They were talking to Elsa on the bed when she walked into the bedroom. Cedric shone her face all the time.

"Sister, are we done talking?

"Yeah. My husband says he's going to work for the Knights today... so I'll drop you off from the balcony there with Cedric later"

"Yeah! I'll drop you off my brother-in-law too!

I was also happy with Cedric, who nodded happily.

Then for a while, me and Cedric went out on the balcony and dressed in black knightly clothes and dropped off their husband going out across the horse. My husband, dressed in knightly clothes based on pitch black and gold, is so lovely that I accidentally fall in love with him.

"Liliana, Cedric, I'm coming!

"Yes, you have not gone, sir"

"Brother-in-law, you're not going!

My husband waved back from the horse, too, as Cedric waved. And when you kick the belly of the horse, you rush out refreshed. Mr. Frederick, who similarly crossed that back onto his horse, waved to Elsa next to me and then went out to chase him. You two ran through a large garden and quickly lost sight of each other.

"Elsa, on my brother-in-law, aren't you going by carriage?

To Cedric's doubts. Speaking of which, I tilted my neck. My husband has hardly ever come home before, and when he did, he didn't know if it was a carriage or a horse because it was while I was asleep.

"You say carriages are troublesome when they're raided, and you prefer horses with a wide view. And from this mansion to the Knights is just enough."

"My brother-in-law, are they after my life?

To Cedric, who anxiously clouded her face, Elsa laughed proudly and shook her neck sideways.

"Don't worry, my husband, since he is the first and strong knight of the Creacion kingdom, about forty people can't be defeated by hanging in bundles. Besides, it's just after the war. No more brave men looking for your husband now."

From time to time, I felt cold with my husband, Elsa, so I reassured him that I admired him with some respect for that proud smile.

Cedric sparkled at Elsa's words.

"My brother-in-law is called the protector of the kingdom, isn't he? Dr. Oswald taught me."


Elsa's lips only cramped for a moment. I can see that you're about to laugh and indulge, but I tilt my neck to say something funny, but I'm not sure. More than that, I'm surprised your husband had such a name. But you're a husband called a hero, so it's no surprise you have such a name.

Who is Dr. Oswald, by the way, Cedric's tutor?

"Your husband is amazing."

"... Yes, because no one but his skill as a knight goes out to the right. Come on, Master Cedric, ma'am, let's go inside. Master Cedric, please lie down in bed and rest properly."

"Yes.... you know, sister, I, I want you to read the book like before!

We go inside as we take Cedric, who comes cuddling to me like sweet.

"Pfft, that's fine. Instead, please let me know properly if you feel sick or the wound hurts. My sister doesn't want Cedric to suffer, I promise."

"Yeah. Promise!

To an innocent smile, I have a loving feeling. It's so pathetic that my father, mother and sister don't know Cedric so cute.

I've been finding books that Cedric seems to like for a long time, so I asked Elsa to bring them to me and let Cedric read them. Cedric enjoyed the conversation with delight, and once again I thanked my husband for the way my dear brother looked in my arms.