The Manreb hero is coming back!

Episode 18 of the Five Books

It was the same when Megatron ruthlessly wielded its electric saw, but she was a living witness who experienced the destructive power of the Golem Corps and saw the speed of improvement with her own eyes.

That's why I couldn't shake off my nervousness.

In the meantime, I heard that you got a human-type golem that can think on your own, have feelings, and win the master level.

From her point of view, Lünne's presence will inevitably be incredible.

In fact, Illinois, who attacked with a common caldiras, was completely overpowered by Lünne in just three minutes and stuck on the ground.

Unlike other golems that could have been subdued by holding her sword Caldiras, Lünne is a monstrous biological golem that orbits.

Her dazed expression was still a haunting laugh when the two of them played on the pretext of a fight.

At this point, honestly, you created the Golem Squad because you wanted to create a customized work filled with greed, aside from other reasons.

As expected, Persec knows too well about me.

The reality is that I can't beat the Master's Gop by producing golems that are pushed back to the master level, but I poured materials and funds without hesitation and created these guys.

What for?

To be exact...

Because of my interest.

"Ha... Davey, yeah... ...and those golemies, including Megatron. But did he do that on purpose?"

I could see myself sighing as I looked suspicious to her question.

"You, like, humiliate in public and feel sexual pleasure or something?"

There's nothing she can't say outside.

It's strange that the imperial family, who prioritize cultivation, uses this way of speaking, but she was unusually outspoken by my side.

Just like inside the Knights.

"What's the problem?"

"No, the outfit..."

"Lunne, it is analyzed that the metal parts are significantly less powerful than the biological gloves, which is inefficient. On the contrary, the Icheon defense zone has a wide range of activities. Satisfied."

She seems to think that the clothes she dressed to look like a girl of her own age are a shield.

The clothes that Lune is wearing now are white sleeveless T-shirts and blue skirts that come up to her knees with short underwear.

Certainly, it was true that the top was a costume with a distinctly different idea from the world's satirical images, which never allowed exposure from the thigh to the ankle.

The common sense of the world is that the upper body goes to the back and the calves never show up.

In fact, Illinois also used to wear simple dresses that were easy to work in, or pants with skirts when fighting.

When I first thought of this outfit and threw it to the clothing store located on the site, I couldn't say what I received.

"Lunne, I can't understand what I'm saying. Ask for a reason to be convinced."

"Sigh... what do I want from Golem?"

It's more of a disconnect that his Golem talks with emotions like a human being.

"You look like you're dressed like that."

"Where the hell are you going?""

"Lunne, Ileina is weird. Judging that a mental diagnosis is necessary."

When I was so determined and teased Illina, she gritted her teeth at me and briefly kicked her tongue and turned her head.

"Oh yeah, you're great! It's just great!"

"Lune, based on objective information, believes that David's ability is understood and ahead of time compared to his current technology here."

"Well, the unsub doesn't understand the psychology of genius, Lünne!"

"Lune, emotionally charged high-performance biological golem, highly praised."

He apparently didn't even want to argue with the Ilyana golem, which seems to be getting tired of him.

"Yeah... since when did this guy start talking?"

Ignoring what he said, he kept them in a small cube and put them in his pocket.

"By the way, I wish I could experiment."

The new strategic weapons make me want to try them out at least once.

However, this is a difficult situation because there are no guards of the territorial autonomy and there are even people in each tower or temple who are hiding to plunder the territory without fear.

"Shall we take them all to the Knights?"

"Think of the Junior apprentices, you son of a gun."

It goes without saying if four more units are added, it's disastrous for one megatron.

In that sense, the necromancer and the golemmer have no similar feeling.

I don't have to use Manna, so I'm going to run wild as long as their charged energy remains.

"Oh, my God!"

However, when coincidences overlap, the lottery will burst, and unexpectedly, the opportunity reached me quickly.

It was because of the news of Amy, who ran to me in a hurry and followed her, and the three Yulis.

"Mo... a herd of monsters has been found! On a massive scale of 5,000!

Come to think of it, I've never thought about how efficient these guys will be in large-scale skirmishes.

Isn't it a perfect situation to test a new product?

It's annoying to see a mosquito taste like it's playing with a toy with me, but it's like he brought a good gift in time.

* * *

"Lunne, you're talented, judging that the body's ability is interference, interpretation."

"Anyway, you're connected to the Golem of the Decepticon squadron to some extent."

"Lune, judging that foreign substances are uncomfortable. This is a low estimate."

Protests that objects containing ambiguous technology are contained inside the perfect body.

It's true that I have a lot of knowledge about alchemy, but only alchemy has a theoretical file and not much practice.

I've built up enough experiences in combat and survival.

There is no way to know what ancient humans aimed for and made Lünne golem.

In fact, he has little memory before operation.

The only thing I remember is that I was a white-collar,

And Baek-ik uses a variety of abilities that are not understood by common sense, just like a person with special abilities.

What we have also learned is that Baek-ik, a species that no longer exists, has a mental network that shares consciousness with each other through a unique mental connection called [Jun].

In the case of Lünne, since it has already become such a golem, it seems that only unique capabilities remain weak and mental networks cannot be used, but there is room for improvement.

What kind of ability?

Interpretation is the ability to obtain the necessary piece of information by contacting an object.

It's not a crazy ability to look into Persek's abyss, but it was also part of that system that he suddenly put his finger in my nostrils for the first time.

The mucous membrane contact doesn't necessarily have to be a nostril.

Because he'd already learned some simple common sense or my name.

Other interference was related to the armed forces she summoned above her hand.

I thought alchemy or magic could not explain it easily, so I didn't think it was a natural ability.

As a result, the purpose of the manufacture of Lünne, which I judge, was probably the weapon.

Of course, on the contrary, I couldn't shake off the idea that those two abilities were not the ones that were originally used for that purpose.

"Davie, it's me, I found a herd over here. I think they're trying to hide themselves on the ridge and launch a surprise attack."

"How many are there?"

"About five thousand, as the vicar of the lord named. But there is no vampire you mentioned. We'll be passing the canyon soon."

Illina, who heads in a different direction from me, finds the enemy and sends information.

I can't believe the monsters are doing this strategic thing and the predators and the blood predators are united in the food chain.

It's funny.

No matter how intelligent he is, Ouger and Troll have a bitter relationship, and Goblin is just food for them.

You think they're coming together, 5,000 of them coming together and attacking the territory on tactical lines?

It must be a monkey that is behind the manipulation of them.

Of course, if the stone-throwers were together and under command, they would have been caught by hunters who were wandering around the area.

"You bloody vampire."

Illina, who shows extreme anger only for vampires, took part in this, turning her eyes to my words that vampires were involved in this and throwing away her location and everything.

"Orabani. Are you sure you're okay with this? We don't have any soldiers."

"I know you're strong... ...but if you're in large numbers, it might be hard to deal with."

No matter how good a sodmaster is, he can't catch all 5,000 monsters scattered from all directions without missing them.

Especially in these mountains.

It looks like a small number, but it's never a small number.

"Whatever it is, it's unusual for monsters to come together like that. When this fact is known, unnecessary confusion arises."

At my words, Winnie nodded and clasped the little wand.

"I'll help you, too!"

"Even if it's not enough, the wizard's specialty is wide-area aircraft. Moving fast with Winley..."

"You don't have to go out."

Two people gave me a puzzled look.

"Orabani, you don't have to step out?"

"No way..."

When I looked up without a word at Ullis's words, I could see the boundless clear and sunny sky.

This is how you can never do anything like 'Death, worm!' but the main character of this time was elsewhere.

"Lune, let's go."

With my words, I heard an insensitive and resonant voice through the communication crystal ball in my hand.

"Lunne, carry out your orders. Activate the entire Decepticon squadron."

Tackling! Tackling!

As soon as I finished speaking, a fist-sized cube thrown in front of me began to grow its volume with light.

Unlike Lünne, these guys are completely selfless, completely inanimate.

It is not difficult to cast a space expansion magic.

As the giant sculpture suddenly popped out, surprised Winnie murmured small.

"That... that golem..."

"It's a little different..."

Tackling! Tackling!

Snipers should be covered up.

Ignoring the murmur of the two, the shape of the sculpture began to change and soon began to turn into a huge golem.

Unlike Megatron, however, the crab's body was carrying something huge on its back.

"Code 002, sniper mode on. Lünne, send coordinates."

When the words of Lünne, the head coach, rang small at the crystal ball, he slowly raised his arms and took out a huge object behind his back.

The shape itself was similar to a giant sniper gun.

However, the presumed gunpoint was embedded with a huge courtyard.

To be exact, there are three Majeongseoks in a row behind that Majeongseok.

As he is in charge of firepower, Ma Jung-seok's output is disgusting, so he doesn't seem to have invested too much.

[Command arguments, Elder Brain, coordinate fixation completed.]

"Lünne, what about the other Golem?"

"Position in the right place, Lünne's successors, very highly valued."

"Okay, run wild."

As Lünne began to enter command mode properly, the sniper standing next to me slowly began to move the gun's gun.

In that direction, the forest was all that could not be seen, but he didn't care about it and put the cable from the fuselage into the gun and began to emit light fiercely.

We've got to stop that shiny thing.

"Let's fix that."

Of course, there are definitely trials and errors because it is an early work.


In an instant, as the mass of manna began to gather at the gunpoint, the faces of the two wizard-turned-men began to turn pale.

"Let's go to the hill where Lünne is."

Now that it has been confirmed to be operational, it is time to watch the massacre.

"Adoption of wedge tactics, Lünne, hand over orders to his successor."

with a calm voice

Entering the narrow canyon, the sentence for the monsters fell.


Two bang!!!

The surrounding space twisted and large amounts of energy bombs began to cross the forest.