"Dear Leticia, thank you for inviting me today"

"Count Dabdo, thank you for coming so far."

I hold the hand offered to me by a middle-aged, fat man.

Today is a royally-sponsored party.

As Clark's fiancée, I'm used to entertaining on the royal side like this. But I want to say it. Because I'm not married yet, I haven't invited you.

But you can't say that. I grin to hide my heart.

Next to me, Master Clark deals with the nobility with such beautiful work. I can see your young lady looking at Lady Clark. Hot guys are good.

At the end of the whole greeting, I go to the royal seat with Lord Clark. Just because I'm not royal doesn't mean I can hear you.

This party, by the way, is a formal engagement party between me and the prince. Of course I had an engagement party when I was seven, but the lead is a child anyway. It ended with a light party, but now that I'm an adult, I opened it again to teach that I'm your fiancée.

It is annoying. Wow.

Nothing. He's been out partying and my face is known, so I don't think he needs to do it, but it's not like this. I don't know what's the difference.

The planning proposal for this party is my brother. Brother, I have the soul guts to get rid of my escape route by doing this. Despicable. Dastardly. I look at my brother with resentment, but he seems to enjoy himself very much. Damn, if it weren't for this place, I'd stare at you. As the Queen's education wears, I am not grumpy, but smiles and grins at the guests.

Ugh! The harm of education. Good, good!

Toothpicking inside out. In reality, I make you smile. Actor. I'm the perfect actor.

The burrito keeps next to his brother subtly. Don't do it, that's Brit.

"Everybody, it's been a long day."

A fuzzy king raised his voice. Again, I think Master Clark looks like a mother.

"As I'm sure is already well known, my son Clark and the Duke of Dorman report again on the engagement of their daughter, Miss Leticia"

You don't have to report it. Don't do anything you don't want.

"Then celebrate your engagement."

When the king put up the wine, other nobles also put up the wine. Of course I'll put it up.


Cheers to all in the voice of the king! I say, drink wine.

Now, all you have to do is make a delicious meal while public speaking with the occasional invitees. Meat is delicious. I've been eating royal palace food every day here lately, but I'm in the mood for a while today.

"Leticia, don't eat too much"

Mr. Clark next door stabs me in the nail with a whisper. I know, and I blushed a little when I sent my gaze. Funny, there shouldn't have been any element in my current behavior that would make my face red. How did you get it wrong?

But my instincts say I shouldn't listen, so I don't care to continue eating. I can't eat inside because invitees occasionally come to congratulate me. Sad.

I was eating a Chimichi meal, but when I was safely full, the piano tone played.

Time for a dance.

Master Clark reaches out to me. I lay my hands gently over those hands. You can't not not dance because you are the star.

As I headed straight to the center, I heard everyone sigh.

Dear Clark, I dance like I'm used to. Me dancing while led by it. It's something I've been doing a lot for a long time, but this is the first time I've danced since I heard the love from Master Clark. It makes me strangely nervous.

When I was worried that my hands would not be sweating, Master Clark gave me a sneering grin as he stared into my face. I heard a sigh from the field again. I can put a lot of effort into my hands that are turned on my hips.

I don't take my gaze off, I don't get away with it because I'm embarrassed, I smile all the time. Please, I can only hope my face doesn't turn red.

At the end of the song, I'm relieved, but Master Clark won't let go. I usually end up with one song, but I went straight into the second one.

There's nothing I can do about it. Every time Master Clark drew my body more than I needed to, I wanted to scream. You look very happy, but I have trouble getting that look on my face.


Call my name in a melting voice from time to time. I thought my heart would bounce each time.


On the verge of finishing the second song, he was mouthed to the top of his head so he couldn't tell around.

I was the limit. I gently removed Master Clark's hand as he tried to enter the third song.

"I'm going to fix your makeup"

I just retreat before I get pulled over with a grin.

I get to the washroom and take a breather.

"Color... keep the color down..."

I accidentally say it, and I look around as a hack, but no one.

I was relieved, but I couldn't help but wonder if your young lady was close to Master Clark because I wasn't here by now.

No, no, no, it's crazy. It's crazy.

Shake your head and shake off your unlikely imaginations and emotions.

I'm sure if you change your mind and head out into the hallway, there's someone out there. Well, my consciousness broke off when I wondered where the nobility would be.

The next time I woke up, it was in the carriage.

I don't think this is true, but I don't think so.

Duke's Lady Leticia, seventeen. I was kidnapped for the first time in my life.