"Hey, Jill. Are you sure it's good over here?

"Come on? I'm not familiar with it either, so I'm not sure. But... sounds like you can hear it from here, right?

I gavel appropriately at Cefek, who pulls Chemetho's hand and keeps moving forward.

What they're trying to make their way to is a cage where advanced... special abilities are captured. On the face of it, someone stands in an advanced cage and tries to disguise the product being captured. So they think there's Val, and they're going to go help... but it's actually just a positive move. I also thought Val himself would describe himself as one of the main culprits of the commotion, but in view of that, they would still not change their current behavior to join Val.

Even if I pull it off, if I get that water discharge, I'm not going to be able to contain her even with me on the boulder. In fact, I also let a few men graduate in that awesome water discharge attack as I walked this far. Until their excitement cools down now, I dare you to wait for Lady Steele to join us as she directs them in this other direction, and if Lady Steele didn't make it to the end, look at the gaps, see what they're up to.

"... kind of, on the contrary, the sound hasn't retreated far?

Second, Chemetho, with his arms drawn, opens his mouth. Sefek hears it and says, "Right?" He twisted his neck. That's true, too, because this is a completely different path. Road to the exit I remembered when I was brought to the cage below intermediate. Maybe Chemetho is smarter than Cefek, who is surprisingly older. With that in mind I laugh and talk to them to get out of the way.

"Chemetho, did you say? You're still young but you're good with words. Did Val teach you?

"Huh? It's not like Val can do that!

Sefek answers instead of Chemetho. Of course, I knew there was no reason for that either. Val is quite... no, it seems to be justified in a way in her.

"I taught Chemetho how to speak. Because this child will definitely need it.

Chemetho snorts at Sefek's words. Really? I keep saying the words while answering that they're great.

"How do you relate to Val?

Now it's a priority to deflect their attention until we get to the exit. Keep talking and ask how they react.


Surprisingly, Sefek seemed stuck in words. He said he exposed feelings similar to his obsession to Val that far, but the reaction also looks unnatural the other way around.

"I am! I love Val. Sometimes you know a lot, you look good, you look big, you look strong... kind.

"Looks strong, you just are! I've never seen him fight!

Sefek snorts at Chemetho's words. Well, it would be the effect of a slave contract, not his will, that failed to commit an act of violence. Huh. So the question passes, and I go on and throw it at the two of us.

"Do you know about Val before you met him?

"? I know. You've done worse than the people here, haven't you?

There's nothing she can do, so she goes on her feet to help Val without hesitation, sighing.

... After all, I thought young they were glorifying him for not being able to wield violence in the covenant of slavery, but they don't. Sefek in particular. Seems to take Val as he is a sinner to speculate from the way she put it and act together on it.

"... that's what?

Once, stop your legs and Sefek and Chemetho turn around on me. Those eyes were staring at me horribly straight. It was also a word that sounded threatening to me, but from the voice color it seemed to really question it.

As they were, they leaned at each other's necks and muttered, "Val asked me why I didn't think anything of it."

"It's important to us now. That's fine.

That said they proceeded to walk again.... I wonder what. Does it simply mean "nothing to do with the past"? Something catches on to that.

I was thinking about what they said, that was then. Now I can question it from Sefek.

"Jill, do you have someone important?

Chemetho looks back at me with interest in the words. And I said, "Yeah, I'm here," and she goes, "Is that family? Or a friend? She has pursued."

"... family, right? I also have friends.

Wife and daughter. I can't explain it at the age of thirteen right now, but it's an irreplaceable family for me. And Albert, the king's wife, is also an important friend to me.

"Some people are important apart from that. Those who are greatly grateful.

I remember three people, including Lord Pride, and I can laugh unexpectedly. I owe you so much for all of this long life.

Sefek re-shaken his hand connecting with Chemetho when he answered "Phew" to it.

"That's what we and Val are like.

I don't pursue it deep, I turn the corner as directed by me from behind as it is. The wind is blowing in, and the exit seems to be close.

"Really? I was wondering if I was related like a family.

When I left the cage, I declared that I would live with Val, but I didn't expect to be classified as a "valued" person, not a family. I dared to give it back to you, a little surprised, and now Cefek looked back at me without stopping walking.

"" Family "is... not a one-sided idea.

Somewhere I get worried, and my eyes, which also look cold, turn to me. "This child is family," she said to me, lifting Chemetho's hand gently upwards, still connected.

After all, their relationship with Val doesn't just seem to have been acted upon together. When I changed my mind and started analyzing it.

Badabba... Tata Tata Tata Tata

I heard a lot of footsteps from the direction that should be the exit. It's getting closer to rushing in here.

I knew it was this way, and I put Sefek's hand in front of Chemetho to intercept the footsteps that were coming. At that moment

I tapped the knife gently into their necks and took away their consciousness.

Not long after, he exhaled with his front face and held the two men who fell in as they did before crashing into the ground, slowly letting them sleep on the ground.

"I fully understand that he is important to you.

Large numbers of footsteps come closer and closer, and gradually their shadows become clearer. I understand that it is not a number of ten or twenty. It's more than that.

"That's why I can't put you in danger.

A large crowd stops in front of us once. Look at that and make me laugh.

From here on out, it's our turn.


"Are you okay P,... Jeanne.

Eared small at me as Arthur looked around. Sefek and Chemeth... and then Chancellor Gilbert followed him out of the cage for a while. At first I heard the sound of sabotage, which would be Sefek's attack, and sometimes the explosion and the hustle, but now I don't hear much. It's been a long time since Steele and Val signaled, and it's about time Steele came here for a long time... Everyone is worried about whether we should keep an eye on the door of the cage that has already been destroyed and run away from it now, or whether we should make a big deal of ourselves here in order not to suffer terrible reprisals, and asking what's going on around us. Though I have voiced to everyone that it is dangerous to jump out of me and Arthur now, it will also be difficult for Arthur to continue to accept my stories of children anyway.

"Ste... I wonder if something happened to Philip...

And when he spoke of the anxiety that had engulfed him, he heard Arthur sipping as well. Maybe he feels the same unspeakable anxiety as I do.

The truth is, by now, the Style would have come and moved the people in the cage for a moment and we would have returned to the country. Yet...

Is Style safe, Val, Chemetho and Sefek, Chancellor Zilbert? The more I think about it, the more anxious I get. We want to rush to Stayle and the others right now. But if we get out of the cage now, they'll get caught, too. Even if we lead them together, it's hard not to leave everyone behind, including children and people who seem to have difficulty moving.

... I don't know what to do, in case anything happens to one person because of my endeavors.

Suddenly the explosion sounds. Everyone in the cage raises their voice and trembles in the aftermath or in the roar and vibration. Looks like there was an explosion somewhere. I couldn't stand the fear. More people roared around me about to jump out of the cage this time.

Stayle... Chancellor Gilbert... and Arthur, too, didn't really have to come here.

I can put my strength into my hands holding both knees that are going to tremble when I get distracted. I won't stop when I come up with it. I don't know what to do, if it's not just the people here, but the Stiles.

"I'll be fine.

Suddenly, he calls out and raises his face from his knee. Looking up at the voice as it was, Arthur was smiling kindly at me.

"I will definitely protect you. And..."

Suddenly, I heard another noise across the cage. A large number of angers and screams echo as if to quash Arthur's words. "Fuck off," "Don't miss anyone!" and "When?" all sorts of voices mingled, becoming one loud volume to clear our ears. Everyone in the cage solidified themselves to the sound and turned to peek in the direction of the fearful voice.

"Hey, over here, hurry up."

Somewhere, I hear a familiar voice. Arthur moved in front of me as I circled the thought of who it would be, repositioned and stood up to hide me with that big back. "To it," he said in his voice as he continued his earlier words again, continuing.

"Whatever his strategy is, it's perfect.

Say that and look back small, show your teeth and make them laugh.

When I heard Arthur's words, I remembered. This morning, the operation that Steele and Chancellor Gilbert thought of for me.

Predicting how many things Steele can envisage, contemplating all the countermeasures, and fleshed out by Prime Minister Jilbert assembling the right staffing for it, that maneuver created for me by the schemers and the strategists, the two geniuses.

"You have me, him, that guy. But that's not all.

Keep your back to me and Arthur keeps on saying things like he's talking to himself.

The spine was straight out.

"To my country"

The voices of people who seem to be the cause of the noise are approaching. "Here or here?" "Yes! Earlier the boy taught us..." a large number of figures popped up in front of us with a rushed scream.

"I have a knight.

The knights dressed in white troupe clothes appeared before us at the same time as Arthur's words. The people captured in the cage rejoiced at once and rose. Let your eyes shine and raise your voice that you were helped by their presence.

I was surprised too, I took a breath and grabbed my chest reflexively.

He's here...! Proud warrior of our country.

He who saves the people directly with his hands.

The Knights of the Kingdom of Friesia.