"Almost there. Are there any of them running late?"

"Captain! The Eric squad has been contacted that they have already completed the rescue and rendezvous with Squad Three.

"Well, then we'll just run away."

Captain Alan gasped for a report from a special ability to communicate, reinforcing his retreat leg. We looked at each other and relieved ourselves as we heard it. Good, if no one misses the escape...

"That's now! We've been contacted that two protected children have jumped into this cave."

"Oh, no way."

Val reacts before Captain Alan, who was listening to the report. I probably thought the same thing. Captain Alan shouted, "What are you doing? The column is", but everyone should be careful and confirm until the road is broken up between them! and as I skip directions, I ask the knight of correspondence.

"How did those children get around the knights?"

I can push my head in again to keep my face off Arthur at the same time I raise my voice. Keep it that way. Now as Chancellor Gilbert deludes himself, "What kind of child is it?" He overlaid the question to the knight.

"It's a man and woman around the age of ten. I haven't been able to confirm the details yet, but I've been able to escape because of the water's special abilities…"


Val's roaring rage echoed along with speeding up his legs. They will also outrun the knights who were with us to lead the way. I tried to pull it off, but at an untimely time, I was struck out louder than that by Captain Alan's voice, "Hey, wait, wait, wait, wait." Now it's time I tried to stop you, and now it's Val's "Sefek!" Chemetho, "he is struck down by the yelling. The knights also tried to chase us, but it seemed like the best they could do was protect themselves and us from the rubble that had collapsed because of the collapse on a road that was not wide enough. At that time.


Girl's, voice. Sounds familiar, it's Sefek's voice. Val ran even faster than I noticed. Captain Alan also decided it was the voice of a child he was in contact with, and told the knights behind him, "We're going fast!," he exclaims, increasing his speed even further. A knight, who had lent his shoulders to Chancellor Jilbert as a child, finally runs with even him, going as far as a path split between his hands so that all of us could be one lump and follow Val's back. This is where we were first asked about our special abilities.

"Val! Val! Val!"

When we caught up, Sefek just jumped to Val with tears in his eyes. Sefek, who is only eleven years old and has a low back length, clings to the big Val's hips of his body. Val took it with both hands and said, "What happened to Chemetho!," he said absurdly.

Chemetho, Chemetho's over there.

Pulling Val's clothes, the tip Sefek pointed to was the path to the lower intermediate cage, which was already completely blocked by debris from collapsing. Sefek explains to Val, who shouts why he's not with him, that a rubble fell between them where he was worried about which way to go and was torn apart.

Val struck the dirt wall with special abilities toward the other direction in an attempt to manage the debris in front of him as he tongued. Some rubble moves that drags me down the road by my abilities, but I can't move as much as I think.... too much debris. It's not like the rubble Val wants to move will move to build the dirt walls either. His special abilities are only two things: building a dirt wall in front of him, and creating a shelter centered around him. It is not the ability to manipulate debris as you wish.

The knights try to do the removal work, but before that, the cave rocked like a ground again, and the debris came down ragged. The knight tries to destroy it with his sword, but one rock gets bogged down, and when it collapses, more rubble falls from the top and becomes blocked like a block erase. Thought I'd wave my sword, but maybe the results are the same. They will be buried in the rubble further up where they destroyed one place.

"Fuck! Chemetho! Chemetho, answer me."

As Captain Alan flies instructions to the knights to reduce the number of people stuck here anyway, Val grabs the rock and pulls it out at will, desperately trying to escape the debris in front of him with his bare hands. A bigger rubble fell and stuck his hand further into a small gap in the clogged hole, scratching to pull the rubble again. My hands were sandwiched by the rock many times, and if I scratched out the rock at my disposal, my nails were cracked, peeled off, my hands were also cut and bloodstained.

Still, Val keeps calling Chemetho's name over and over again without hesitation and digging holes toward the rubble.

The knights help a few people and start removing the rubble rocks, but during that time the collapse of the cave itself will not stop. The knights would at least try to evacuate us alone, but I stuck with Arthur and refused. "Just them first," he exclaims, allowing Chancellor Gilbert and Style alone to evacuate. Chancellor Gilbert tried to stay himself, but when I asked him for my brother's favor, he nodded silently while making his face rude and was taken straight to the exit. Sefek also resisted when he stayed with Val, but was forced by the knight to take him.

"Arthur, don't let Master Jeanne die."

Two knights and Val, and me and Arthur stayed, and Captain Alan led the other knights and Chancellor Gilbert as they devoured their teeth. After I dropped off Prime Minister Jilbert and the others, I too went down from Arthur and peeled the rubble with Val and the knights, and began digging. Arthur was baffled that I first started digging, but soon he started digging rubble with me. Regrettably, though I was powerless and of little use to my 11-year-old body. I can't remove the rocks that Val and the knights dig up with one hand without stepping on them with both hands.

"... Val?

The collapse was even more intense, when Arthur and the knights tried to force me and Val alone to evacuate.

I did hear the boy in a small, creaking voice. If you look at it, Chemetho is peeking into his face through a hole that he was able to penetrate small.

"Don't move from there."

A knight spreads a penetrating hole, Val digs it, Arthur digs it, and so do I. It was when I managed to spread from a hole about as wide as my arm would go through to a single adult arm.


Looking back at the noise, our scaffolding was starting to collapse this time. I noticed that the knights said, "Oh no! This area is on a cliff." When I heard that, I accidentally stopped breathing for a moment. Not only from the top, but also from the scaffolding. The danger is at last imminent.

Quick, we need to help Chemetho.

According to Chemetho's cry across the rubble, he is now in a state sandwiched between rubble and rubble. He said he was inhibited by rubble, both from the front and from the back, and he couldn't move at all.

Then we have to help him out before the rubble collapses any further. Chemetho is crushed like this in places where there is no escape.

"! That's right, Val. Chemetho's close now, so now he's got special abilities to focus on himself."

If you make a dome! As soon as I tried to say, "No! Chemetho's physique makes him drink with the rubble because of my abilities."

"Oh, that's good. Temehe and the others, go to the exit!

Val screams at us as his teeth clatter. He says in the dark, "I'm the only one left."... Does he know? Even if you use your own special abilities, it doesn't work like it did when the cliff collapsed. This time it's broken from my feet. Just covering himself with rubble is the best he can do, and I'm sure he won't even be able to exchange it if his feet fall apart.

The knights finally try to pull Val from the rubble in order to evacuate him. But Val yelled at the rubble with the force of his arm, "Stop, stop, stop, stop."

"Temeh and the others are new knights, or don't you remember?" I'm a sinner. "Temeh and the other knights were captured in a Knights raid four years ago. I'm a great sinner who was corrupted by a contract of servitude!

So let it go, Val says it out in a quick breath. But still, the knight didn't mind grabbing his body and trying to pull it off. But he doesn't move hard either. When I accidentally rang "Val," he shouted "Don't say anything," and stared at me with his bloody eyes.

"Don't say that..." Never, don't order... "

Val roared as he exhaled rough as a whoopee and a beast. I can force him to withdraw from this place no matter how much he refuses, as per the servant's covenant, if I order him to. Before that, he refused.... naturally.

Because that means abandoning Chemetho.

-... this must be wrong.

With that in mind, I dare to open my mouth. To him who still continues to resist with the knights and clings to strip away the rubble.

"... Val.

He opens his eyes to my words and groans, "Stop" just by his throat. If I command him, he cannot be defied.

As the collapse continued, quietly I caught Val's eye upright and ordered...

"Pull us off with bare hands and dirt walls.

The knights, Arthur, moved Val before he understood what I said. Push the knight with those two hands with forgiveness and wield special abilities. He built up debris and built high dirt walls between the knight and himself. As the pile of rubble hides his ragged and Val figure, he looks back at me smaller

... I was laughing.

I couldn't hear him with the crash of the cave and the sound of the dirt walls of the rubble piling up, but his mouth did move towards me.

"Thank you," he said.

That's all we saw, and he had a dirt wall built before us, and he disappeared.

Arthur held me again, unable to squeeze out words. Arthur, who shouted "Let's go" straight to the two knights, rushed straight out to lead the way. Both knights follow Arthur silently, as they perceived something.

Stick to Arthur's shoulder and eat his teeth all the time. Still, tears seeped into his eyes, burying his face on Arthur's shoulder without hesitation and rubbing it against him. Where Val was, the dirt walls, smaller and smaller, descend into the rubble.

... Here's what I had to do.

Because this is what Val wanted.

There's Sefek outside. If you think about her, you should at least have taken Val home.

But he did want it then.

That if we can't save Chemetho, we'll be underneath the rubble together.

- Soon afterwards, I will regret this decision badly.