Leaving the Vals to the Knights, me and Stayle rushed out to the cave.

We definitely approach the cave with short and instantaneous trips to places that are not visible to the sight of the knights so that someone doesn't see where the styles are using their abilities. And we got to the side right away, and then we both ran in all at once. I unwittingly rejoice and raise my voice on that side of my sight, distracted by the other knights.


Arthur looked back at my voice with great momentum and rushed out here.

Chancellor Gilbert, who is a child from the shadow of the knights, notices my voice and runs in the same way. The other knights noticed and turned their eyes round and focused on us. Looking at them, no one seems that badly injured. Boulder, the elite knight of my country, they spared me only direct hits. Good, the moment you tried to raise your voice that you were all safe.

Arthur hugged me as much as he wanted.

All too suddenly, my eyes were round and I was surprised that Arthur was able to help me.

"... Dude, come on... go and do it...! I'm so worried right now.

That's what I told Arthur to squeeze out, and he mumbled small, and I was surprised. Yes, there's no way he cares kindly about me for disappearing after the bombing.

When I saw Chancellor Gilbert, there were small tears in his eyes with a heartily relieved look. He was worried about me again. "Safe and above all," the voice was also slightly trembling.

I could hear Arthur holding me tight eating and tying my teeth hard. It's even more powerful and a little painful in its arms to indulge in something. Still, I pulled his neck full of moles and Chancellor Jilbert's neck together by turning both arms.

"I'm sorry to bother you, both of you. It's okay, because I'm fine.

Saying so and also hugging from me, contrary to that, Arthur's arm was slightly loosened and Chancellor Gilbert gently hugged me and Arthur back.

Two, the style lined up beside me speaks to him as "Arthur". As Arthur noticed, he moved his face slightly and said, "Eye, you're awake.... the body." and cared for Style's body. "How are you feeling," Chancellor Gilbert also tells me.

"No problem.... bad.

At the end of the day he was small and whined like that at first sight. I also found that the words were addressed not only to Arthur, but also to Chancellor Gilbert.

"So, where the hell are you?" he called to me, as Arthur regained his mind a little.... Unexpectedly stuck in words, when they solidified, Chancellor Gilbert and Arthur noticed it and both voiced "no way" at the same time. Ask for help from Stayle, but all this shook his head and he refused. Rather, as soon as I said farther away, "By the way, Val fell off the cliff safe, my sister you helped him out," I could tell even though I didn't like the two of you turning to me with certainty.

"Ah... no, the...... Here! S... I'm sure Philip would come"


Suddenly, a red-haired knight captain slowly entered from among the knights. Captain Alan, who grinned bitterly as he followed behind it, and Eric, the knight he met in the cage, walked over to us. The red-haired knight captain has seen you at several ceremonies besides Chancellor Gilbert's party… yes, he's a column captain. After calling Arthur's name, he twisted his neck with a wrinkle between his brows.

"Or... column... captain...

He hid me on his back like Arthur panicked and turned to Captain Column correctly. Arthur is also well aware of some atrophy from over his back.

"Ah... why is Captain Column here...? Troop number three is in the escort of the rescued people...

"Alan asked me to find a girl named Jeanne. Besides, I was just looking for a boy who disappeared from the carriage, too. More than that," why are you here "is this dialogue. Why do you have the 8th squad on the most squad and 3rd squad assignment? Mostly on Kingsguard duty today...

A pale speaking column captain notices me in the shadow of Arthur and stops the words. Hmm? And he glanced at his face and said, "What if that kid is Jeanne that Alan was talking about?" and approaching me. Arthur tried to hide it from me, but as soon as Captain Column gently slapped me on the shoulder, my posture grew. Are you such a scared senior...?

"Are you Jeanne? I would have been scared, already big length...,...


In the dark, Captain Column, who took a serious peek at my face, solidified every expression as it was. Behind him, Captain Alan points to Captain Column and laughs, comparing us to how Eric grated. The other knights crept out to peek at me from the back of Captain Column, wondering.

"Um... Captain Column, you know, this kid..."

He tried to speak to Captain Column as Arthur panicked, and mumbled as he did. I wonder what happened to that momentum when Captain Alan was there.

Asking Chancellor Style and Gilbert with just their eyes, they both nodded silently.... I have no choice, perhaps some of the other knights will have an idea.

"... Arthur Beresford, explain. The reason you're here, the Kingsguard knight, and the girl who looks just like you on that day of your life. And even suddenly appeared in the cells of the Knights..."

The moment Captain Column grabbed Arthur's shoulders and caught Arthur with a serious eye to make him confess even now

Arthur disappeared from the spot.

Captain Column leaked his voice and rounded his eyes by pulling a step "Becoming... ⁉" in front of him. It's extra because Arthur disappeared and instead there's a brunette boy where Arthur was.

"You suddenly disappeared from the ambulance..."

Apparently, the boy that Captain Column was looking for was about Style. I peered into Style's face as I patted my eyes, wrinkled between my eyebrows, … noticed.

"... if you do... still ⁉" he said, and in response, Captain Alan ran over to the next door to see what was going on. Then Style disappeared again in a moment of movement and moved next to me in an instant. Looking back small, there was already no Chancellor Gilbert. Probably been moved momentarily before Arthur. The fact that Style comes next door adds an extra glance at me. The other knights deliberately began to leak their voices.

… and I turn to them slowly and thank them.

"I'm the First Princess, Pride Royal Ivy. Ladies and gentlemen of the Knights, thank you for this. Thanks to you, neither I nor my loved ones have lost anyone's life, and most importantly, I have been able to safely and salvage an important people.

When I told them so clearly, all the knights turned away. And at the next moment everyone, starting with Captain Column and Captain Alan, kneels before us in a panic.

"You can report back to the Knights Commander about me and my dear brother Stayle. My deputy will now speak directly to you.... It's just that Arthur complied with my tenure as a Kingsguard knight. Please don't blame him. This time he was merely here with my escort.

The knights replied at the same time to my words, and I slowly reached for the style as it was. Style graciously takes my hand and reviews the knights together.

"Excuse me," he grinned back at me and the knights staring blindly at me, and we followed the scene.

My heartfelt gratitude to them for all their spirits for the people, at least.


Gacha... gacha... gacha...

"No one is dead from the bomb! At least five or six people. Come on."

He laughs as he glimpses through the sky with pleasure. Keep talking to yourself, like, "Uh, but... no, no, no, no. Someone's dead, right? You're dead, mighty. Big deal, but it's a bomb. What do you think you guys went out of your way to unleash it for?," he murmured bumpy. The blast cleared, and when I finally could see how it was, everyone was babbling. I also wished I could drop the bomb here when there were knights and someone gathering near the cliff, unfortunately after I used it all up for one thought.

"Tsumara, hey, hey! It's a Bakemon, after all. All the Freesians.

roaring as he slammed the abyss of butterflies and balloons. And at the end of the day, the men around him, other than Tippet, trembled bickly as they slapped their fists through their heads.

"I'm that bucket monster, too.

Blushing and squeaking, he let the men spread his hands as he turned to Nitanita and his unpleasant laughter.

"Yes Attention ~! We're withdrawing to our country! By the time we got here, Friesia had already attacked -! The bomb was used all wrong by someone stupid -!

With that said, I pulled the chain of the closest man. Yes, … chain (...). A hand connected to the chain is pulled, and the man is drawn even as he screams. Make him laugh cheerfully when he says, "Ha, ha, ha." He asks, grinning mercilessly at the man who shakes his head saying he doesn't like it.

"Which would be better to die the worst way with my special abilities, or be disposed of normally when I get back to the country?

When the man shook and collapsed on the spot as he was, he looked like he didn't give a shit and said, "It's okay - just in case. If I can't delude you, I'll have you dead instead," he said, turning his back lightly. I give orders to the men around me to get ready to go home.

chatter… and make noises whenever their chains of hands and feet move.

"Don't forget, okay? You slaves are nothing but a commodity to us.

And. He continued his words and looked down again. The Freesian knights are still snooping at the moment. Foot in the abyss of a balloon, he mocks the knights.

"Wait, Freesia. You will all be displayed on our country's merchandise shelves one day.

With intent to kill and madness, he laughs. As the knight watches the people of Freesia crawl to the ground and squat, chained together.

"This Adam-sama led the Radiya Empire.

He… the balloon melted in the dark night with Adam's convulsing grin.