"... you've done a shame.

My father stood beside me staring in the direction the carriage disappeared, even when I was blind.

When I asked him what it was, he laughed small enough to include it and slapped me on the shoulder.

"If Her Royal Highness the First Princess of Pride is not the heir to the First Throne... I would not have had to dissolve my engagement...

Sorry, I smile back at my whining father. [M] I didn't expect your father to worry about that.

"Pride and... dissolving my engagement with her gave me a chest ache as soon as I was prepared with that treaty.

She and I said this was the last time.

Rapidly spared. I didn't like it when the engagement ended, I thought.

My chest continued to ache, no matter what I was told, if I thought it was no longer my relationship until today.

"But... I still like this country and the people. I love you so hard to replace anything. And..."

"Leon. Also, because I look forward to seeing you.

"I'll see you again. To my dear, dear girlfriend.

Many times in the future, I can touch that voice, smile.

That's all I am too happy for. [M]

"Pride means you can see him as many times as you want to." As an ally.

Alliance.... I don't feel chest pain for some reason in the sound of it. I even feel proud of the relationship. That she is an "ally" with a noble, noble and sober girlfriend.

However, I was spared not being able to touch her skin on that hair as my "fiancée" anymore.

If you hold such emotions against her, you should have touched more in your fiancée and left more proof of love in her body.

"Benefactor," "Savior," "Fiancé," "Alliance."

I wanted to leave more of the special nature of this thought of her than enough to choose any word.

... I'm sure I won't be bound to pride in the future either.

Because I have mine, and she has her own country to love.

That's why it's only good for a moment.

I wanted my head full about me.

I wanted to bury everything in her about me.

For the first time in my life, I held this thought against one woman.

Even if I were to join another woman as king, I wanted to dedicate only one special part of me to her.

I can't touch those sweet lips.

The only time I can touch her there is this time because there is only one man beside her who will continue to love her forever.

... but just beside it.

Enjoy the desire to touch your lips and touch them beside you.

My first love was yours.... for proof of that.

"I didn't know my first love was such a tight, hot thing.

I can't believe how painful but sweet and uncut love ignites my body.

"I look forward to seeing you again soon. To the kingdom of Friesia, … to pride.

If you close your eyes, her figure rises as if she were in front of you.

As whispered in this ear, a beautiful voice runs through my head.

How long has it been since this moment in your chest?

Since when have I really fallen in love with Pride?

I don't even know myself.

When you took all my weaknesses?

When you told me what I really wanted. [M]

When you gave denial and affirmation to all your emotions so far?

When you took this hand and told me you'd be happy?

When I found out you saved this country?

When you returned everything to me? [M]

When you called me an ally?

When you denied me Elvin's words?

When you gave me your vows to love my country?

... because she rocked my emotions too much to remember.

It's just that I fell in love with her.

That fact remains the same.

To this love that loves the country, loves the people, and still fills and overflows my breasts so much.

… if I can get another place to put it.

I have good pride.

Let's keep loving her.

We should lose this love one day,... until then.