Cedric Silva Lowell.

He is the target of Kimihika's first offense and Tiara's fiancée.

Cedric is my narcissist prince against Leon, the prince in charge of colour.

From his birth he grew up as the second prince of a clandestine kingdom, and is thieved by the people of all parts of the country, even with a splendid alias. I am a narcissist who has absolute confidence and confidence in my beauty and in the beauty of my life.

Such was his decisive weakness until one of the events a year ago… no, there were shortcomings.

He was terribly ignorant.

For some reason, he hardly ever did anything called study. For this reason, it is so unknown and ignorant that it is superior. Honestly, enough to say you're stupid if you judge by the amount of knowledge and common sense at this stage alone. No matter how much his surroundings advised him to study, he didn't dare try to learn.

At the beginning of the game, after a hard experience, he was a perfect prince worthy of my personality, but still occasionally his knowledge was biased and Tiara of Knowledge had occasions to tell me all about the world.

There were only five people in the game who put in a recap scene and put in the pride of the virtuous queen, the aide's style, and the protagonist tiara, such as someone who honestly listens to what he himself says.

He is badly wounded by Queen Pride and will be conveniently used and tormented even a year after the start of the growing game.

In the retrospective scene, he was a narcissistic prince who was only a year ago and still remained me and childish, but at the start of the game, he was a trusted prince, even though I was a narcissist and mostly an adult, and his majesty and knowledge as a royalty were quite considerable. … although at the same time it had become a severe human distrust. Later in the game, he said from his mouth, "Until a year ago, I was... just a stupid kid who didn't know anything".

I hurt my heart terribly a year ago. He makes everyone incredible, except for just one.

Tiara continued to treat him with a gentle smile and heart as he swung at his fortitude like me. When he realizes it, Cedric is distracted by Tiara, touching love and becoming able to believe in people. Moreover, the gap in the weight of what he held was a popular character, which became apparent from the second half. The childish side that gives me a glimpse when I teach things to a knowledgeable Tiara, and the sweet dialogue and intensity that she releases to Tiara over and over again, were irresistible to users I like...

... What the hell is this all about?

I quietly sort out what's going on.

After Prince Cedric was led to the guest room, once me and Tiara left the room between a glance.

As it were, I was indulgent in my room with Tiara...

"Her Royal Highness the First Princess of Beautiful Pride. May I have a moment, please?

... Suddenly, Prince Cedric visited my room. Besides, for some reason, in my name.

I thought you came to see me in my room because Tiara was there.

Not only me to this, Tiara, but also Arthur the Kingsguard and Captain Column, Jack the Kingsguard and Marie the dedicated samurai, Lotte, were also Pocan.

"Yes... yes, I'd be happy to.

I wondered why it was me, not Tiara, but I couldn't help but snort that maybe if I wanted to shoot a general in a previous life, I would be the first to shoot a horse.

A second prince, Cedric, sneering at his golden hair and laughing invincibly, offered his hand as it was. I was wondering if you were going to take my hand and walk me, and when I lay it on that hand, it gently envelops my hand. He pulled my hand and wanted me to show him around the castle, and, acknowledging it, grinned satisfactorily… behind my back, his eyes turned.

"... they are.

At the end of his gaze were Arthur the Kingsguard and Captain Column. Well, speaking of which, the Kingsguard Knight itself is my first attempt in my country, and maybe it's odd that the knight is beside the royal family all the time.

"It's my Kingsguard knight. Captain Column of Squad Three and Lieutenant Arthur of Squad Eight, they are both comforting allies who protect me.

If I told him with my hands showing the two of them, I peered into Arthur's and Captain Column's faces at close range as if Prince Cedric were going to eat in.

"Ho... quite.... but well.

Prince Cedric's second prince shrugged like he was talking to himself, laughing softly. Both Captain Column and Arthur are blinking in difficulty with their reactions in a way that doesn't make sense.... Maybe you're talking about your face. Because he is a narcissistic prince with a firm hold only in his appearance.

Prince Cedric second prince shook my hand again saying, "Shall we go then?" so as not to care about those two. As soon as I opened my mouth to ask where you wanted me to lead you from.

"Wow... I'll be with you."

Tiara rushed out with a slightly panicked voice. Looking back, he smiled and stopped behind me and Prince Cedric II.

"I want to hear a lot about the United Kingdom of Hanazoo! Do you mind? His Royal Highness Prince Cedric II.

To Tiara's smile, Prince Cedric turned his eyes round as surprised. He laughed sooner afterwards and agreed with me with pleasure, "Be sure." Tiara thanks me happily and walks out next to me.

... Could it be that Tiara, Prince Cedric has already distracted me? Fearless King's Road route.

Arthur, who was behind it, was also worried about leaving Tiara, and his exhalation entered his eyes with chills. Without even knowing it was a crisis where Tiara might go Cedric Route. I'm so sorry I can't tell you.

"Nevertheless, Her Royal Highness Princess Pride I and Her Royal Highness Princess Tiara II are both beautiful. You two always together?

"Ha! I'm always with you. Your sister is kind, so please stay with me all the time.

Tiara answers the eating mood before me. "It's an odd encounter, I grew up with my brother too," Prince Cedric replied with a smile as he responded to it. Blondes are so picturesque.

Did I fall in love with Prince Cedric at first sight after all? Then you should not give Tiara, who is holding my hand tightly, the hand of Prince Cedric II, who is holding my other hand...


I was thinking about that, and suddenly my hair was touched. When I shook my shoulder in surprise, Prince Cedric II was smiling at my hair to my hand.

"Beautiful hair in crimson.... smells good.

Surprisingly I've looked up with my body bent to make sure I've hardened. And on my hair.


... to the hair, to the mouth.

Physical movement stops unexpectedly due to no real behavior. In response, Prince Cedric II has turned a strong decision face on me that can also be seen on Doya's face. On a small, face-down clap, his ornament made a jalali noise. A cross pendant peered small from the chest of his clothes.

Hair... Unlike the back of my hair or something, I don't feel anything! But, but, but...

things are so embarrassing!

Moreover, as his face grew hotter with more embarrassment in front of Tiara, Arthur and Captain Column, the second prince Cedric, who laughed gracefully, gently lifted my hair as it was.

"Excuse me. She had such beautiful hair, I guess.

I know it's not... and it's unfortunate. I'd be pissed off with a grin that I haven't reflected on at all if I dared! "Would you have preferred this one," he said as it was, and now it was the back of his hand that mouthed him. Though my face gets hot for a sudden continuous attack, I think.

... I don't know why, I really remember somewhere.

"Excuse me. She had such beautiful hair, don't follow me.

'Was this better?

Sure, that's the dialogue Cedric in the game was telling Tiara in the three-day castle stay scene after the engagement announcement.

... that's why it's directed at me.

"Excuse me, His Royal Highness Prince Cedric. Even with His Royal Highness the Prince on the boulder, more than that.

Captain Column speaks to Prince Cedric as he gently peers at his royal opponent. At the same time Arthur stood before me trying to shelter me. Plus Tiara pulls the hem off my dress from behind so I can back off.

... Yes, it's not like when Leon was.

Leon did a lot for me a year ago, but that's my fiancée Leon, so I was just allowed a lot, and even if I were an exotic prince, I wouldn't be allowed to do that easily.

"Excuse me. Apparently, I've been imprisoned by Lord Pride's charm.

Again, I'm not reflecting. The handsome aura is smiled at in full bloom, regrettable but the aura is dazzling. The target of the Boulder King's Road attack.

"Her Royal Highness the First Princess of Pride. I am captivated by your beauty. … the last three days are going to be a very good one.

What about the alliance? What about the alliance? And the original purpose is.

Reluctantly resumes his guide to the castle as Prince Cedric takes his hand again.

You should not hesitate to show Wang Jiuchi around. Start with the library and walk with him as you guide him.

No, I still can't get my head together. I didn't even hate narcissist characters in my previous life, and even though I actually did occasionally fall in love with Tiara in the game, when I found out what he was supposed to be like, I really get my head all over you. I don't know what to say. "What if I'm doing that! I say," I can't help but slap you. It's like this has started Cedric Route a year early.... I'm the other guy for some reason though.

Even in the game, Cedric, who was introduced to Tiara as her fiancé, has suddenly fiercely attacked Tiara the first time she met her for the first three days.

The figure of Tiara, completely immune to men other than her brother-in-law's style, and Cedric, who forcefully leads it, was the Kings Road Love Route itself. But that's not because Cedric unconditionally fell in love with Tiara at first sight. He has a reason why he has to fiercely attack Tiara...


Word leaked unexpectedly. Can I help you? and Prince Cedric peeks into his face and stares at him unexpectedly as he thinks.

... No way, this guy. For the same reason as when Tiara... no, that can never happen first. But suppose there was a "prospect" that just did this to me, like when Tiara did.

Prince Cedric's second prince has returned an elegant grin to me gazing at himself.... Perhaps you even mistakenly think you're in love with yourself.

I stroke my cheeks stiff as my head kept spinning fast and slowly his face approached me...


His lips are definitely getting closer to my mouth if I notice. Whoa, whoa, whoa! This is a scene where Cedric, staring at Tiara, tries to talk to Tiara, it's a pre-offensive branch route event for the game, and that's when my brother-in-law's style comes to a halt on the verge of mouthing.

"Shh... I'll follow you..."

My hand sandwiched between me and Prince Cedric's face when Prince Cedric's lips were up to two centimeters away. Suddenly the present is blocked by hand and Prince Cedric's second prince deflects each body reflexively. I'm surprised, too, if you keep looking back.

... It was Arthur.

I can't believe the moment Prince Cedric tried to mouth me, even though it was such a moment that I couldn't react either. They reacted to that with a brilliant reflex nerve and cracked it open for me to come in.

Keeping his hands off my face as they were, he slowly entered between me and Prince Cedric second body by body and hid them on my back. I feel so tingly from Arthur that I can tell from over my back.

You must be angry that Captain Column tried to get his hands on it again as soon as he cautioned just now. It was such a terrible hegemony that everything was stuck there because I wouldn't say anything.

The second Prince Cedric, whose gaze would be piercing Arthur, took a step back and changed his complexion.

... maybe he doesn't realize what he's been trying to do now?

I'm not talking about disrespect in trying to take the First Princess's lips. Some countries are felonies that can also be a problem between countries.

"Prince Cedric, I see you are apparently tired from a long journey. Wouldn't it be better if you went back to your room today and took the day off?

Speak to Prince Cedric as Captain Column breaks his silence. A second prince Cedric nodded silently, invisible over my back but unable to take his eyes off Arthur like a snake-stunned frog. After falling back about Ni steps as it were, he went straight back to his room with the guards when he greeted me.

"... are you all right, Master Pride!

After I lost sight of Prince Cedric II, Arthur wandered around! and he looks back at me with momentum. It's okay and nothing. Arthur himself sheltered me, but nothing happened.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you, Arthur.

There's something wrong with Arthur, who worries so hastily that the tranquility just now is like a lie, and he gives it back to me with a bitter smile.

"I'm sorry, Master Pride. No way it's like that from by my side I pointed it out...!

Captain Column also hurries to bow his head to me. No, thank you for responding, tell her and give it back with a grin from me.

It really helped me to have Arthur and Captain Column. Plus, I'm responsible for all the gaps that I've thought about.

Immediately report to Her Majesty the Queen and His Royal Highness the King! and I stop Jack the Kingsguard from telling me. If the boulder finds out what's going on now, it's going to be a big deal. Worst of all, even a corner alliance story could ripple.

Shit...! And Captain Column also told me, but he asks everyone who was on the spot somehow to keep it just in his heart. I really can't laugh if this is such a shame to break the alliance.

"... may I at least share it with Alan and Eric when we take turns? Just in case.

I nod to Captain Column for reluctantly agreeing. Sure, that might be necessary.

Besides, it was me this time, but maybe Tiara will get the same attack next time. Though my future fiancée, before that, to the Second Princess. Not like now.

"Sister, if anything happens next, please don't ever raise your voice!

Tiara holds my hand and turns a serious eye.... I'm happy with the feeling, but I feel like my future fiancée is totally being treated like a pervert no matter what. Thank you, I replied with a grin, and what a difficult look Arthur had next to me when I threw a fuzzy glance. I'm sure you're worried about me and Tiara. Arthur, as soon as I called him by his name, he raised his face and answered me with a word.

"Thank you. Arthur and the others won't worry about anything.

Properly put your absolute trust into words and tell him. Let him laugh as he did, Arthur opened his eyes and his face gradually became red. He said, "No... no..." while hiding his mouth behind his hand. "Arthur and his coveted knights must be glad to be praised together. I think about Prince Cedric just now, smiling unexpectedly at Arthur in the light.

Why he favors me by the time I'm unusual.

What if there's just as much reason as it is when you play the game.

His, aim...


No, no, that's stupid.

I'm a narcissist on a boulder, but he won't get that stupid, cheap idea. There is also a lot of child-level foolishness through poor negotiation. I can't believe it's such a long game in a situation that should be largely stuck.... No, but if there's not a second prince Cedric yet, or... No, no, no, no, no, no.

I unwittingly shake my head beside myself. I noticed that, and Tiara held my hand and said, "What's wrong? I've heard." "It's nothing," he said, smiling back and Tiara put a small force into his hand holding me worried.

... At this time, I wasn't aware.

to the fact that the trivial distortions in the game settings I've changed have already stretched out to them.