"... Regent Vest, I'm done compiling the paperwork. I'll help you there, too.

Speak up to Uncle Vest, who alternates between the documents and the letters he received earlier at his desk for work. Uncle Vest had turned multiple paperwork over and over with a serious look.

"Oh, please, Style. We need to report this to Rosa immediately.

With that said, Uncle Vest will leave half of the bundle of paperwork to me.

Uncle Vest, the regent of this country, is not only deeply involved in our country, but also in diplomacy. It's not just about secretly exchanging letters with exotic royalty. We must send out messengers to countries all over the world, grasp the movements and ties of the nations of the world from reports from them and from letters from national representatives, notice minor changes and grasp future developments in the world from there.

And now it is precisely with the reports and letters received from the apostle that Uncle Vest is devoting his whole body's intelligence to grasping the current situation.

I take a bunch of Uncle Vest's paperwork and I say, "What do you want me to look into?"

"Collect as much information as you can about the Kingdom of Copelandi and gather it on paper. I shall examine the kingdoms of Arata and Rafflesiana, which were in the earlier writs.

The Kingdom of Copelandi… A report came in yesterday to Uncle Vest's place, a country that was allowed to visit the United Kingdom of Hanazoo. Apart from dealing with the kingdom of Anemone, the United Hanazoo kingdom, which is blocking diplomacy, allowed it thirteen days before now and invited it into the country.... just the day before Prince Leon was entrusted with a message, I don't see this as a coincidence.

Furthermore, the kingdoms of Arata and Rafflesiana were in a report from another messenger who had just arrived after the afternoon. These two countries and the Kingdom of Copelandi have a great deal in common.

Having confirmed the report, Uncle Vest hastily gathered a huge amount of material and began to untie it. I reported it to my mother first, and by now the Wangju will be starting to have strict security.

I also asked Uncle Vest to confirm the contents of the letter, but it was definitely a matter of urgency.

Furthermore, even if Uncle Vest had just looked into it, it was easy to imagine that the situation was progressing to a serious situation.

Even if I just looked into the Kingdom of Copelandi like this now, I can only predict that I don't like it.

Cedric Silva Lowell, Second Prince of the Kingdom of Sursis, United Kingdom of Hanazoo.

Suddenly he contacted us through Prince Leon, and even more abrupt visits and alliance negotiations alone. And a bunch of disrespect for pride from day one.

What's his real purpose?

Is it true that mere alliances are the only purpose?

Is the bond of the covenant in the alliance the aim? Or is the goal of entrusting the alliance to dive into this castle, the heart of our country? Or have you fled the country alone? Or...

"I hope nothing happens to your sister or Tiara while I'm doing this right now...!

At his work desk, he throws the paperwork to Uncle Vest as he runs a pen in his hand. "It's not decided yet. Besides, it's probably time for the Knights to get to security," he said back down, and I'll respond to that.... but I still can't feel safe. If I hadn't been punished yesterday today, that stupid prince would still be here again today.

Because maybe he's near pride or tiara.

Last night, he made his pride cry.

The very reason why Pride cried is a supreme peace. But before that, he tried to take Pride's lips away and ate Pride's dish on his own that night when he said I stabbed the nail so thoroughly with Jill Bale. A bunch of actions that can be described as tyranny or idiocy. At the end of the day, even the pride of reaching out flat to sinners and traitors tells me I hate them. Big enough or stupid enough?

Furthermore, when Tiara left the cooking area with her sobbing pride, she said, "There was something still to hide when Pride explained to me that she cried because Arthur had been eaten. Wasn't cooking for Arthur the only thing that was ruined?... or did that man even touch Pride's body again? No, then even a boulder tiara would tell me on that spot. Anyway.

My heart boils down to that man who made Pride cry for whatever reason.

That's all I said, this is it. I wanted to break my body, my heart and my heart so that I would never feel involved in pride again, but they were the second prince to volunteer for the alliance. What's more, this is happening before I lay my hands on it.

If the result is derived from information from this messenger…

If that prince was after our country's throat.

Or if you are about to fall into our country and throw a fire by forming an alliance.

I'll expose his neck to a silver plate myself.