Continuing yesterday, a large number of knights had been placed in Wangju since the morning.

Naturally, if Cedric's story two days ago is true, he will have come to our country to call for help from the United Kingdom of Hanazoo, which will soon be invaded.

If the Kingdom of Copelandi or another country finds out, he could be assassinated or kidnapped himself. … to thwart the alliance between our country and the United Kingdom of Hanazoo.

"... two more days to stay today. Uncle Vest, I wish you could take the back somehow.

Take a small sigh of sigh as you look out the window of the room.

Since I haven't been busy in the castle for two days now, my mother and father have told me not to leave my room until Cedric, me and Tiara have settled down. Style is with Uncle Vest, so he would still be working with me to organize information outside the country. Honestly, I'd like to help my mother, father, and Uncle Vest if I were to be confined to my room, too.

"I'll be fine. I have the style, and I'm sure I'll be able to confirm the Hanazoo United Kingdom soon.

Captain Column nodded at Arthur's words holding me back behind my back. The only people in this room right now are Lotte and Marie, the dedicated samurai, Jack the Kingsguard, and Arthur the Kingsguard and Captain Column.

Thank you and give it back to both of us and look out the window through the gap of the curtain again. I really want to open the curtain completely, too, but the captain of the column said he was worried about sniping, so he couldn't open the curtain.

"Dear Pride, how would you like to receive this letter today?

Looking back in Lotte's voice, he grabs two bunches of letters addressed to me and confirms them. This is a bunch for the last few days, including a letter from the messenger earlier. Gratefully receive the letter and confirm each sender. Acroids, beagles, nepentes, corkhorns… mostly letters from princes and nobles of nations. Some of them didn't know where the letter came from, but this time it would all be better if the sender was just noted. Sometimes, as opposed to sending countries, there are letters that don't even have the sender's name. If I don't even have a problem with the content, I'm ready to be delivered to me... but it's a mystery because I don't know what I want to do with all the one-sided words of love.

Although I was pretty confused with all the very luxurious people when the letter first started to arrive, my senses have been largely paralyzed lately. Style said you could throw it away without reading it, but some of it contains important exotic information and stories, and above all, I was tempted to throw it away without reading the handwritten text. Due to the prevalence of email and SNS in previous life, I can't get unobstructed without handwriting thanks. I can't until I get a response to the boulder, but at least I need to look right through it. It has now become a habit to read it completely and regularly. It's probably also my first and last hot period, and I need to be reluctant.

"... Um, Master Pride.

When I opened the first seal of the letter, Arthur called me and looked back. What? I looked back and opened my mouth again, squeezing my lips like it was somehow hard to say when I asked.

"Well, with a letter or something... is there anybody good or...?


I give it back to a sudden love bana statement from Arthur with a loose voice in between. Arthur was embarrassed to say it himself, too, with a little red cheeks. Captain Column also stared at Arthur in surprise, his cheeks stained to be caught.

"... No, there's always an amazing amount of letters to Lord Pride, and he reads them... I don't know.

I'm sorry, and the last time I apologized small, Arthur strayed away. I'm totally worried about my marriage. Right... and I drop my eyes on the letter once as I return it. It was a sweet love sentence as usual when I opened it. Perhaps this will also be sorted later by Chancellor Style and Jilbert.

"So far... not yet, I guess.

I think it's an ambiguous response myself. Arthur returns a small hammer saying, "Really..." I keep the word 'cause' connected and look back to Arthur and Captain Column.

You're surprised I connected the words, they both turn a little round and look back at me.

"Because you're the people who are around me, and you're so happy that you're too happy.

... Arthur's love bana caught me, or I said a little embarrassing dialogue myself.

After I said it, I regretted it and misled it with a smile, … for some reason the faces of Arthur and Captain Column were turning bright red. I am aware that I have said an embarrassing dialogue while, so my face gets even hotter so that the two of us can catch me. One beat late, Arthur hid his mouth with the back of his hand, and Captain Column also covered his mouth with one hand. Keep looking away from me, both of you.

I don't know what to do. They totally thought I was the princess of the flower garden in my head! I don't care what you think. I don't care how embarrassed you are.

"No... I decided not to ask you about that now... please...

I get embarrassed too, putting the letter in my hand on my mouth and diverting my attention from the two of them. No, I can't really say sweet sentences about people who wrote love sentences, either. If Leon or Cedric, the Prince Character, were still only Queen Lasbos, the hurdle was too high for me.

Yes... ok, I can't even look at you because I'm embarrassed when you two get back to me. I turn my back on both of them and escape to read the letter again in an attempt to dare to read it quickly.

... it was then.

"You shouldn't! Please return to your room."

"Cedric the Second Prince is still out...!

Suddenly there is some noise outside the room. I heard Cedric's name, too, and was something wrong?

Jack the Kingsguard will check with the guards outside the room. Jack, who was back, looked slightly surprised.

"Apparently... Prince Cedric II is being pulled over by the guards in front of his room.

Even though it's off-limits, the most dangerous thing is Prince Cedric. Why do you want to leave the room all of a sudden? If you move weirdly selfish, you might even buy it if you're unhappy.

I heard the captain of the column say, "Are you trying to come to Master Pride...?," he muttered small. Arthur changes his complexion when he hears the words. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I want to think...

Then Jack clouded the words, "Oh no..." so hard to say. I wonder what it is, and once again we all keep an eye on Jack. Lotte, the samurai, worried about me, or softly put her hand on my shoulder.

"I'm going back to my country right now,... and that's what he seems to be saying...


Jack's words raise his voice unexpectedly.

I don't know what that means.

I have not yet received the consent of the alliance from my mother. Returning to the country before that is like putting the alliance negotiations themselves back on the blank. Why did you suddenly make such an outrage when you got here?

When I ran to the door of the room to rush to Cedric, Jack, Captain Column and Arthur pulled me over. Yes, I was, and I'm being discreet in my room. But even while I'm doing that, there's still some noise outside the room, and it's even further away.

Assuming the second prince of the kingdom of Sursis. I guess the guards can't push it either. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

It was just two days ago today, and Steele and I decided to try not to get involved anymore, and I thought I'd forgive you because you apologized to my mother after seeing her ask me to do it right.

Cedric's standing in me is already going right and left to a position I don't even know why. Anyway! Cedric jumps out of the room and I can't get out of the room! Then now...

"Cedric Silva Lowell, look."

Raise your voice from your belly to your throat as much as you can. Because of my tall voice, I ended up sounding like a kink tinnitus. To my sudden anger, Arthur and Captain Column circled their eyes and Marie and Lotte blocked their ears in unexpected ways.

The noise had stopped earlier when I finished screaming and finished my ears outside with my breath out.

"... call Prince Cedric II,... into my room,...

If you've left the room anyway, you won't have a problem calling me to my room. When I asked Jack, he immediately gave a message to the guards outside the room.

... I'm so sorry, guys.

Apologize to the Stales for being mad at me two days ago in my heart. But I can't just leave Cedric alone like this. I don't want to affect the alliance at the corner any more with his rampage.

Turning around and staring at Arthur, I knew he had some unspoken look on his face. Naturally, you advised me two days ago that I was about to get involved with Cedric earlier today. So.

I rushed over to Arthur and Captain Column, holding each of their hands. The two of them were surprised that they suddenly grabbed their hands and shook their arms once and for all.

"Captain Column, I think you've also heard about the other day from Deputy Eric. Please, don't hesitate to stop me if you have to.

If he's a smart guy with a head who also admits that Style will surely notice if I do something sweet or wrong again. When I asked him to think so, he nodded, "I was in awe," even as he tided his cheeks slightly as he was nervous about the sudden request.


Next, I turn to Arthur, who squeezed with his other hand. The pale eyes I was staring at with my clenched hands round, pointed straight at me. Because he protected me from Cedric over and over again, and yesterday he blamed me for it properly with Style.

"Please stay by my side.

Cut, and his eyes open without further ado. Pocan, as if, only my mouth was opened small, and contrary to that, he held my clenched hand back strongly and firmly. "Yes..." he replied, his face even more red than Captain Column's, reddening as he looked. After all, you still can't get out of alert for Cedric?... although that's also because of all the things I've been through.

Tell Captain Column and Arthur thank you and let go. While I was doing so, multiple footsteps gradually approached my room.

"... excuse me.

If you forgive me in reply after the knock, the door will open.

Cedric appears.

Squeeze a single letter in its hand.