... I sincerely beg you to go home.

It was just enough, at that time.

"Cedric, you ran away from your teacher again."

My brother, who just took office last year in the king, yells at me from below for napping in a garden tree. He lifts his head, flushing the same golden hair from forehead to back, pointing a sharp yellow eye at me.

"Hung! You don't need me, you don't have to study or anything. I'm well worth this mere existence.

My brother kicked my tree out of his mind if I return my usual reply to the crossing of my nose. Don, the tree suddenly shakes out with the vibration, clinging unexpectedly to the branch in front of you.

"What do you do! If I fall out of a tree and I get hurt,"

"Even if you get hurt, make yourself comfortable in your room, fool." That way, the good old prince won't have to worry about teachers getting away with it!

"What are you going to do if I get a scratch on this neat face of yours?"

I don't know. Just come down here! and wakes himself up with no choice but to yell at his brother.

If you look closely, you even listened to the noise to the Chancellor Dario and held him back behind his brother. There used to be remorse, but he apologized to me more than that, a good prime minister of men. From the time the number of people who kept apologizing to me crossed a thousand, my heart could now forgive me for that time even if it didn't open.

You can keep jumping, but if your brother catches you, you'll be drawn back to your teacher. Rise from the branches and reach for the windows of the castle in a slightly higher position. It's a little far away, but if you jump up, you'll manage to get it. Even while I was thinking about it, my brother yelled at me again from the bottom, "Don't run away". I'm still somewhat unscrupulous, but I think I should run.

"Yes, grab it.... Don't push too hard.

Suddenly he reaches out the window.

When I looked up, the man with his white hair sagging and rocking was laughing at me with his golden eyes over his thin edge glasses.

Yoan Lynne Dwight.

Unlike my brother of the same year, the line is also seen at first sight by Yu Man because of his thin and neutral face, but he is the king of the kingdom of Chinensis, one wing of my Hanazoo United Kingdom.

"Boulder, your brother, unlike your brother, can talk.

Yoan... I grab it in my brother's hand, jump straight up and enter the castle from the window.

"Yoan, don't spoil Cedric."

My brother's yelling voice was chased through the window. My brother closes the window looking used to it. At the same time, my brother's anger crept and the window made a pattan noise.

"Cedric, you mustn't put Lance in too much trouble. Because I'm just getting used to the King's work.

I sit in a nearby chair with a smile and a laugh and a raw reply to my brother who embarrasses me.

"My brother is too big. Even though I don't have to study, I think this beauty would suffice.

"Cedric, you're going to be seventeen too.... and there's no reason to avoid studying anymore, is there?

He is told in a soft voice and unwittingly silences himself. My brother has known for a long time why I avoid studying.

For me, who I don't remember being raised by my father and mother, only my brother and brother are my only understanders and family.

After his brother inherited the throne, the father and mother of the former king retreated from the tabernacle stage, as did the kings of history. I don't have feelings for the relegated parents who have never even been interfered with for what they were originally raised with. He stays in the country hiding his identity, but only the king's brother knows where he is. And... I'll probably never see you again. Marriage, on the other hand, will not be part of the ceremony even if we die. Those people and us who were only interested in official business were just other people with blood connections so far.

Thirteen years after my brother started taking care of me.

Nine years after my brother, who became my brother's friend, took care of me from time to time.

I never forgot about that time.

Because I had a brother and a brother, this is how I can be here now.

My brother, my brother, and I are sincerely satisfied with my current position.

If we keep staying like this, we'll be laughing forever.

"Why don't you at least learn just manners and upbringing? It's only domestic now, but if Lance opens up the country within it, she'll also have more opportunities to engage with the social community outside the country. Don't be ashamed then..."

"You don't have to. If I walk, everyone will be blinded and knelt. Whatever you do with this beauty, you're forgiven!

Scratch out your brother's words with your usual words.

My brother and his brother are also about to increase their exchanges outside the country in the future with the United Kingdom of Hanazoo.

You can't stay closed forever, my brother has long told us that the world is changing.

"Cedric... that's because you only know the country. If you leave the country, there will always be someone you must be polite to. [M]... even for someone greater than me or Lance.

"My brother and brother are kings, aren't they? Then even if there is, it's reciprocal. What, no worries. If I had someone like that, I'd laugh at you.

Anyone would be happy if I laughed, and a woman would tide her cheeks. Manners and the like can only be interpreted with the person above them.

"Because that's what I keep saying...

As his brother groaned at the sigh mix, he looked down at the fudge door as he lowered his eyebrows like trouble. If you notice, the doozy and disturbing footsteps approach.

"After all, it sounds like you should say it a little tighter.

He took a few steps back and opened the door small when he hung his hand. Ki... and a majestic voice roared almost simultaneously with the sound of light fittings "here or there".

"Cedric, today is really the day to tie you to your desk."

Pathan! and my brother comes into the room. My nose rushed in roughly and my brother was already blocked in front of me to block my path if I tried to escape through the window again.

"Mostly you! I've been chasing you for a long time, and I don't care what Joan tells me. Neither I nor Joan can take care of you.

"Don't you have to look, my brothers. What's wrong with official business? Is the king that free?"

"If you learn so hard, you don't have to do this."

If you know you're busy, don't make me take the trouble, you idiot! and my brother grabs my head. Stop it. If you yell at me when I mess with my hair, I messed up my hair even harder.

The pendant I hid under my brother's clothes spilled for a moment on my rambling clap. Throw it in the gap between your brother's clothes with the hand that he is used to.

I like my brother.

"Cedric, Lance is worried about you, too. I can't even count on the Regent or the Chancellor in the future.

"It's not necessary! Regents and prime ministers will have Fergus and Dario. I am well worth it just because I am..."

"I need to change it out of that child-like idea. What are you going to do in fifty years, young and beautiful?

"I'll be beautiful in fifty years."

"People have something called aging.

I know that. When I screamed, my brother nodded to signal to my brother in a sigh.

At the next moment, I can use my arms from behind to my thoughtful brother to tighten my neck. When I felt my life was in danger and I admitted to losing and went back to my teacher, I leaked my voice and I was finally released.

"Can you swear in the name of God?

My brother laughs softly and looks at me and my brother. He leaned straight against the table and grabbed the cross pendant on his neck to show it.

"If God was more beautiful than me, I swear to God!

Yelling at my brother on eight hits from his strangulation. Then my brother pulled both my cheeks left and right without breaking his smile. "Don't blaspheme God," he said softly, and he was allowed to snort and do it again and again.

The kingdom of Chinensis, ruled by your brother, is a country of faith, unlike ours. Pray, sing, and thank God. It is significant that the cultural differences between the kingdoms of Sursis and China were intense, both as a Union country but also leaving their form intact as one another.

Culture and faith are two countries with different everything, but it was a hundred and sixteen years ago that our neighbours, who were invaded by the Kingdom of Copelandi in the past and had long contested each other to protect themselves, merged into one nation and left that invasion.

My brother, the king of the kingdom of Chinensis, is also faithful, and I and my brother have seen him pray and his events many times every time I visit the kingdom of Chinensis since I was a child.

Me and my brother still can't believe it's a prayer by God... but I didn't hate how my brother kept praying to God for peace in the country.

"Cedric.... because it's... okay now.

Shortly before returning to the teacher's waiting room, my brother, who accompanied me to avoid escaping again, said so.

That grin, which also seemed bitter, only the golden eyes were smiling softly.

"... I know.

I turned away from my brother and went straight back to my room, too.

I like you, brother.

Brother and brother.

If these two are happy, that's good.

The only two people who have been beside me since I was a child... were these two people who protected me.

Good as it is.

All this time the country goes around in a good direction.

Yes, I thought so.

A messenger from the Kingdom of Copelandi has stepped foot in our country, until then.