"... So now you're signing an alliance. In four days, our Knights will surely rush as reinforcements. Thank you for your continued support.

Prince Cedric nodded at his mother's words and shook hands strongly.

... safe, the kingdoms of Friesia and Sursis formed an alliance.

Tomorrow the Knights will leave our country and I will be visiting this country with my sister, you and Tiara.

"Thank you..."

Everyone in the Regents around at the same time Prince Cedric lowered his head deeply to his mother.

... Nothing strange about human courtesy in this country. In other words, all the disrespect of Prince Cedric at that time would be his own responsibility.

I look at Prince Cedric, sighing quietly just by his nose. If I raised my arm to shake my hand, the arm ornaments rang, and if I lowered my head, the ears and neck ornaments made jarring noises. One in this idyllic city. What the hell is that brilliant thing?

However, I was proud of the royal family when I decided to sign it on my behalf and when I signed it with my mother.

"Now, if you'll excuse us. I sincerely wish you the best of luck.

The recovery of His Majesty the King also exchanges greetings with his mother as he continues. The Chancellor and Regent have also finished explaining from Uncle Vest and will only return later. The Knights Commander also concluded his greeting to the Prime Ministers and returned his heel with the Deputy Commander.

Just like when I came, I would take one or two hands in turn and move them around instantly.

Finally, touching the knights of Squad Three one after the other and moving them momentarily, I dare to stop them once at the last five places, including Captain Column.

"Speaking of which... I'm sorry, Your Highness Prince Cedric II. May I have a word with you?

Because I won't let you take the time. and made a laugh and said, Prince Cedric admitted as he leaned his neck slightly.

Talk to the knight a little bit, Prince Cedric. When he returns, he leaves the entrustment to his mother and leaves only the column captain to instantly move the rest of the knights for escort.

"I'm sorry, Captain Column. I'd like to stay with you for a moment.

I was awed, and Captain Column replied without hesitation. The best knights in the Knights of Boulder. It also responds quickly to rushing behavior.

Tell him thanks and head straight back to Prince Cedric.

"His Royal Highness Prince Cedric II. … now, please guide us to the King's room.


At the end of the day I lurked my voice, but soon after, Prince Cedric would raise his voice. Well, it would be a natural reaction. Take him to the king of the hospital bed, etc., and the other person to be guided is the second prince. That's what I can't help but doubt my common sense this time.

"It's just a confirmation. Please excuse me as soon as you show me around.


At last the ministers around them began to be surprised by Prince Cedric, who had a strange look on his face. I had no choice but to ear Prince Cedric softly to make it quick.

"Because of the First Princess of Pride, I really want to see with this eye the authenticity of the king who is in the hospital bed.

With all due respect, Prince Cedric's eyes were opened to my words. Turn your body towards me and pull a step back. Stunning, words such as opened his mouth small whenever he said something worthy, and closed it tightly. And immediately raised the glance that made him lean for a moment.

"... here.

Speak up so Prince Cedric doesn't worry about the ministers. Soon afterwards, he turned his back on us. Jalali, and the ornament made a sound on the clap of flirting the body again.

... After all, does it work in the name of pride?

I blamed you for using your pride name on your own, but to conclude, it's not even a lie. Somehow, this man felt like moving if he gave his pride name.

Because of the backwardness of three days of disrespect for pride, or because of your grace when you were put through to your mother as a back shield despite your disrespect?... I don't even know that.

Walk behind Prince Cedric, under the gaze of guards and samurai. I also felt my gaze sting a few times, but if I dare to flush it with my usual grin, I have no problem.

The king's room wasn't that far from the sign room. The castle itself would also be due to its small size compared to the Kingdom of Friesia. Prince Cedric briefly explained that he was parted into the old south wing, which was barely used, and three buildings, the central and north. Proceeding further north from the signing, Prince Cedric lets the guard in front of the room speak and open the door.

Just to say the king's room. It was decorated with spacious spaces and many treasures, as well as conditioning, especially with gold decorations, just like our country. But now its brilliance also looks dull because the curtains in the whole room are due.

And behind it. The king of this country was sleeping in a bed surrounded by samurai and guards.

As soon as Prince Cedric entered the room, the maids and guards bowed their heads to him. Personnel are paid to flow as he waves.... from its back, the earlier appearance fades in hegemony again as if it were a lie.

What the hell is this man's transformation?

At least it doesn't look like it's playing or fixing it in my eyes. I never heard from Arthur that this man was working on it, etc. If both are true, why is this dichotomy?

Turn to us and get close to the king's bed with that back pulled. Prince Cedric told me the king was "suddenly ill." but…

"This is...

Unexpectedly, words leaked.

The captain of the column behind me seems speechless, too, and he made a small, mouth covering motion with his hands. I also step aside from being too miserable.

Is this really just a sudden illness?

My eyes are wide open but my point of view is not right. His breath was also terribly rough, his throat slipped away and moaned as if he were strangled right now, and he was endlessly sweaty and flowing from his forehead and neck muscles, which should have been wiped until earlier by the samurai. She says it's in bed, but she's shivering like she's freaking out and her body cramps badly. This one you're looking at is so painful. "Stop" and "No" with Zeze and his breath in absurdity. He's leaking something else with a ragged voice, but he can barely hear it because of the roughness of his breath. Above all, physical debilitation is also terrible. Was it originally a muscular body? My hand, shaken like an algae scratch, is twisted and my cheeks are starting to pour.

Pathan, and the last one left the room. The door was closed and Prince Cedric opened his mouth heavily when it was just the three of us.

"Thirteen days ago... it seems to be in this state.

He said that with his eyes open, nothing else would change at all. Talking like a potpourri, Prince Cedric quietly wiped his brother's forehead with the cloth the samurai had left behind.

"They also give water and meals as much as possible, but they're still... not enough.

This happens because the figure is big in vain. And Prince Cedric, who slams his hatred, at some point his reverence had disappeared from his words to me. His eyes, laughing powerlessly, were shaking with pity.

Two, the current powerless appearance overlapped with that of the king shortly after he first went to see how he was doing. It's only natural that you can't hide your upset if you see your brother like this. Instead, this is the first time I've seen this miserable state of affairs that has changed, and shortly after that, this man... did he have such strong eyes?

I also thought you were just a fool when you first came to our country, but... they still aren't just that.

"... I'm sorry.

If I had noticed, I would have apologized.

I was actually going to say no and go home as soon as I got into this room. But it also made me want to see if the reason for the king's absence was true. I should have been thought of enough to imitate sticking a fork in a person's wound.

Prince Cedric shook his head quietly at me.

"I'm sorry to make you look ugly this way.... I thank you, His Royal Highness the First Prince of Style.

I was rushed to my brother so quickly because of it, and I couldn't even feel the utter discouragement in that voice that I told him.... naturally. I didn't want to look like this in my body. It's decided. Still, as soon as I named him Pride, he took it for me.... then

As an assistant to Pride, I am obliged to live up to that sincerity.

"His Royal Highness Prince Cedric II. I'm sorry to be here. [M]

Once again, Prince Cedric bowed his head to us as he answered, "Four days later... thank you."

"And I'd like to ask you to keep this as confidential as my special abilities.

Gently, I ear to Prince Cedric again so that Captain Column doesn't even hear me. Now he responded quickly and tilted his ear at me.

Tell him, whisper. I used the name of pride to impose an occasion like this, with the will to repent.

"I'm going to ask you and my sister this evening. If you want to speak with His Majesty the King right away, please pay for it and you can come here too.

Prince Cedric's breath stopped for a moment. And the next moment, he turned to me violently and made me stretch my expression in a way that I didn't know why. I'll stop looking at him and pick up his reaction.

"I will answer your sincerity. Me, too... my sister.

With his back hand, he reaches for Captain Column. Make sure he lays it on my hands. Just before I tried to travel momentarily as it was.

……………‼ ︎ …………‼ ︎

Also, the king groaned. That's a saying. A plucked voice emanating from a dried throat, but it was certainly a word.

Me and Captain Column will listen to that, and we'll follow the interview. Seeing, Prince Cedric shrugged to the king as if to lay his eyes down and respond small "... I know".

... I'm sure that the King's words now are all of the reasons why he himself signed them on his behalf.

"... excuse me.

Thank you, now it's time for me to make a quick move.

Until near that point, I kept my eyes open from Prince Cedric for not a moment.

Still rocked when I said something, those burning eyes.


My vision changed and pride and tiara stood in place of Prince Cedric where I kept staring.

"Welcome back, Style!

Pride greets me with a relieved look. As Tiara continues, "Good day, brother!" He laughed.

Relaxed by the look on their faces, they turn back to their mother.

"Thank you very much for waiting, Mother. Because I really wanted to say hi to His Royal Highness Prince Cedric.

If you say that and smile back, your mother will agree. Jill Bale was laughing suspiciously in the corner of his sight. Probably figuring out that I was doing something. I want to tell you if you're watching people.

Looking back at Captain Column as he was, that look that seemed complicated and his eyes were strangely telling the story. I can tell without saying anything. Captain Column also understands.

... I said I was crazy no matter what.

Invasion of the Kingdom of Copelandi, absence of my brother or fear of the Radian Empire? There are as many factors as there are. Either way, he was a person who totally touched me and got sick. And Prince Cedric showed us without a shame to hide it. Even though she faked it as sudden illness to her mother.

Perhaps Pride knows this.

That's why you gave me your pride. You didn't hide it from me, you exposed everything.

And I quietly recall what the king said earlier. The word, whispered madly but desperately.

"Hanazoo" Chinensis.

"Protect", "Protect", "Yoan".

The name of the United Kingdom and the name of the neighbouring country. And it was the name of the king of the neighbouring country.

His kingdom and its kings and ties between the people are strong and strong.

And Prince Cedric is one of them again.

I nodded to the captain of the column, but put my index finger on my mouth and silently stopped. It can cause another wave of turmoil at the dawn of the known, such as the King's madness.

That, I'm sure, should not be talked about on this occasion.

And I don't even need to talk to you.

Because this evening, he's going back to sanity.

Reminds me of the only Kingsguard knight who's not here, and I meditate quietly in my eyes.

It's time, Arthur.

A special ability to heal the disease.

Because there is nothing in the world that can't be healed by the disease.